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Everything posted by AdamUSN

  1. I guess I wanted to remind us all about basic human nature - survival. No matter who ever says, it's right there and you can count on it. I'll go jump tommorow, that'll keep me quiet for awhile Google the word 'Sacrifice', then look around you at those who have sacrificed FOR you...there is a whole lot more to human nature than survival. Instinct survival is the nature of the beast, some people are fortunately way beyond that. Totally agree, just google any Medal of Honor recipient/winner. Survival was not why they did what the did. Then again I would fight to save my own life or sacrifice to save the greater good. If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  2. 7 of us recently passed the coach course. Pretty sure this shouldn't require beer, but if you want to buy us some we will accept. Grata to my fellow students out at Skydive Suffolk. Grats guys! Adam If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  3. Great post. I'm passing it around to friends! If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  4. We don't normally have that guy at my Dropzone. There are clicks of people but no one is That Guy. It's prolly me because I screw up everything I try and create. I find myself chasing formations a lot trying to get in! :) If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  5. I'd just like to learn life experience from you! I have some uniques I will tell you in 75 years that will marvel average people and explain why I do things. Adam If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  6. Since I have given nothing to this thread but Twardo is apparently the man! Here goes. I'm 35 yrs old. I have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have done more things and had more ambitions than a lot of my friends. I started skydiving because the woman I loved left me. I have been around military dz operations for many years. So I started jumping. I made 76 jumps quickly an stopped to be with a new girl. I deployed often and never got back into it. Over the last 4 months I have been broken up after 3 years and I have made 50 jumps in Dubai traveling 5 times in 4 months. Now I have given up on many hobbies. The people that I meet skydiving are great. I love them. There are a few things I hate, pot smokers-I'm career navy and I was a basically a grunt. So whatever I gave up everything I ever knew 2 years ago now to change jobs learn a new skill and basically do different things. Sold the house, moved and came back to the same area. If its your dream and it makes you happy brother, do it. The day you hate going to work is the day you need to research better options. Not married? Use some online dating sites to help get in a few extra flings. PoF is good. Make a profile that is funny, includes funny off the wall statements and pictures where you are the center of attention. Pm me if you want great hints haha. I don't mind being me, I'm a dick/prick, I am fun and after people know me they understand me and we alway have a great time. Follow your dreams man, that's what makes you happy! Adam If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  7. Cool brother! I have a few relatives that have some fame too. Only ones that really know are Marines because of Iwo Jima. If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  8. Why can't Hellen Keller drive? If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  9. I smell some bullshit here - this from the guy that took an airplane up during his college days with his best friend so he could bang his girl while you flew?! Don't lie - your Harley was a shadow and the Vette was a pinto! WANNA BET?! Oh it gets even better than THAT... My roomie at the beach owned a parachute loft...his dad was 'Mr. Bubble' - yeah THAT Mr.Bubble...Gold Seal Corp..snowy bleach...etc. I got my PADI card from his brother, who was the Governor of North Dakota, one Christmas down in Akumal...we'd shore dive from the beach at their 'little' sea side vacation home. I meet this cute lil' redhead aerobatic pilot while performing airshows one year and we hook up long term...did I mention she's also a 767 Captain for a major airline? ...anyway, we end up adopting 3 kids from Russia and dragging them all over the world with us...did I tell ya about the time Harrison Ford gave me my triple diamond wings while I was performing at the world's largest air show? But back to your point...the bullshit 'pinto'. Ya just think years ago when I first started here I read your theme - anyone who doesn't is missing out! I remember something about turbulence and oh ahh! Can you call In a favor to Harrison and have him come to Virginia to tell us to "get off my plane?" Stay golden ponyboy! If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  10. I smell some bullshit here - this from the guy that took an airplane up during his college days with his best friend so he could bang his girl while you flew?! Don't lie - your Harley was a shadow and the Vette was a pinto! If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  11. Yes, they entered a verbal contract. The publicity generated through "Justin beiber was banded from a wind tunnel... What's a wind tunnel - OMG we need to do this when we goto Vegas next month!!! *young teen girl giggles with her friends* is better than a photo spot! If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  12. Well this went south! The part about my fist and his nose was a light hearted joke, not a lie, not bragging but a joke. Then I went with the fun Twardo started and kept it going for a second. I am a representative of the US Government I wouldn't screw up my paycheck for anything. If you guys got hit by a car you would be furious. If I got hurt you would recommend I sue him. Most low income people don't have jobs. I bitched him out, told him to get off his fucking cell phone and picked up my bike and continued to ride for my smokes! Had I not been paying attention when I got hit I would have gone head first towards Va Beach Blvd - major busy road. No one said "Did you actually hit the guy?" If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  13. Prolly was just as much of a surprise to the guy as the bloody nose! You two slay me. Thanks. He didn't even find out he had a bloody nose until I pointed it out to him! If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  14. Riding to the store to get a pack smokes - ya ya I know. A guy pulls out of the driveway and hits me. Well I saw it happening, I lifted a leg, leaned into it and took the blow as the bike was pushed out from under me. Poor guy he felt bad and said he didn't see me. The only thing sore is my first and his nose. If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  15. AdamUSN

    Low flight

    That second plane is a MiG 15 - Fagot. It is a plane that the DPRNK still flies as trainers. Lol If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  16. My favorite is the canopy that was purchased in 2003 but and has 100 jumps and is the same price as a 2013 canopy! Lol If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  17. From my observation: all wide chest straps (from all manufacturers) have a fold-back, most narrow chest straps have no fold-back. Ok yup, makes sense. His is the narrow 1" strap If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  18. I'm looking for 150ish, and not another SA2cantfindoutwhatdirectionitsgoingtoopen/letthefunbegin. I guess it's still the first downsize point. Should have just been a 25jump wonder and gotten a 150 from the start, 300 jumps later I would have been at the right size! If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  19. I have been looking for a Canopy. When I see some of the prices I just have to laugh. People have 2-3 year old canopies with 50-200 jumps on them and they want the same price as a new custom canopy. I would rather pay 100 more for a new canopy in my colors than some of the ones for sale here. I'm sure people will disagree but are these canopies in pristine condition worth 1800 or more when a new one can be bought, in custom colors, for 1905/1910 respectively? Thoughts If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  20. Not to mention the fold over at the end of the strap is there to keep it in the hardware, even if it has worked its way loose. A good friend of mine had an Aerodyne rig with no fold sewn into the end of the chest strap. Came like that from the factory. Is this a defect? If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  21. 1337 is that supposed to say Leet, as in Elite, in some kind of cryptic AOL talk? If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  22. Simply Amazing!! As a proud member of the US Navy and a Combat Veteran, this is truly an inspiring moment for all of our Wounded Warriors. Thank you for sharing. Adam If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  23. What leadership school did you go to? I think you have a valid idea! There are so many questions that I have. Where does the cutoff start or it going to be for all canopies? With the number of new jumpers getting a licenses on 230+ sized canopies is a 140lb (exit weight) jumper going to be required to jump a 230sqft canopy or would it start with anything under 149sqft? Or will it start being at a certain wing loading? 1:1.? Is still conservative to someone who is light enough. I know the APF considers anything under 150 to be a HP canopy. Written tests are stupid. The only person that can't pass one is the person that never opened a SIMS and got the answers. Is it performance based? Are jumpers required to pay for instruction? Do jumpers need to pay for a license through USPA? If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  24. Hi, I have low jump numbers so you won't take me seriously but here it goes. I am a little older, maybe getting close to the average age of skydivers. One problem that I see with implementing new programs is the ability to regulate the program. Who is going to certify the "cops," and what type of requirements will the current high jump number jumpers be required to perform to ensure they are on an appropriate canopy? IE: There are tandem instructors with 6000 jumps but 5000 are on a tandem. It's a great idea but I have seen drop-zones without HP landing areas and swoopers do cut in front or cut off other jumpers because they don't want to walk far through the landing area and its easier to land near the packing area. Which also brings up other issues. Anyways, good luck thanks for looking out! If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them
  25. I grew up on a dairy farm in Vermont. I have peed on an electric fence before - thanks older brother!! Prick. I have grabbed the fence and touched others - back at ya Brad! If you land in a fenced in area, pull up a piece of grass, lay it over the fence. The water in the grass will transfer the electricity to you but at a lower rate than touching the fence. Good job bein a man/human and apologizing and taking ownership. I worked Military freefall DZ crew many years before jumping. Our farmer Mcnasty had a different story. He has had people burn in on his property. He understands the people that we trained were military and he had a number to call, gave our Soldiers and Sailors rides or allowed them to wait while we picked them up. Like others have said. Some people treated these folks with disrespect and they stereotype everyone the same. Good job my friend If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them