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Everything posted by DanJohnson

  1. Shortly after the tragedy of September 11th the newly created Department of "Homeland Security" decided to create a color coded scale to depict the level of terroristic threat for any given day. The scale was based on five levels of threat and designed to be understood by anyone with a first grade education or better . 1st level - Green - low risk of terrorist attacks 2cnd level - Blue - general risk of terrorist attacks. 3rd level - yellow- significant risk of terrorist attacks 4th level - orange- high risk of terrorist attacks 5th level -Red - severe risk of terrorist attacks Everyday on the local news the days terror color code was reported as was the air quality and humidity levels. I'm not sure how many of you made use of that color coded info or how. Did you decide to wear running shoes instead of high heels to the office on August 10 th 2006 , the one day when the government scare mongers elevated the threat to "Red" ? The color coded threat alert never dipped down into the green or blue zone even though there has never been another terrorist attack on our soil since 9-11. Why is that ? Why has the government never categorized the terror threat as "Blue" - General risk of terrorist attack ? Do you know ? Do you have an inkling as to the why? Interesting fact , (or at least a fact that I found recently and thought interesting), when a house is built and a buyer takes a 30 year mortgage , the wages of all the workers who build the house and the fees due to all the suppliers who furnished the materials to build the house are far less than the profit made by the bank who financed the house. Hmm! Could it be that those who finance "the war on terr" stand to make more than all the soldiers who fought the war and all the contractors who provide materials and support for the war? Todays' terr alert level is Dollar Green !
  2. ***What's an elinin? In 2000 Little Elian Gonzales crossed the sea from Castro's Cuba losing his mother to the sea in the process. Janet Reno and the Clinton administration forced repatriation of this young saviour to the communists' clutches !
  3. ***[Anti-science? Oh, you mean they don't fall for the 'glo-bull warming' like the idiots do? Global warming is a fact. (Weather) or not it is caused by man is debatable. Hey mnealtx, what do you think about Elinin and the recent earthquakes?
  4. ***I've always prefered America the Beautiful over The Star Spangled Banner. To me, it sounds prettier. Those were the 2 songs Congress had to choose from in 1930 or '31. They chose the more martial one, The Star Spangled Banner. In different times, they may have chosen the other. Quote I prefer "God Bless America" to either of those tunes but I've always been a Flyers fan!
  5. ***OH dan Johnson...How's life been after Miami Vice? Have you seen tubbs recently? I think your thinking of my cousin , Don Johnson, who starred in the classic "A Boy and His Dog"
  6. ***Either way you go, you're looking at more than 3K for a Baker 6 speed and more than 2K for a Jims. Quote Thanks . Those prices seem fair but I get a kinda freind of ours deal. I'm just wondering if the Baker is that much better than the Jims.
  7. It would be cheaper to just do a 5 to 6 conversion kit. Several aftermarket kits are available. Usually includes a spacer for between the case and side door, main and counter shafts, shift fork, fork shafts, bearings, gaskets, needed hardware, and, of course, the gears. Yeah thanks but and I will be rebuilding this one into a six to go into another bike I've been working on but right now , timewise , I need a complete drop in tranny. Do you have an opinion as to the Jims vs the Baker?
  8. ***They've been spraying a lot over Ohio lately and I'm worried about it getting on my canopy Just don't deploy and you'll have nothing to fear!
  9. ***Whenever I flush the toilet, I fear someone has wired a bomb into the flush handle and it may explode. I am also afraid there's a bomb in the toilet paper roll. Don't fear little one! Simply stop by your local police department daily before you return home , remove your shoes and ask them to inspect them for bombs. That should alleviate your fears! Oh wait.., almost forgot....., never leave more than three ounces of mouth wash or conditioner on your counter top!! Very important!!!!
  10. ***I fear nothing..... I am INVINCIBLE
  11. *** I fear others' opinions of me. I realize that's a weakness (if nothing else, generally those opinions aren't too bad, and I'm not that important anyway). But I've always been that way; haven't been able to fix it yet, although I'm getting better about not caring.Quote Wendy , Wendy, Wendy! I don't know what to say to that other than be yourself!!!!! Love yourself !!!! Be true to yourself!!! Don't even consider the opinions of others about yourself !! For what it's worth I enjoy the levelheadedness of your posts even if sometimes I believe you are 100% wrong! LOL! You are just fine young lady and don't ever think otherwise!
  12. ***Changing the belt sucks as the swing arm needs to be removed and the primary disassembled. New belt and gasket kit is required. If you are not able to do the work yourself, as I am. It can be very costly. Minus labor, it is still not cheap. Doing it yourself and you're still looking at over $350.00 Quote Been their twice brother on my '88 . Next time I'll replace it early. Before it "goes". Hey as a side note let me tell you of my great fortune!!! A couple of weeks ago the bearing between 5th and 4th gear disinegrated!!! That is great!!!! Couldn't justify the price of a six speed previously although I've always wanted one and I wanted to switch to a splined clutch hub . I 'm thinking when I get the bucks together I'll go with the JIMs
  13. ***The last time I checked...this WOULDNT be the land of the free if we didnt fight for it. Quote Freedom doesn't require physical struggle and physical struggle doesn't make one Free. I know that is a hard concept for you to embrace after all your years of conditioning. Freedom comes from within. It isn't reliant on external factors . The key to true Freedom is to let go of all fear. Peace
  14. ***I fear that the secondary belt on my Fatboy breaking in the middle of nowhere and my cell phone being out of charge. Not like the good old days. Break the chain? Easy fix. Cut a piece of wire from a fence and away you go!Quote LOL! I'm with ya'! One time on the shovelhead and a solo cross country cruise , in Arkinsaw, my chain broke and woke me up!LOL! Extra master linkin my gear, no problem. But you will feel this kinda kick in the ass thing going on for a while before the belt goes completely out . Also you know, to convert secondary belt to chain isn't hard at all and doesn't cost all that much don't ya'? NO FEAR !!!
  15. ***what the fuck is this statement for? nobody advocated running around wasting animals in a hail of gunfireQuote I don't see too many trying to shut down the wars ,as a matter of fact a quick search of the archives here suggest that the majority support just that , "wasting animals in a hail of gunfire". "Shock and Awe"
  16. *** I wonder if they also perfer that railings not be installed above the waterfall, Quote I recommend that railings not be erected above waterfalls , look outs, etc. The way I see it is that railings and other safety(enabling) devices give people a false sense of security and open us up to lawsuits if/when those features fail to protect . I say leave natural areas natural and allow natural instincts to control behavior.
  17. What you fear is the question but really I'd like to know *why* you fear what you fear. Personally I'm a true believer that there is never reason to fear.
  18. ***. All believers can bind the power of demonic spirits and perform exorcisms. Quote Really? That sounds like some major "Supernatural Powers". If you have those abilities why can't you love like your Savior the Muslim man who killed your child? Why can't you bring yourself to love your neighbor as your"Savior " commanded? Why do you fear? More specificly why do you fear death at the hands of Muslims? Or do you believe that we should never war?
  19. ***Tell me the true context of Kissenger's quote and where it is documented outside of rumor. Read "The Final Days" by Bernstein and Woodward
  20. False analogy - health of the mother != whim of the mother Let me ask you this Mnealtx, So we have a two time unwed mother pregnant with her third child. We know she can't take care of her first two and depends on foodstamps and welfare to raise them. Do we put roadblocks in front of her having an abortion and as a society take on the task of supporting the third child child through foodstamps and welfare or do we mind our own buisiness ,let her terminate the pregnancy and save the tax payers some cash? Because from where I sit it seems you can't bitch about "freeloading foodstamp spending welfare Brood Mares " if you are against abortion.
  21. DanJohnson


    ***Or is "Scab" scratched into the victim's vehicle just not good enough for you? Do you understand the concept of false flag attacks" Luckily the gut wasn't hit by the bullet and the second wasn't fired! Who writes that stuff?
  22. Defenitley those who don't realize who butters their bread should unionize ! Riddle me this Batman: When the union decides to go on strike .., and members of this union are deployed in hostile territory.., just exactly who do you expect would come to extract union members? Here is something else to consider; I can walk into any ghetto today and find hundreds of men who would love to get a gov't check to ride around in a hummer in the opium belt going on drive by shootings. Your skill just isn't all that rare. You can easily be replaced and will be if you die or are seriously injured. " OK strike. We found men to take your position. You'll have to find your own way home and give us our weapons, our boots,our canteens, and our uniforms. You are on your own." Still think unionizing is a good idea for military men? "Military men are dumb ,stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy" - Henry Kissinger
  23. And how many of your prospective children ended up in a towel or kleenex??Quote LOL! And that is why I'm blind . Yes , Onans' syndrome. But watching those sheep from a distance...! Who could resist?
  24. And its 2 ,3 ,4 what are we fighting for? !!! I never expected you would understand , Big Guy. Go on ya' big lug!!! You don't need to know just off those towel heads!!!