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Everything posted by david3

  1. My exBF had one and it was ah-maz-ingggggggggggggggggg. Pricey but it was definitely good. He had a very firm one. We are talking about his bed right?
  2. I think you forgot to post the picture of Bryan. I only saw Kate.
  3. We. Are. Supposed. To. Be. Behaving. oops.. I wish you two the best. NOOOOOOOOO! Ignore this, I misunderstood david3's post.
  4. We. Are. Supposed. To. Be. Behaving. oops.. I wish you two the best.
  5. I told Funks about your absence. ...and I told Shah.
  6. I wish you all the luck in the world. You are going to need it. I lost a good friend to alcohol. He died in his mid thirties (yes his thirties). His alcohol of choice was also vodka. Finished a bottle every day, went to work every day. Until one day his body began to shut down. I had no idea it was that bad. More like I couldn’t imagine somebody could drink that much. I still ask myself what I could have done and would it have made a difference. It haunts me.
  7. What was it doing out on the ice?
  8. david3

    Because I care.

    What time are you picking me up?
  9. david3

    Because I care.

    I’d like to say this is a public service announcement but then I remembered who I am dealing with here. You guys don’t need a reminder to drink but just in case here’s your chance to plan ahead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZAuOkt8LbY#t=14 MMM mmm good So how do you plan to celebrate?
  10. david3

    Oklahoma Snow

    Man oh man, we used to have a blast road sleding in the cold de sacs around 81st and Harvard. The mall parking lot at 41st and Yale is where I was taught to drive on ice. Great way to learn to drive in snow. Find an empty lot and go crazy. Learn what it feels like when you lose traction, counter steer, overcorrect. Just get comfortable in adverse conditions.
  11. Chloroform . . . It is rare that I ever have any on me. Hell that reminds me of my favorite opening line with woman. "Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
  12. david3

    RIP Pete Seeger

  13. I... thought they were the same thing... I can do a frighteningly accurate Bill Clinton voice when I put my mind to it. Sadly, I have to get into character by saying "I'd like to hump Monica Lewinsky", which pretty much kills the act at children's parties. Back in the late 90's, I got coaxed into entering the Miss Deaf amabalA pageant (deaf guys dressed like women) by my then-girlfriend-now-wife. We had to dress up and present ourselves as a female character. I went as Monica Lewinski. Even had the blue dress. All entrants had to announce their character names. Got a lot of guffaws when I did. What I didn't know was the emcee was going to ask all the entrants the same question and they all had to give their answers. The question was, "If you met the US president, what would you do?" OMG... Unfortunately, I had to give the clean version. "I already did. I miss him." Best laugh of the evening. Had them rolling in stitches. You go out in public dressed in women's clothing and you think the people here would be shocked by that? Really?
  14. PSA: When you encounter something you want to "whatever" (plus or minus), it is helpful when you quote it so we don't have to go searching through a page or more of posts to figure what the heck to what you are referring. Just sayin' There is a clicky in the subject that will take you to it, usually. "In Reply To" Just sayin' ETA: I clicked it and it took me to this post I didn't think that my statement was anything to get about. I don't think he is at your statement. I think he is mad that he can also "imagine being that horny" and that makes him mad.