
The Past Repeats . . .?

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Drill, or not, (see below text) it appears like Chuck Sweeny’s long ago BASE jump made it into the security manuals.

Chuck is alone and jumping in Los Angeles one night in the early 90’s. The site is a building under construction and the available launch points aren’t ideal. Chuck builds himself a small launch platform from whatever is laying around on the top floor of the building. He later said he inadvertently made a lot of noise, but all remained quiet in the dark street below.

After a short freefall Chuck navigates his canopy down the street and around the corner where his car is parked in a large fenced in lot. The trouble begins right after landing when Chuck is startled by the shouts of several people running towards him. Thinking, he told me later, “it’s a bunch of security guards who’ve finally had it with BASE jumpers,” he jumps into his car and heads for the exit of the lot. The problem is the group is between him and the exit. So he floors it.

It’s then the bullets start ripping into his car.

The shooting stops as the pursuers dive out of the way and Chuck (who’s practically hiding under the dashboard) makes it into the street, then around the corner, and finally out of there.

“I was pretty shook up,” Chuck said, “I was shaking so bad I could hardly drive, but I was too afraid to stop.”

At home, with the car safely hidden in his garage Chuck counts dozens of bullet holes, and then the phone rings.


“Is this Mr. Chuck Sweeney?”


At about the same moment there’s a knock on the door. Putting the phone down Chuck opens the door, and is tackled by several men and handcuffed, then hustled into a waiting van outside.

It’s then Chuck learns he’s in the custody of the United States Secret Service.

It turns out, and unknown to Chuck, that the first President Bush is spending the night in a hotel across the street from the building Chucked had jumped. The fact Chuck could have been loaded up with explosives and flown his canopy right into the President’s window is not lost on the Agents.

When all is said and done it became the King’s X. The Secret Service won’t press any charges, they are very embarrassed by the entire episode, if Chuck doesn’t pursue any counter charges himself. And that was the end of it, except as I wrote at that time, “Terrorist BASE jumpers will from now on be part of equation for the Secret Service.

And now, just the other day, we get this . . .

Nick :)BASE 194

>>Police Investigate Parachute Reports On DNC Eve
Officers Providing Few Details Of What May Have Been Drill

POSTED: 6:09 am EDT July 26, 2004
UPDATED: 8:04 am EDT July 26, 2004

BOSTON -- State police are still investigating reports that parachutists landed near the Fleet Center Sunday night, but there is little information about what may have been only a security drill.

Gail Huff Reports On Parachute Incident

The Fleet Center is the site of the Democratic National Convention, which begins Monday night.

News Center 5's Gail Huff reported that military police called in reports just after midnight that two parachutists had landed in the yard of the Charles River Park condominium complex. Additional reports indicated there were also parachutists on the top of the Tip O'Neill Federal Building located next door to the Fleet Center.

Before police helicopters arrived, officers on the ground covered the area, sending officers to the roofs of the buildings. SWAT teams went to the top of the federal building. All available state and local officers responded, some with K9 units. Nothing was found and state police said no one was arrested.<<


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..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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ha ha nice work.. all of them:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Having guns pointed at you on base jumps is terrifying. I had two middle eastern men point pistols and me and a friend walking to a base site who thought we were prowlers/burglers. I now go to the site almost wearing a clownsuit with my rig and helmet out, so that everyone knows I'm just a simple-minded jumper and not some sort of burgler or terrorist.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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Having guns pointed at you on base jumps is terrifying.

Whereas having a gun pointed at you at some other time? :P
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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Having guns pointed at you on base jumps is terrifying.

Whereas having a gun pointed at you at some other time? :P

Hell yeah. I dig a chick that has me doin' her while I'm held at gunpoint. It's hot.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Having guns pointed at you on base jumps is terrifying.

Whereas having a gun pointed at you at some other time? :P

Hell yeah. I dig a chick that has me doin' her while I'm held at gunpoint. It's hot.

I'll second thatB|

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