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Everything posted by dj123

  1. ................................................... Have a nice day, D.J.! Awwww!!! Was all in jest, Steve. Try not to let it affect your self-esteem. You are a winner!!! Blue Skies, DJ
  2. LOL! Very Good!!!! Beware ladies if he offers to help you across the street!! Fair Winds, DJ
  3. Assange hasn't had a "significant"influence on the years events. Ahmed Ackmaujenidad or however you'ld like to spell it(president of Iran) has had a much larger influence on world events this year. That's my opinion. Why do you think he has? I'd put both of them in the top 10. I just don't see that Assuange has had much influence at all. Certainly not in the top ten. It seems to me that Wiki leaks hasn't revealed much of any import. Most likely that site is just a propaganda machine whose credibility with the common man is in the first stages of being established so that dis-information may be later disseminated. Again , that's my opinion. I am curious as to why you believe that Julian Assuage has had such influence as to even rank him in the top ten this year . Blue Skies, DJ
  4. When I was a kid in Boy Scouts ( Troop "86" Willing boro ,NJ. Burlington Council)a few of our Scout Masters were former "Green Berets". They got permission from the GreenBerets to allow our Troop to wear those berets instead of the standard BoyScout headwear of that era. So what? Does that make me and everyone else in that Troop a "douche- bag"? Or was it membership in such an organization as the Boy Scouts that annointed us with "douche -bag" status? By the way.. have you been to Wal-Mart recently? Last night at the register,on the tv screen there, Janet Napolitano implored me to snitch on any of my neighbors who may seem to be doing anything ..."Suspicious" . Apparently we should report that to a Wal-Mart employee !!!! Screw the Trident!!!! I want an SS insignia so no one questions my allegiance!! Blue Skies, DJ ...................................................................... Man! This is getting pretty far out there! Noone is going to call a bunch of kids douche bags for wearing a beret.... Is having pride in a unit you served in, comparable to being a German SS troop? I don't get your point.... This thread is about someone who was doing nothing more than wearing a pin. I really doubt if they were pretending to be a Navy Seal. Why is that worth getting your nickers in a knot over! This entire thread is over nothing in my opinion. What I have problems with is people who lie about their military background.....Again, I don't think that is what is going on here...... Your responce is kind of strange steve1. Did you not understand those simple paragraghs about Wal-Mart and Homeland Security? I noticed you first signed on to this board just before 9-11. Do you work for the government? If so, Up Yours. Tar and feathers for you. DJ
  5. Assange hasn't had a "significant"influence on the years events. Ahmed Ackmaujenidad or however you'ld like to spell it(president of Iran) has had a much larger influence on world events this year. That's my opinion. Why do you think he has?
  6. Go back to square one and try again....Maybe, read the Screwtape letters by C.S.Lewis. Obviously you don't understand either,Royd. Very few do. I made no judgement. Ron isn't "Christian" and neither are you nor anyone else. See, "The Christ" is a title gained by one who has completed a certain course of study . You can be a follower of The Master ,Jesus the Christ. You can't be a "Christian" any more than you could be a Doctorian, or a Bachelorian. An interesting read may be Dale Palmers' True Esoteric Traditions. Unlimited Ceilings, DJ
  7. When I was a kid in Boy Scouts ( Troop "86" Willing boro ,NJ. Burlington Council)a few of our Scout Masters were former "Green Berets". They got permission from the GreenBerets to allow our Troop to wear those berets instead of the standard BoyScout headwear of that era. So what? Does that make me and everyone else in that Troop a "douche- bag"? Or was it membership in such an organization as the Boy Scouts that annointed us with "douche -bag" status? By the way.. have you been to Wal-Mart recently? Last night at the register,on the tv screen there, Janet Napolitano implored me to snitch on any of my neighbors who may seem to be doing anything ..."Suspicious" . Apparently we should report that to a Wal-Mart employee !!!! Screw the Trident!!!! I want an SS insignia so no one questions my allegiance!! Blue Skies, DJ
  8. As stated . the invasion of Afghanistan was planned well in advance of 9-11 by members of the oil cartels and the American military/ industrial complex.The bankers ,of course have a major role also as they do in every war. Those who have enlisted in the military are but pawns. They generally are idealists who don't understand the deciet they have been subject to. Far from heroes, the military personelle of our current wars are just paid mercenaries who do the bidding of corporate America with no questions asked.Oxen with guns. This is their dilema and the reason for the highest rate of suicide amongst the military of all time. They signed up to stand for something, they went to war and found that their country stands for nothing good. Human Rights? Laugh out loud !! When they were commanded to torture and abuse their prisoners and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan,our soldiers lost their souls. I hope they can find and regain them. It will be no easy task and I'm certain that many more will commit suicide. I wish for each of them Peace, DJ
  9. those feeble minded you described are real enough for anyone who happened to be victims to legitimate explosives if he was able to get it from someone else. There's nothing feeble about someone willing to try to kill people. Don't confuse intelligence with ability. And I hope you won't confuse fear with reality. I hope you won't confuse propaganda with truth, I hope you won't trade freedom for security. Most of all I hope you won't sell out those serving in the military ,for the profits of the elite. Blue Skies, DLJ
  10. Considering the American population,3000 on 9-11 is a very small percentage. As a matter of fact the war dead surpass that number. The casualties of the war far surpass that number. Want to play games with those numbers,Bill? Peace, DJ
  11. I think you are confusing lack of actions on the terrorist side as no attempts vs. unsuccessful attempts. There have been many arrests of attempted bombings in the U. S. Many arrests? How many real terrorist actions? Nada!!! Sure the FBI can talk some feeble minded into taking action . But what about real terrorism? Where is it??????? It's just an illusion. Peace. DJ
  12. 9/11, the Beltway snipers, Ft. Hood, the Ft. Dix attempt, the attempted bombings in NYC, Portland and Baltimore, the Ft. Hood shootings among others - all faked by the gov't, I suppose?
  13. [replyAnd, what manner of Outlaw are you? Don't tell me you got arrested for something legitimate and trying to pull this subject to validate something ridiculous. No Sir. I simply don't consent to be governed by any man or group of men. Arrest in my case could never be legitimate and will never occur. Peace, DJ
  14. Listen my fellow American, I'm not talking about a "lack of evidence". I'm talking about ZERO terrorist attacks in the US . Not one school bus or school bombed, not one movie theatre bombed. Not one grocery store bombing. Zip, Nilch, Nada , the Knoll set. Goose egg . Not one iota of terrorist attacks by those Islamics or anyone else who could be out to get us. Looks to me like it's a scare tactic and most of us have fallen for it! If the terrorist threat is false then the reason for war is also false and all those who have lost their limbs, their time with family, and those who have lost their minds have done so for nothing more than a "boogey man" story. Where is the terroristic threat? Show it to us or agree that this "War on Terror" is a ruse. Peace, DJ
  15. I'm one of the people who know that the United States military /industrial complex in cahoots with the corporate oil entities ,planned well in advance of 9-11 to invade and occupy Afghanistan in order to profit from that countries resources.. Do you dispute this? Blue Skies, DJ
  16. So. . . How many Rights? Well pretty much all of them nanook. I mean , once Habeous Corpus was suspended that pretty much took down the rest, won't you agree? OK, let's go through them. Habeous Corpeous suspended, I guess your Freedom of speech is gone also as you are locked away secretly. Not many chances to talk to anyone or print on your press. Second ammendment? Can't hardly bear arms when you've been put into a secret prison now can you? Third ammendment.., OK you probably still have this one. I mean chances are no soldier will be quartered in your house while you are held in the secret prison without charges. Fourth ammendment; the right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers,etc. It was thrown out when we got to persons... Fifth ; nor be compelled to witness against one self nor be deprived of life..etc.without due process Yeah, that's prettymuch a gonner. Need I continue? Without the fundamental Right of Habeous Corpeous you pretty much have no Rights and that has been taken away with this "War On Terr". The People should be in the streets with tar and feathers but instead they sit with their game boys and wii. Maybe it's the flourine. I don't know. What I do know is that I'm an outlaw and therefore the most Free man on this forum. Peace and Understanding be with you. DJ
  17. I mean really!!! If there was a real terrorist threat they'ld be blowing up schools and churches and movie theaters and diners. They'ld hit the interstate bridges across the Missisipi simultaneously . They could block traffick with five cars abreast on the interstate into the city and get out with assault rifles and shoot up those in the cars behindthem. Thing is none of this has happened so I have to ask.. Where are the terrorists???? They are in your head!!! You are like a kid who was scared by the ghost stories at summer camp and now you can't sleep at night for fear of the boogy man under your bed! Contrary to what the government would have you believe the terrorist threat is virtually nil. Your chance of being killed by an Islamic terrorist is probably equal to or just slightly more than the your chance of being analy raped by a billy goat in the craft section of your local Wal-Mart. And how much have we taken out of the Treasury to fight that goat? How many of our Rights have we gladly relinquished so that we won't be analy raped by the billy goat in Wal-Mart? Is it worth it? For security against an illusion? Blue Skies, Grow a pair!! DJ
  18. Let's see, 3 trillion in mineral deposits, opium production ,and last on the list but possibly first among reasons , geographic location best suited for piping natural gas from the Casapian Sea . So assuming for just a moment that this fantastic (as in goat shit stupid) explanation were the case.... then wtf did we half ass it there, spending most of our efforts in Iraq even after Saddam was executed? Quote Once we had a foothold in Afghanistan we could always come back(as we have). Iraq was necessary so that we could force Iran into a two front war. Shit!!!! Russia and China might cause some complications!! Oh well ,we could start some more stuff over there closer to their homes maybe around the Koreas. Our guys are up to it!! What is a couple more deployments? Blue Skies, DJ
  19. [reply7/8ths - if you habitually spend more than what you earn, the spending is the problem, not the earnings. The problem is actually our banking system. Fractional reserve banking depends on one large borrower who never pays his debt. Otherwise there wouldn't be any money in the system for smaller borrowers to pay the interest they owe on the loans they've taken. The Federal Government is that entity that never pays back it's debt . If the Federal Government ever paid to the Federal Reserve Bank every dollar owed, there wouldn't be enough money in the system for any of us to pay off our debts plus the interest on our debts. All money represents debt. All money under a fractional reserve system is created out of debt. I understand that's hard to grip. Work on it. Unlimited Ceilings through understanding, DJ
  20. Show your proof - or is this another 'Bilderberger Special'? No mnealtx, I'm agreeing with you. I'm as certain as you that there was no inkling among our top scientists that there may be valuable mineral deposits worth over 3 trillion dollars prior to the invasion of Afghanistan. I'm as certain as you that we really did go there to fight the "terrorists" and those that harbor them. I mean really, I watch the same media as you. Blue Skies, DJ You're about as good at sarcasm as you are at non-leading questions....that is to say, not at all. What ? I agree absolutely with your view that we had no idea of the 3 Trillion dollars and that makes me sarcastic? Naive perhaps but not sarcastic! Fair Winds, DJ
  21. Show your proof - or is this another 'Bilderberger Special'? No mnealtx, I'm agreeing with you. I'm as certain as you that there was no inkling among our top scientists that there may be valuable mineral deposits worth over 3 trillion dollars prior to the invasion of Afghanistan. I'm as certain as you that we really did go there to fight the "terrorists" and those that harbor them. I mean really, I watch the same media as you. Blue Skies, DJ
  22. Of course there is that pesky Congressional record from 1998 where they discussed the pipeline and Unocal . Not exactly stupidity. Malice ..yes. Unlimited Cielings, DJ
  23. The ones that were discovered six years after the campaign started? Yeah, I'm sure that's why.... Yes mnealtx, I'm sure we had no clue they were there prior! Blues, DJ That's correct - the last time I looked, 2004 was later than 2001: I'm pretty sure that 2006, 2007 and 2009 are all after 2001, as well: You are right mnealtx. I'm as certain as you that we had no idea those minerals were or might be there prior to the invasion!!! I mean who would have thought to look? Corporations who profit from geological extractions had surely just missed all those wealthy deposits in every survey previous to 9-11 , don't you agree? Fair Winds, DJ