
Do you think skydiving is safe?

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I think we need to define safe or this will turn into a Clinton deposition. Skydiving isn't for everyone and that is why the sport has implemented the training and safety that is has.

couldnt be said better:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Hi Atle! It's funny you should appear on this forum for nearly getting hit by a golf ball. How's your foot? Are you back to 100% now?

I had a friend who always covered his head when driving by the golf course. I asked him why, and he showed me the scar on his forehead where he had a bunch of stitches. Seems he was riding his moped by the golf course and a stray ball sailed over the fence, hit him in the head, knocked him completely off his moped and into the boulevard. Small, hard balls being hit with long steel clubs...not safe.

Do you remember when sex was safe and sydiving was dangerous? I think they have traded places on the risk scale by now.

Life isn't safe!


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I've seen a few comments in here about motorcycles and what not, as well as comparisons to golf of all things, but this isn't in response to any of those posts as much as it is just an observation I've used to illustrate a point. I guess it fits a lot of activities in which people aren't necessarily faced with the great possibility that they could die doing it.
Whenever I hear the comparison of skydiving/BASE (never really the latter) being "as safe as driving a car", I respond with, "When's the last time you got to work in the morning, counted heads and breathed a sigh of relief, 'Whew...Everybody made it.'"? I've found it pretty effective at conveying the gravity of our sports.

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I think we need to define safe...


Good idea. Because whether they mean to or not, it looks like all the people who are voting "yes" are answering a different question than the one being asked, i.e., "is skydiving safer than BASE?"

The problem is that there are no statistics for BASE (yet), and a gut feeling is not reality.

Eighty-four fatalities worldwide over 23 years isn't a lot of deaths on the face of it, until you figure out how many jumps were made during that period or how many jumpers were jumping in any given year. I'm not entirely certain that the fatality rate for BASE is going to be horrifically higher than that for skydiving once you adjust for student jumps. (USPA uses all jumps in calculating the fatality rate of one in sixty-five thousand or so, including tandems and students. That tends to skew the results.)

But no matter how you look at it, to define any parachute jump as "safe" gives a totally new meaning to the word.

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More people than just Clinton have been to depositions.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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golf - not safe

fact- there are more hospitalised injuries on a golf course than any other sport bar-none including amature and pro sports

I am a greek midget

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[replyfact- there are more hospitalised injuries on a golf course than any other sport bar-none including amature and pro sports

did you get that on the Incident forum from Golfzone.com ?? :P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I tore my knee playing golf. Damn you adam sandler!, and damn my stupidity. I was running towards the ball like he did in happy gilmore, and swung too hard and over rotated my knee[:/]

For me golf: not safe

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I'd like to see your source of that information as I've heard bowling is - no shit. Of course, I have no source...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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If you define safety as absence of risk name one thing that is safe.

Things shouldn't be classified as safe or not safe, as life isn't black/white. There are degrees of safe and danger and I think skydiving is as safe as you make it. You read about some tool ook-turning with 85 jumps, whereas some girl in the USPA mag had 3000 jumps without a chop, so they are essentially in different sports.

I think with moderate safety practiced, skyding is very safe. Don't pull lower than 3500, take reasonable care of your gear, pack carefully, etc...

I'm a trash packer, so I up the odds when I can't find a packer, which up the danger a bit. Other than that, I showthe sport great respect - pull a bit high most of the time.

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Per Websters, I'd say no

Main Entry: 1safe
Pronunciation: 'sAf
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): saf·er; saf·est
Etymology: Middle English sauf, from Old French, from Latin salvus safe, healthy; akin to Latin solidus solid, Greek holos whole, safe, Sanskrit sarva entire
1 : free from harm or risk : UNHURT
2 a : secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss b : successful at getting to a base in baseball without being put out
3 : affording safety or security from danger, risk, or difficulty
4 obsolete, of mental or moral faculties : HEALTHY, SOUND
5 a : not threatening danger : HARMLESS b : unlikely to produce controversy or contradiction
6 a : not likely to take risks : CAUTIOUS b : TRUSTWORTHY
He who hesitates shall inherit the earth.

Skydive New Mexico Motorcycle Club, Touring Division

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