
Novice Wing Loading.

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I have got a lot of good info from all of you about my Sabre vs. Spectre decision. I had one more question about the wing loading that I am not confused about, but rather would like to be sure I do the right thing.

The Spectre is a 210 and I weigh about 220-225. That would put my exit weight at about 250 with about 1.2 wing loading. MY instructor said I should be fine on a 210 and then maybe downsize to a 190 in a year or so.

The Sabre is a 230 which would put my wing load at about 1.08 and from what I read is a better starting point.

My question is what are your opinions on the loading for my first main? If my instructor thinks I will be good on a 210 should I go for it? Or play safety on a 230? He said I have excellent canopy control but seeing as I have been learning on a 285 (tour bus) I am not sure how much I would be safe on yet enjoy for a while.

I have read PD's web site and they recommend the 210 wing load I will have as expert. I am no expert but 1.2 is not that high of a wing load either.

Any input would be great from all you guys and gals with more experiance!


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Go with your comfort level. You have the info. Now go with your gut feeling.

If you are comfortable and relaxed during flight, you will fly your best.

If you are nervous and apprehensive, you will make poor decisions.

Go with what makes you feel most comfortable. This sport is 90% mental. Keeping your head clear and focused, free from stress will help make you a compitent pilot.

Thank you and enjoy your flight!

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Well, there's a few ways to look at it.

For one, a 1.2:1 wingloading on a 210 isn't the same as a 1.2:1 wingloading on a 135. However, it can still kill you dead just as easily. So can a 1:1 wingloading.

The biggest thing at this point, is 1) do you trust your instructor's judgement, 2) are you comfortable with that wingloading/speed and 3) have you jumped that main at that size yet?

Your instructor has seen you fly your canopy and land, so would know your ability; however, you have to think about what you would be able to do at that wingloading when you're landing off in someone's small backyard.

In my experience, I tend to lean towards the conservative side of wingloadings when giving advice and instructing. With that, though, I have never met you nor have I ever seen you fly your canopy, nor has probably 98% of the people here that will try to give you advice.

What ever you choose to do, be careful, I don't want to read about you in parachutist!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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If in doubt I would make the conservative choice. I had the same decision when I was in your shoes. I weigh about 195 out the door and had a Spectre 190, roughly 1:1 as my first canopy. I still had tremendous fun and learned to get the most performance out of that canopy before moving on. I'm still lightly wingloaded on my 170 and still feel I can learn to get more out of the performance. I'd just make errors on the conservative side, it's not like you're not going to have fun with a larger canopy. You definitely won't have fun if you get injured with a canopy that may be too aggressive. Better to have a little less "fun" and not be dead or broken.

Again, we can't evaluate your level, you'll have to find what you're comfortable with based on what you know.

If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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i'm pretty new in this sport i have 30 jumps. Now i bought rig with a sabre 190 and the wing loading is about 0.9 What i have learned from people from my dropzone is that i will have fun ander whis wing loading for a while, then when i start getting board with it then start doing double fron riser approaches and so on. However if some wierd situation comes up i will be still safe under it. All of them said that i should buy a canopy that i will be able to land safely in the most fucked up situation. And under 1.0 is the canopy i should buy

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at 20 jumps, I bought a sabre2 190 for 1,100. I was talked out of it by a different dz. I never made a jump on it. I now have a 210 Pilot (brand new) that i payed the same amount for. I think i made a good choice.

I weigh 230 out the door, so the wing loading is 1.09:1 or basically, 1.1:1

Granted i gained 10lbs over the holidays, and, the way things are going, should be back to 220 or even 215 out the door by the time summer comes around. So i should be even lower.

Plus, ive got $$$ saved up and a lot of time this summer, so i should be very current all summer long

man i cant wait to jump my brand new rig.:)

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I hear ya!

I am going to pick mine up Sunday. I figured it out and will be loading at 1.18 I do not think that is too aggressive IMHO. I am going with my gut and my instructors suggestions. Hopefully the rig is what I am looking for! Best of luck with you new rig too!

Blue Skys!

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