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Everything posted by DanJohnson

  1. Superman could do it, and he's the Man of Steel. LOL! Are you suggesting it was Kryptonite and not nano-thermite?
  2. ***The asst fire chief was overly optimistic. The fire wasn't hot enough to melt steel. It was hot enough to weaken it. It's strong enough right up until it isn't strong enough, and then it collapses. So although you weren't there and he was on the floor and had been trained to asses fires and the requirements to place them under control and extinquish them, you discount his proffesional opinion? Really? Riddle me this Batman..; If the fires were hot enough to "weaken" steel how could he have been standing on the same floor as the fire and would a trained firefighter be likely to confuse a fire capable of weakening steel with an office fire easily put out with a couple of hoses? Just wanted to issue a reality check. I'm sure all of us would give more creedence to the opinion of the trained fire fighter right there at the impact site as to the strength of the fires. As far as conspiracies tell me what do you know about the Iran/Contra affair? How many people had to keep the secret to keep that one under wraps?
  3. Not at all. I believe an airliner hit each of the twin towers. I don;t believe that jet fuel burned hot enough and more importantly in a symetrical enough pattern as to simultaneously melt 47 steel columns resulting in a perfectly straight down freefall .., (wait for it) ..twice in one day. Fire is chaotic and random. The buildings each fell in an orderly and structured collapse. ***They didn't fall perfectly straight down - the tipping of the part above the impact is quite evident, but when that mass impacted what was below, it all failed. They just didn't tip over as much as your seat of the pants engineering sense tells you it should have. I suggest your seat of the pants engineering sense is not well calibrated. Quote So let me get this straight.., and I saw exactly what you are stating. The top began to fall asymetricly but suddenly the entire structure below fell straight down as with no resistance. Is that what you witnessed?
  4. If the fire was hot enough to melt steel how was he able to stand on that floor? ***The asst fire chief was overly optimistic. The fire wasn't hot enough to melt steel. It was hot enough to weaken it. It's strong enough right up until it isn't strong enough, and then it collapses. So although you weren't there and he was on the floor and had been trained to asses fires and the requirements to place them under control and extinquish them, you discount his proffesional opinion? Really? Riddle me this Batman..; If the fires were hot enough to "weaken" steel how could he have been standing on the same floor as the fire and would a trained firefighter be likely to confuse a fire capable of weakening steel with an office fire easily put out with a couple of hoses?
  5. ***Having worked for Factory Mutual, which is the Underwriter's Labs of the fire protection industry, I can definitely say that sprinklers are not designed to put out a fire. They are designed to suppress fire to allow the fire dept to get there and battle a hopefully contained, smaller than would otherwise be the case fire. They are also designed to suppress very small fires only - can't deal with a large fire. Even with normal water pressure to the building, it can't deliver the designed flow to the sprinkler heads if it is a huge fire. What do you think of the recording of an assistant fire chiefs' transmission from the impact arae stating that with a couple hoses they could put out the fire in an hour? Is he describing a large steel melting inferno? If the fire was hot enough to melt steel how was he able to stand on that floor?
  6. ***Well, the answer is very simple. So simple, in fact, that the CT's don't accept it. The reporting was done in the correct time frame, However, the background scene used behind the female reporter was filmed earlier in the day. It is a technique used quite often in the broadcast industry. No magic fortune telling going on, no special insider information. Just bad choice of background video. Quote And I suppose the time stamp was pre recorded as well?
  7. Not at all. I believe an airliner hit each of the twin towers. I don;t believe that jet fuel burned hot enough and more importantly in a symetrical enough pattern as to simultaneously melt 47 steel columns resulting in a perfectly straight down freefall .., (wait for it) ..twice in one day. Fire is chaotic and random. The buildings each fell in an orderly and structured collapse.
  8. ***Your assertion that the antique aircraft hitting the Empire state is comparable is not plausible. That a/c was travelling at a far slower speed, carried far less energy to the impact, had less fuel which probably splashed all over the exterior of the building and that fuel carried far less energy. Apples and Oranges. Do NOT try to lay that nanothermite crap on this thread. We're talking about government interference with the privilege to operate a light aircraft legally. We are not talking about conspiracies. We are talking about a government agency with too much power and not enough of substance to act upon so they mess with the little guy. jon If you believe the official conspiracy theory of 9-11 grounding of all GA aircraft is probably warranted as are many other anti terr measures. If you don't believe the gov;t version , not so much.
  9. It certainly could handle them the same way the Soviets handled KAL 007. Are you sure you'd prefer that collateral damage? Let's not start on flight double o seven right now. Certainly that wasn't a spy mission?
  10. It certainly could handle them the same way the Soviets handled KAL 007. Are you sure you'd prefer that collateral damage? LOL! !!!
  11. *** Here's an experiment. Put a 100 pound weight on your grill. Light it and keep that heat going for 7 hours. Quote Listen lawrocket, you realize that the tower fires were less than 60 minutes in duration?
  12. Ya, you aren't the first to tell me that...some have even called me god. (and I don't just mean in the "sack") That type of stuff just goes straight to your head and it's a very dangerous game to play. It's a very hard fall and I just want to spare you the pain... Just remember that pride cometh before the fall: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxh-FfElY0M This is why I think cultivating humility is so important...it's hard, but that's why it's the secret of life. LOL!! It doesn't matter if you believe. You are perfect and everythingyou do is part of the perfect plan. Fear not !!!!!
  13. [***eply]As I said...if this was all choreographed, what a nice touch. I wonder who wrote the script? Quote Me too Bro ! What is obvious is that it was scripted. Otherwise one would have to believe that the best military in the world, one we pay billions of dollars per year to maintain, couldn't deal with the threat of 4 passenger planes.
  14. Has your meat ever dropped into the fire? ***A good grill burger weighs about 250g. The WTC masses above the crash sites were several tens of thousands of tonnes. Slight difference in the strength needed to hold up one vs the other. Jeez, first the Jenga fiasco and now this. You really need to quit with the back yard experimenting. Well then why don't you tell us just how much jet fuel would it take to melt steel? Admittedly I am wanting to make a buck here. See , Part of my living comes from cutting steel and I've been using oxxy / Acetylene mix. If you can show me how to melt steel with Jet A I'll make a fortune!!!
  15. ***No, though it would be nice to just get it over with instead of having to rehash this everytime you bring up somthing similar to the most notorious posters on this website... I can't understand what you are saying or asking. Can You understand this Coreece? The official story is that 19 men with boxcutters beat a several trillon dollar security system and killed 3000 Americans. You willing to put up another few trillion? Think this time we'll do better?
  16. ***Ok, let's say this was all coreographed...what a nice touch... The country is in dismay... "Where's the president?" "He's over here, with the children!" ...But on the other hand, he would've looked like a douche bag if he started mowing down children as he ran for the doorway to escape danger like a coward. Quote It's not up to the President. At the moment the Secret Service realizes the president may be in danger they wrap him in a nomex blanket and move him to a secure location. Andy Card whispered into his ear that the country is under attack but the SS allowed POTUS to remain in an unsecured location for another 29 minutes. The Secret Service must have known that POTUS was not a target.
  17. ***As a matter of fact, they are. In fact, they simply aren't the same after the first use. They stretch and contract. Also, they are unable to hold much weight. Quote Lawrocket.., after all these years of using the same grill and multiple hours of charcoal lighter fluid fire on the very wimpy sized chrome steel grill, has that wimpy wire grill failed? Has your meat ever dropped into the fire? Time to wise up my brother. The simple fact is that no amount of lighter fluuid will cause even the smallest guage of steel to melt. You know it !
  18. ***How about you just reveal all of your sock puppets so we can just stop playing this game? So the "sock Puppets" of Dan Johnson are more impotant to you than the Truth as to what brought down WTC 7? I see!
  19. Details aren't so important to me . They may be to you. Readability matters. Otherwise, it suggests your brain is just as scattered as your writings. And if a brain is scattered in it's thoughts throwing out one truth here and another truth of a different subject over there, is the truth compromised?
  20. ***But, to give such things consideration would be like giving consideration to flat earth theories in the realm of astrophysics. The majority of the educated world is past that so the collective mind can focus on things to benefit the future, not dwell on fashionable political propaganda. Yeah Bub! You are exactly right!! And of course the Secret Service knew that GW Bush was perfectly safe while the country was under attack. No need to move him to a secure location ! Leave him there for 25 minutes more even though the world knew of his location. If there was any concern about the attack the secret service would have wrapped his ass in a nomex blanket and spirited him away to a secure area. But they left him to listen to " My Pet Goat"
  21. Details aren't so important to me . They may be to you. But I experience in the God realm where you still experience in the physical realm. This might be of interest to you, Coreece, When I experience the physical realm from outside I see blotches of color which represent emotion. I can focus and see exactly an incident but why? My goal is Peace among Men
  22. ...and sorry for being so harsh the other day. Though I meant what I said, I really need to work on having a spirit of gentleness....my bad. No problem Brother! You are and everything you do is perfect and a perfect part of the Plan. I love you Coreece
  23. I don't know or why that is important to you. But maybe you know ! If you do know why are you asking the question? ***Actually you just answered my question Thanks Really? So for my info and the rest of the group why don't you reveal to us all by what ID did I go by before July 4 of this year? Obviously it is important information considering your laborious investigation . Please share!
  24. I don't know or why that is important to you. But maybe you know ! If you do know why are you asking the question?
  25. Have those thin guage pieces of chromed steel on your grill been very much compromised after hours and hours of use? Have you had even one steak freefall into the ashes? But you believe that the charcoal lighter fluid was hot enough to weaken large steel members within an hour? LOL! If you're using lighter fluid for 'hours and hours' in your grill, remind me to pass on any bbq invitations. LOL! But if you wanted to melt steel? Could I be your Pal?