
BASE Jumpers: Family status

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If married and/or have children how do your families react to the sport ? What does your spouse say about all those night jumps ? etc

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I started BASE with a girlfiend..........

We broke up
my mother did not talk to me for 2 or 3 months
my aunty did not talk to me for a year and tried to emotionally blackmail me
my boss threated to sack me
some skydiving friends did not talk to me
I questioned whether it was worth it............

BASE803 (Mr C P) (I think thats his number) said to me on a meeting "dont worry it will all be worth it"..............

He was right......................

My mother is now very cool with it
My aunty has read some i wrote about it and now understands
my boss thinks its now "not that bad"
my skydiving friends are now interested and respectful ( and explained why they did not talk to me)
and I am slowly getting back with my GF who now is proud to say "my boyfriend BASE jumps)........


its hard but worth every moment of life!!! B|

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Not married, or not precisely. But my boyfriend and I will celebrate 5 years together soon so the difference is somewhat academic.

I introduced him to skydiving. Later he introduced me to BASE. Now we skydive less and BASE jump together.

No kids. Not from lack of trying, mind you. ;)

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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No kids. Not from lack of trying, mind you

maybe IVF will help!! hehehehe :P;)B|

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trying again after the previus post got hijacked by cyperspace...

i were married, and i have 2 kids,i divorced their mom before i started BASE..

My gf(who has 2 kids aswell from an earlyer realtionship)knew i were a BASEjumper as we started,she has never asked me to stop BASE,not even when she had to call her dad to go and pick me up under my local(which she got alot of troubble from).
All 4 kids think its cool and my youngest daughter (2years)could say BASEjump before she said skydiveB|,they all rather see BASE/skydive than children tv...
my parents dont like it but accsept it,and even ask to see video of it(my dad).
i got my first BASE-related problems as i had my accident,there i found out who were my true freinds and who wasnt...
But i also got new freinds by BASE(true freinds for life)
my boss dont know i BASE,and in the note about my leg.. it just said i felt on a feild;)

EDIT: im the one that said im married and has kids as you forgot the status,just the kids;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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But i also got new freinds by BASE(true freinds for life)

No shit! its wierd how some of the best friends you have in this sport dont even live in the same country!

but i guess the long timers have known this for years............ us newbies are just finding this out and realising the best people you meet and love are miles away!!!!


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Thank God BASE tandems are a rare sight.....


But my boyfriend and I will celebrate 5 years together soon

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Thank God for that, stop the madness. You can try all you want, but babies don't come out of butts. Get a clue, go back to nature, man + woman = baby.

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Thank God for that, stop the madness. You can try all you want, but babies don't come out of butts. Get a clue, go back to nature, man + woman = baby.

chill winston!!! B|>:(

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I think he has the clue, note the "sarcasm" in the post.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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HI Rendezvous,

I am glad that you have posted this poll. I have also been interested to see if there are a lot of other people out there who are succeding in their relationship with partner/child while participating in BASE activity. I am recently a new father of a baby girl about 5 months named Kindigo. The jumping has taken a back seat to the baby due to the obligations of being a new parent but I have done a few in that time and my BASE experiences are even more fulfilling then they were before. Perhaps it is a risk/reward issue but my awareness seems to have increased as opposed to being narrowed by the concerns of being a responsible parent. I guess my view point is to remain committed to my child who chose me as a father and the person that I aspire to be. BASE is very much a passionate part of my thoughts and I hold true that I will continue for as long as the fire burns within me. Fortunately, my wife is completely supportive of my passions and realizes that the fire that burns within contains all my passion and when pieces of that fire are removed due to fear then there may as well be no fire at all... that just leads to plain bad sex and that's when the shit really hits the fan!:o

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I don't personally think I could BASE after having a kid. Seems a bit selfish to the child imho...

Just my two cents and I guess, how I'm built.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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babies don't come out of butts

Oh my goid, is that right? My eyes are opened. I've reformed my ways. I've now chosen your worldview. I'm no longer sexually or romantically attracted to men. Heil JEEEEEEZUS -- I'm saved!

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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my youngest daughter (2years)could say BASEjump before she said skydive

You have taught her well, my friend. ;)

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I don't personally think I could BASE after having a kid. Seems a bit selfish to the child imho...

you know.. kids are werry forgiven.. my kids only know me as the person i am.The person i am loves to jump off objetcs,and they love when dad is happy.

BASE IS an ego sport,thats why i do it.I jump becours I like it and no one should ever tell me to stop unless i deside it my self.You know i have this veiv on evrything here in life. i do it as long as i like it,if i dont like it i stop doing it.

Cant you be a good father and a BASE jumper at the same time?that sounds as wrong as saying you cant be freind to a gay.:S
My kids would never which me to stop enjoying life,they know BASE IS life to me.

When i die(hopefuly in a rollerchair chaising BASE813 on a olderhome(?))i hope my brothers and sisters will tell my kids and family,about the Faber they knew.Colecting video and pics,and hand it to my family,to show them what a great life i had.Take my ashes to my at that time local object(if i should be so unlucky to die before i get too old to jump),and spread it from the top.

Zennie... i dont know what i did to them,i just think they were unlucky to not only get my ugly face,but also my passion to fun stuff.I really are concerned as they stands on my bed,whith a 36`pc as handheld yelling 3 2 1 c ya (going 0.002seconds)before i hear BUMP ouch.. no bones stiching out dad im okay:ph34r::D silly kids.. did i ever tell that i love them;):)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I totally agree. I am a single mother with two children and I want to start BASE jumping in the future. However, I don't think that makes me a selfish or a bad mother. I feel that I am teaching my children that just because you have kids that does not mean that you have to give up your dreams. I would never want my children to stop something because of what others will think of them. You do what is in your heart to do. I do have to say that I do always put my children first and always will, but that does not mean I can't start BASE jumping.

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I don't think that makes me a selfish or a bad mother.

I think the greatest gift you can give your children is independence: the conviction to be yourself, to follow your dreams, no matter what anybody else thinks.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I had a girlfriend who after 4 years said her or parachutes.
I still have my parachutes.
My wife has been on a couple tandems, for fun,
but she's no skydiver.
My daughter went on a tandem for her 13th birthday.
She had been after me for years to let her try.
She went for it, with great skill, but that was that.
She does have more typical teenage interests.
All of my family know that what I am is a BASE jumper.
Take that away, and what would I be?
I'll stop jumping when I'm done.
Until then, pack pack pack, jump jump jump.
My wife and child were friends with some of my now
deceased BASE jumping brothers and sisters.
They know it is dangerous, but that I respect the danger,
and jump as safely as is possible.
I have a will, and life insurance.

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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Hi freakydiver,

I seem to have a lot of friends in the community that share your opinion. It is one that I can respect because the activty is so intensely personalized but I am not sure that I understand the selfish aspect.

I do as I do, not for the things I destroy or create, but for what it is that I am. I think the concept of selfishness falls in the realm of guilt and a few other feelings that group themselves with self exploited righteousness. For me to know any better and acknowledge selfishness I would need to understand the intent of my existence which aside from various relgious followings or new age beliefs is still a bit of a mystery to me.
The one thing that is certain is that we all share the common thread that life is full of experiences and as much fun as the good ones seem, the bad ones are just as important to living a great life. I think the concept of selfishness supports the argument that bad experiences are not only undesirable but should be avoided at all cost including avoiding anything with an element of risk greater than what may be commonly accepted in our daily lives.
There is only one thing that can end a BASE career...ground. It may be the literal ground or the metaphorical grounding of one's personality to reject the risk/reward of the activity. Either way, I respect all those who have explored the deep corners of their minds to know themselves better through BASE.

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I proposed to my girlfriend at Bridge Day 02' while she was working in the Vertigo booth. I was wearing my Ill Vision hat as I dropped to one knee and popped the question. She was so happy she bought me a brand new Warlock and Dagger 244 right there on the spot. That's when I new I had picked the right girl. Good question
"It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"

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I proposed to my girlfriend at Bridge Day 02' while she was working in the Vertigo booth. I was wearing my Ill Vision hat as I dropped to one knee and popped the question. She was so happy she bought me a brand new Warlock and Dagger 244 right there on the spot. That's when I new I had picked the right girl. Good question

Awe that is so awesome. Congrats to you and her!

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Awsome timing for this post. I have 0 BASE jumps to date, but just ordered my first BASE rig and intend to make my first S at Bridge Day, unless my gear gets hear quicker :P.

I am married to a whuffo, and have 2 wonderful boys. My wife tolerates me skydiving every weekend and spending alot of timw away from home with it. Don't get me wrong, I pay for my actions, but she is there every Sunday night when I get home. When I approached her about making some BASE jumps and seeing if it's "my sport" or not, she witout a doubt went ape shit on me. I think as time goes by, she is adjusting to it, in her own way, but at first she did mention that her and the kids would be gone when I got back from Bridge Day. What's the worst thing a woman can do to man? Give him an ultimatum. I bought my Bridge pass the very next day, and within a week ordered base specific gear.

Will she be there when I get home? God I hope so. But if she isn't, I blame her, not me. I am who I am. I honestly feel like BASE is calling me, not me just looking for new adrenaline. Maybe I'm wrong, and if I am, I'll live with the consequences the rest of my life. My kids are too young to understand fully the passion I have, but they know they want to be just like dad when they grow up.

I love my wife and kids, yet I want to have a life, and live it to the fullest. To some it may be wrong, but to me, it's just plain ol right.


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The following was shared with me via email, and I felt it had relavence to this thread, it comes from a BASE jumpers wife, to a skydiver wanting to start BASE jumping, and working through the issues with the spouse. I removed the names, but I think all involved would love to share this if they thought it would help ANYONE. I think its a nice look at what types of folks this sport has to offer, and the relationships that support our brothers and sisters.

Anyways hope this helps, and Faber, you ROCK.:ph34r:

"Perspective Jumper.
XXX wanted me to let you know how I feel about his base jumping. I met XXX when I was 16 and he was 18. He was already skydiving at that time. We got married 3 years later. So his "need for speed" or craving for the adrenlin rush has always been a part of our life. I usually don't worry about him when he is out base jumping. I go on to bed and fall asleep with no problem. Here is why:
1. We are both Christians. I know he's going to heaven if something happens. He is in God's hands. If he wants to jump out of them, that is his decision.
2. XXX is very safety concious. He doesn't try anything too crazy unless it has been tested again and again by someone more crazy.
3. He does not call me in the middle of the night to rescue him from jail or the side of the road. He did once, that was the last time. Lot's of base buddy connections come in handy. Never base alone.
4. XXX is a big jokester, but he knows not to ever have his base buddies play a joke on me about something happening to him. Big mistake!
5. A happy man is much easier to live with - at least he is not out drinking and carousing.
I'm going to love XXX as long as I have him here with me.
I look at it this way, it's easier than living with a policeman, fireman, racecar driver or golfer (he tried golf for awhile, and he was not a nice person to live with).
Our children, boy(15) and girl (12) just think we are normal. They don't seem to worry either.
I hope this is helpfull!
XXX's wife,
Hottie Wife":)

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Your kind of example definitely helps me answer some of the questions that run through my mind about how BASE may be viewed in a relationship when it matures to the point of marriage and kids. It's nice to know that the sport actually extends over a wide spectrum of people and is not stereotypical. Ofcourse, I'm not talking from the point of view of the passion that all BASE jumpers share for the sport. I want to take up BASE jumping, I know I have a passion for it, have had it for a long time but I still want to understand the various angles to it and it's easier to gain a perspective on it by hearing from others who have already been there.

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