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Everything posted by hwt

  1. The Democrats got us into this mess and do you think they will get us out? no way! Read these .... http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aSKSoiNbnQY0 http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=36665 The only thing Democrats are good at is blaming others for their own mistakes...
  2. ________________________________ Look at the quotes i posted below... The government needs to look no further than itself to find the root cause of the financial crisis. In attempts to meet a dual public and private mission, Fannie and Freddie endorsed lower and lower underwriting standards which allowed significantly less credit-worthy borrowers to purchase homes. These new standards then paved the way for financial institutions to begin seeking new ways to underwrite and approve loans, degrading the overall creditworthiness of securitized products. “From the current handwringing, you'd think that the banks came up with the idea of looser underwriting standards on their own, with regulators just asleep on the job. In fact, it was the regulators who relaxed these standards--at the behest of community groups and "progressive" political forces. . . . For years, rising house prices hid the default problems since quick refinances were possible. But now that house prices have stopped rising, we can clearly see the damage done by relaxed loan standards.” Stan Liebowitz, University of Texas at Dallas (New York Post, February 5, 2008) “Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues, I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie and Freddie…Frankly, I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit, when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong.” Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) (USA Today, October 14, 2008) ______________________________________________ This is what i have been saying all along... the Democrats are to blame for the financial crisis. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aSKSoiNbnQY0 http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=36665
  3. hwt

    "Hate Speech"

    Students protest religion instructor's removal... http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-il-uofill-instructor,0,7203504.story
  4. On page 2143 It has this for conservatives . Just thought you would like to know _______________________________________________ LOl , for conservatives eh? I see you have been shopping...How is your new dildo ?
  5. "Green jobs" have become a central underpinning of the Obama administration's rationale to promote clean energy. But how valid is the assumption that a "clean-energy" economy will generate enough jobs to mitigate today's high level of unemployment -- new jobless claims were up 22,000 this week -- and to meet the needs of future generations? A green economy would have to spout jobs in the millions to do both. The facts challenge the prevailing thinking among some policymakers and officials that green jobs are a principal reason for transforming the economy. Let's consider just one clean-energy sector, the smart grid, for its job-creation potential. The Obama administration allocated a little more than $4 billion in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to the smart grid, an unprecedented amount for a hitherto-neglected but critical piece of our national infrastructure. Much of this is to be spent installing close to 20 million "smart meters" over the next five years. Smart meters are digital versions of the spinning electric meters that are omnipresent nationwide. Whereas spinning meters have changed little in more than a century and must be read by workers, smart meters automatically transmit electricity consumption data to a utility. Virtually eliminating human intervention, smart meters promise more accurate measurement of electricity usage as well as increasingly efficient management of energy production resources. Nearly 40 million smart meters have been deployed worldwide, mostly in Europe. Jobs created in this industry can be broadly classified into four categories: installation, manufacturing, research and development, and IT services. First, installation: It typically takes a team of two certified electricians half an hour to replace the old, spinning meter. In one day, two people can install about 15 new meters, or about 5,000 in a year. Were a million smart meters to be installed in a year, 400 installation jobs would be created. It follows that the planned U.S. deployment of 20 million smart meters over five years, or 4 million per year, should create 1,600 installation jobs. Unless more meters are added to the annual deployment schedule, this workforce of 1,600 should cover installation needs for the next five years. Although a surge of new digital meters will be produced, the manufacturing process is highly automated. And with much of it accomplished overseas, net creation in domestic manufacturing jobs is expected to be only in the hundreds. In R&D and IT services, high-paying white-collar jobs are on the horizon, but as with manufacturing, the number of jobs created is forecast to be in the hundreds or low thousands. Now let's consider job losses. It takes one worker today roughly 15 minutes to read a single meter. So in a day, a meter reader can scan about 30 meters, or about 700 meters a month. Meters are typically read once a month, making it the base period to calculate meter-reading jobs. Reading a million meters every month engages about 1,400 personnel. In five years, 20 million manually read meters are expected to disappear, taking with them some 28,000 meter-reading jobs. In other words, instead of creating jobs, smart metering will probably result in net job destruction. This should not be surprising because the main method of making the electrical grid "smart" is by automating its functions. Automation by definition obviates the need for people. In other "clean-energy" sectors such as solar and wind energy, jobs are predicted to emerge in the same broad categories of installation, manufacturing, R&D and IT services, but the near-term expected levels of investment in and adoption of these renewable sources of energy mean that net job creation should top out in the tens of thousands, as opposed to the desired hundreds of thousands or more. Electric vehicles represent another promising green sector, but even if the vehicles were rolled out in substantive quantities, jobs would be created mainly in research and development and infrastructure support, and there, too, only in the hundreds or maybe even thousands. Manufacturing jobs would grow only incrementally since electric vehicle production will for the most part cannibalize that of gasoline-powered cars. For the purpose of creating jobs, then, a "clean-energy economy" will not offer a panacea. This does not necessarily mean that America should not become green to alleviate climate change, to kick its addiction to foreign oil or to use energy sources more efficiently. But those who take great pains to tout the "job-creation potential" of the green space might just end up inducing labor pains all around.
  6. sounds like the drop zone i used to jump at 30 years ago.
  7. I would like to add that Filmmaker Gigi Gaston, a life-long Democrat descended from a Democratic Governor of Massachusetts, was on Fox & Friends this morning. Her original intent was to disprove claims about fraud and voter intimidation by Team Obama back in 2008. Instead of disproving them, she developed a documentary “We Will Not Be Silenced. Why does the media choose to ignore this? Gigi Gaston has been trying for two years now to get them to report on her documentary. http://templeofmut.wordpress.com/
  8. In this series of videos, real Hillary supporters (not actors) speak out about voter fraud during the Democratic presidential primary and how Obama organizers stole the election for Obama. Most of you probably have never heard about this fraud because the main stream media wont cover it. http://www.hyscience.com/archives/2008/11/film_we_will_no.php Don't believe these people??They are all Democrats.
  9. ________________________________________ they must give out those Harvard degrees the same way they hand out Nobel Peace prizes...I would not try and brag about his diploma after the way he is making idiotic statements like the one i pointed out. - They? Who are "they"? Where did you get your doctoral degree? ________________________________________________ where did Obama get a phd? Actually, at one time, the basic law degree was an LLB, or Bachelor of Legal Letters, followed by the LLM, Master of Legal Letters, followed by the LLD, Doctorate of Legal Letters. However, lawyers, being egotistical, decided that if mere physicians could call themselves "doctor" then they should be able to also. So, they changed the LLB to the JD, Juris Doctorate. What a surprise!! Lawyers got big egos. Who knew?
  10. ________________________________________ they must give out those Harvard degrees the same way they hand out Nobel Peace prizes...I would not try and brag about his diploma after the way he is making idiotic statements like the one i pointed out. -
  11. We are, according to NOAA, currently in our fourth year of global cooling. This is even more significant than the 114 year cycle of taking each minor change in temperature and projecting ice ages or global warming four different times. NOAA and NASA avoid actually saying this, because they have a lot invested in profiting from global warming…but their own data say the earth is cooling, and has been for years. ______________________________________________ This is why they changed the term from "Global warming" to "Climate change" that way they can tax us no matter which way the temperature goes..
  12. http://www.alternet.org/economy/147492/wealthy_are_cashing_in_huge%2C_while_workers%27_salaries_keep_shrinking/ _______________________________________ Quoting a leftist journalist i see. I bet you have never owned a business..
  13. ______________________________________ this is the best you progressives can do?? lets talk about Odumbo the president of the United States and doesn't know how many states he is representing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws
  14. I can't wait to see the comments posted by the progressives like Lucky..Next year they will still be trying to blame Bush..these tax hikes will make the Democrats responsible for the results just like they are for the failed stimulas ..
  15. _____________________________________________ He is not doing the right thing.. baling out union pensions does not grow the economy.The Democrats spent 862 billion dollars to stimulate the economy and China spent almost half that amount.What we need is a trading agreement that would help us keep jobs here in America ..as for inherited.. Odumbo was part of the problem when he filibustered the bill that would have clamped down on risky loans made by fannie/freddie back in 2005 because he wanted low income people to be able to buy a house, even though they couldn't afford it. Democrats are good at pointing fingers but both sides are to blame.
  16. no one here has touched on why WW2 pulled us out of the depression..It wasn't taxes or spending... It was MANUFACTURING .. you remember what that is?? China produces more and more of our goods every year and this country will never fully recover until we do something about the exportation of our manufacturing jobs.Think about what a Manufacturing company buys from other companies just to make the products that it makes and how many businesses it supports. As for you progressives like Lucky, I know you have never owned your own business until you own a business, you really cannot understand..
  17. AH yes the VERY inconvienient TRUTH you guys try to run from.... you can't even make a comment about the Jon steward video .. talk about truth..and you haven't shown any proof on the comments you made in this thread..talk about inconvenient..as for deficit spending.. no president comes even close to Odumbo not even Bush was this bad..
  18. Does it bother you that W and Haley Barbour and a myriad of other conservative rePUBIClowns et al get support from the Klan and the Council of Conservative Citizens...the so called Uptown Klan? Nah.. didn't thnik so.... Did you know the clan used to go after republicans?? because they supported blacks?? Blacks used to vote republican until Kennedy . did you know that?? http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=44171 nah.. didn't think so..
  19. http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/nasa-chief-next-frontier-better-relations-with-muslim-world-should-nasa-be-involved-with-politics/question-1092557/ Space exploration or politics?
  20. _____________________________________________ Our ancestors did the right thing dumping on England . Now we can bear arms and say hateful things without worrying about breaking the law.
  21. QuoteNow we have passed it and we are finding out the price tag is a lie as is much more of it From AP found on News max Gonna be fun watching Lucky twist this.....*** ___________________________________________________ If you get lucky to make 2-3 posts in a row ..thats when you know that you got to him..
  22. _________________________________________ how does cutting off a guy's pecker benefit him? and why should everyone have to pay for this? This should be considered elective surgery.
  23. __________________________________________ the deficit that Obama inherited included the bank bailout of which most of it was paid back you and Obama forget to do the math .also here is the President's budget for 2010 totals ..which equals $3.55 trillion. nice try Lucky . now go ahead and make 20+ more posts in this thread but it will not change the numbers.
  24. GWB left = 10.7T Now = 13.1T diff 2.4T The debt would have to be 16T in order for you to be right. Not to mention GWB gave Obama a record deficit that was climbing, unemp that was soaring (3.4% in the year preceeding) and a banking system on the verge of total collapse. Of course if we ignore that then all is well. If we clamped down on the debt as you wish by cutting social programs, of course keep the military massive and growth to fight our imaginary enemy, we would enjoy the GD part II. _________________________________________________ http://blog.heritage.org/2009/03/24/bush-deficit-vs-obama-deficit-in-pictures/ here is proof that lucky is wrong again..
  25. Yes, if you can revoke the federally granted power to collectively bargain, you can keep the little guy down and the rich will do better - nice to see we agree on something. Shall we also state that wages are lower and workplace mortality higher in red states, which are usually right to work states? _________________________________________________ The little guy is the tax payers who have to pay for the unions and their large pensions. the public sector does not need to be represented by unions who are earning more and more while the taxpayers are earning less and less . the public sector unions have priced their selves out of the job markets in most states. they need to go..