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Everything posted by narcimund

  1. My college physics is too long ago and I don't remember how to do this, but maybe someone else does. Person "A" is traveling at 120mph and is 1000' ahead of person "B" who is traveling at essentially 0mph. Name an acceleration gradient that will allow "B" to catch up to "A" and match speeds with him in exactly 3 seconds. I'm going to hazard a guess that "B" would have to undergo at least 5 gees of acceleration to accomplish this feat. That's tough to do when the only force you have to work with is gravity. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  2. That's fine, but I'm still confused why FasterFaller is pointing fingers at the bathhouses for this. It's like if a bully roughs up 9 people in a row but can't catch up to the 10th guy. Then the 9 victims take out their anger by chasing down and beating up the one guy who got away. Don't blame people who escape harassment -- blame the harassers! First Class Citizen Twice Over
  3. Date? The weather window is closing up quickly for this year. It doesn't make much sense to organize a big way during NW cloudy season. I'd recommend either get it going in the next 4 weeks or hold off until July. Place? Toledo or Molalla are probably as central as you can get. We could draw from people from Eugene and Medford to the south. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  4. Count me in! First Class Citizen Twice Over
  5. Again, I'm curious. Are you mad at the police for harassing straight clubs or are you mad at gay clubs because they aren't being harassed? First Class Citizen Twice Over
  6. What on earth are you talking about? Who are you mad at? 1) The authorities for enforcing a stupid concept? 2)or the authorities for selectively enforcing a wise concept? 3) or gay bathhouses for being left alone? It sounds from the quote above that you're complaining about #3. You "hate" the bathhouses for somehow hiding but the only evidence you give that they're hiding is that the police and press aren't looking for them. So again I ask, who exactly are you mad at here? (Edited to fix a typo that made it hard to read) First Class Citizen Twice Over
  7. Ok, so here's the dive plan. We'll exit at 13,000, have 60 seconds to do our RW, then we'll break off at 4,500. Turn and track for 1500, then open by 3,000. If your parachute isn't open by 1500, turn and wave at the other jumpers, all of which are now 1000 feet above you under parachute while you're still plummeting at terminal. Wave REALLY BIG at them. Hope they happen to be looking at you and understand your signal the first time. It's now their turn to make a quick decision, cut away, then go into the tightest headdown of their lives, because they have 8 seconds to catch up to you before you impact. Hopefully they can catch up to you, slow down (so they don't shoot past you), then grab on really hard. Hopefully this only took 3 seconds to accomplish, because you're both now at about Cypres altitude and you're going to get a quick reserve ride at twice your normal wing loading. Once you've landed, we'll debrief, watch the video, and manifest for the next jump. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  8. Not mine, but cute: Man small. Why fall? Skies call. That's all! First Class Citizen Twice Over
  9. Is it a "DZ relationship" if you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife and they discover skydiving because you suggest it? My boyfriend and I go to the DZ together all the time, but somehow it doesn't seem right to call it a "DZ relationship". Or is it only a DZ relationship if you meet them at the DZ? First Class Citizen Twice Over
  10. It's a repeat, but I'd sure like to see a way of marking threads. With all the activity, it's really easy to lose track of which threads I want to continue reading. The "Watched Threads" function sends emails, but it would be really easy for it to leave some visible indicator in the threads listing instead (or in addition). A simple user preference could choose between a marker and/or emails. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  11. I used to be bad about this. In my college it was COOL to be bisexual. It was so cool that all sorts of straight people SAID they were bisexual so they'd appear more open minded or something. Anyway, lots of people made themselves look available when in fact they weren't. So I had a long history at college of getting turned down by straight guys. What a drag. :( How do you deal with it? I dunno. You move on, no? I suppose it's not very different from anyone propositioning anyone and getting turned down. It's a drag if you were really interested. And the straight guy might be offended at the offer, but that's true of anyone. Girls are offended at their straight boy suitors all the time, or so I hear. Personally I can't remember ever being offended at someone for being interested in me. I've felt turned off by them, or trapped by the pressure of turning someone down nicely, but never offended. I don't understand why some people react that way. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  12. I have my initials "LjK" embroidered directly onto my risercover, jumpsuit, and gearbag. It's also on my helmet under a clear acrylic dome. Even more fun, the design of the "LjK" is one I created in design school when we were assigned to create a logo for ourselves. Helps deter theft as well. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  13. narcimund

    head down

    Yes there is. It just happens to be very, very fast. Keep thinking. You'll get it. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  14. Strange comment... I wonder what it was supposed to mean. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  15. narcimund


    I knew I liked you, Brian :) Several people have mentioned requiring insurance for jumpers. I think that's silly. However, I have no problem with hospitals refusing to treat anyone who can't pay. It's a private business and they sell their service. If only more people knew they were responsible for themselves and stopped thinking their care and feeding was on everyone else's shoulders. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  16. narcimund


    Richard, That's an excellent point. Many coverages might limit certain casualties without being obvious about it. I'm glad to say that I've personally checked in to mine and even though I have to pay more, I'm covered. I hope everyone else does the same. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  17. narcimund


    It is? I pay less than $150/month for health insurance that covers everything I could want including skydiving injuries. I have "non-corporate job" and no corporate benefits. Cheap. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  18. narcimund


    Personally I think it's every jumper's responsibility to have the financial resources to cover the costs of injuries or death that might occur in skydiving. For most of us that means buying health insurance and possibly life insurance. I pay every month for both and I pay extra to have my voluntary hobby covered. How does everyone else feel? Is it reasonable to not have insurance and leave it to chance or charity? First Class Citizen Twice Over
  19. We just visited SF last week on business and spent a day at Skydance in Davis. Nice place and nice people. Everything was great except Lummy stood us up. :P First Class Citizen Twice Over
  20. I'm a photoshop professional having spent 10 years using this and similar software for photo retouching. I see no indications that this photograph is anything other than genuine. The shadow story might seem compelling, but I don't see the evidence the same way. That being said, I still don't see a compelling advertising motive here. While Mr. Cummings might be justifiably proud of the photograph, I think he's stepped in something smelly. Nobody can look good when they associate themselves with the trade center. Mr. Cummings should have the photograph enlarged and framed on his wall and come up with another advertising campaign that doesn't make the public grimace in guilty confusion. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  21. Wow. I've been using most of the Adobe programs for 12 years. I own a business 80% of whose income is because of expertise in Adobe programs. I even occasionally treat myself and my employees to a week here and there at professional training seminars and conferences to learn more about them. I still don't feel I know enough about Photoshop or Illustrator. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  22. Library? Who can afford to get books from the library? I gave up on libraries and video rental stores when I realized I'm incapable of getting anything back on time. It's cheaper for me to buy it, no matter how much it costs. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  23. Skydive Oregon is the most professional, slick, businesslike dropzone in the area. They've got a lovely private field, well maintained turbine airplanes, and nice people. Other options in the area: Eugene Skydivers, Wright Bros Skydiving, and Toledo. Be sure to check out all of them before choosing a favorite. They're all different and have their own charms. Personally I jump at both Eugene Skydivers and Skydive Oregon a lot. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  24. Good luck! It's rare and hard to find. I happen to have just bought a copy but I've been looking for about 6 months. I know where you can pick one up for $150 if you're desperate. First Class Citizen Twice Over
  25. What are you angry about? First Class Citizen Twice Over