Riggers: How do you treat the reserve ripcord cable?

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I use silicone too, but it got me thinking.
Isn't silicone made to stick on rubber/plastic sort of material and not on metal/steel like our reserve ripcords are.
So does it do any good at all, if you rub the reserve cable with silicone?
"George just lucky i guess!"

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I use silicone too, but it got me thinking.
Isn't silicone made to stick on rubber/plastic sort of material and not on metal/steel like our reserve ripcords are.
So does it do any good at all, if you rub the reserve cable with silicone?


Depends which brand of silicone ....
Personally, I prefer riggermick's method: use WD40 as a solvent to loosen dirt, then wipe dry.

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I usually just wipe any dirt of but some riggers use silicone.

I've seen the silicone used also but have chosen not to use it on reserve RC cables. Although a small amount will indeed lubricate metal without any problem, excess use will attract dirt. I'm not criticizing it's use, I just don't think it's necessary. I can't personally attribute excess pull force to a dry cable. However, I do lubricate the pin with silicone so it will have less friction against the closing loop and top flap grommet, because this will reduce pull force.

Clean, free of snags, secure crimps at both ends, and Capewell SB compliance is good enough for me.

Blue skies

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