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Everything posted by Megatron

  1. yeah Ive gotta do that...air force fighter pilot you say?? ..on the way there! skydiving is once thing..wingsuiting is damn cool..but that flat out fucking flying!!! Does anyone know how long his flights usually last?
  2. I've driven 6000miles all over the US on a road trip I took last spring..we stopped over a few places for a day or two but the round trip took about a week & about 85 hours driving. That was before I began jumping so I didn't hit up any DZs even though I was in phoenix for a day . I plan to drive back there from Texas ~10 hours once my gear comes in.
  3. just one question..who are the beads for, you or the ladies?
  4. How do I do this?
  5. ..two world records set btw: biggest formation & lowest combined IQ
  6. nice! ..but why are they wearing those huge motorcycle helmets, to match their tits maybe??
  7. I'm considering eventually getting a tandem rating (still quite a ways off but I'm just curious), just have a few questions about it as a profession. Can you do it as a full-time profession? Would you want to? If so, what does a tandem instructor typically get paid full-time? Part-time? Do you find it fullfilling? Does it make you jaded to the sport as a recreational activity, that is, do you still enjoy fun-jumping as much? Thanks in advance.
  8. "..I bet you don't." "..I bet you do too, does the ugly stick hurt?" "..and it was fun until now." "..I'm about to return the favor with this [insert blunt object here]." and of course my personal favorite: "..go fuck yourself!"
  9. Hey Im looking for my friend Abraham (dont know his last name), he got his A-license in '04 I think. Abe, if you're on here this is Gene, we went to Kingsborough College together in Brooklyn, we used to hang out with that chick Masha. I went with you to Sky's the Limit in PA at some point that year where you completed your AFF and I did my second tandem. I think the last time we hung out I went to your engagement party with Masha and my girl back then. Hit me up bro! If youre still current we should jump!
  10. Im sure most of you know that West Tennessee Skydiving offers recreational HALO jumps from 30,000ft! Assuming you pull a little high at 5000ft that's about 1.5min of freefall! Still questionable if its worth the $350 price a novelty maybe. But how cool would it be to wingsuit from 30k...assuming a 40mph vertical speed and pulling at 5k, that adds up to over a 7 minute freefall!!!! SWEET ..and totally worth the price in my opinion. I dont have enough jump to fly a wingsuit yet but I should by the spring and once I get about 50 or so wingsuit jumps under my belt Im there! ..whos with me? ..this means you Dale!
  11. Thanks thats a pretty good idea..Im gonna looking that.
  12. Great link, thanks alot! Im surprised I never hit up their faq's..Ive been all over that website.
  13. Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for. It seems that if one takes a more conservative approach to the sport, many of the leading causes of skydiving fatalities can be eliminated entirely. The remaining inherent risk seems to be at a level that one may not live long enough and make enough jumps such that they will truly be tempting the odds.
  14. Fuck the south...except Texas
  15. Thanks! Im even more confused Im guessing Mircoline = Spectra Ok so here what I gathered: Microline - packs smaller, opens harder (but not really according to ~50% of you) Dacron - packs larger, opens softer (but not really according to ~50% of you) I think Ill play it safe and go with the dacron just in case I come upon a real slammer someday. Still not sure what exactly the lb. ratings are....
  16. I noticed canopy manufacturers give you a choice between 825lb Microlines, 550lb Microlines, & 525lb Dacron lines. Im assuming the ###lbs is related to the tensile strength of the line so why would anyone opt for weaker lines? Less drag maybe? Would someone mind explaining the difference and please pardon my ignorance on the subject.
  17. Easy there killer, I wouldnt have posted this had I not been interested in the technical aspects of the sport. Eventually Id like to get certified as a master rigger and perhaps put my engineering degree to use working with a rig or canopy manufacturer ...but I guess not everyone can be a hardcore skydiver like you. D-bags arent too expensive, are they? Im sure I could by one of the right size in the meantime and sell it when my rig comes..or even keep it as a spare. yeah Id feel much better knowing exactly how the thing saving my life was packed and care & attention to detail was taken where it counts. At this point though, such a pack job for me would take way too long...I just wanna get that down to a practical time before I start doing it at the dz. btw, which video would you recommend, "pack like a pro" or "packing made simple"
  18. I just order my rig today (12-14 weeks for delvery ), got a cypress too but I still need to buy a main and reserve canopy. So I was thinking since it's gonna take so long to get my rig, maybe I should go ahead and buy my main and practice packing in the meantime. I usually don't pack very often at the DZ since it still takes me upwards of a half an hour and I'd much rather pay a packer and go jump on the next load. The downside is that I still suck at packing and don't see myself improving until I have some dedicated down-time to pack and repack a canopy until I'm fairly proficient at it. So what would you say to me buying a canopy, laying it out with the lines attached to something sturdy (with some D-rings perhaps) and just go through the motions of packing it until its ready to go in the D-bag, then trying again. I would certainly take care not to damage the material but I dont wanna put any undue wear on it if Im not even jumping it either. Any suggestions?
  19. Hey whats up Dave! I figured someone from Aggieland would recognize me as Megatron haha ..yeah man, I knew that Silhouette wasnt ZP so I guessed F111 by default..didnt know about hybrid. Let me know next time you do another canopy course, Id love to take it! voilsb, you and I seem to have had the exact same experience downsizing. Thanks for the info. I figured a 1.3 wl would really start to get into the thick of active canopy flight. Should be fun!
  20. thanks for the clarification. I pull kinda high to begin with (~4.5) so unless some shit does down I don't see myself in freefall under 2500ft. Definitely a good point about the risk of a 2-out when pulling the main low. Lowest I've ever pulled was at 2500 during a low hop & Neptune showed 1900 deployment. Although I was B2E the whole time that's still a bit too close for comfort. From now on I'm going for the reserve under 1500 as a rule.
  21. Let me rephrase that a bit..not that there was no learning curve at all, my canopy flying skills have definitely improved as I downsized. What I meant to say what that I never had any trouble landing safely after a downsize..if anything my ability to control the canopy to a smooth landing has improved with higher wing loadings. That trend definitly has a limit to it however, especially at my skill level. Im just hoping its not at the 170 mark. I'm about 225 with gear btw
  22. Somebody posted this in the "stupid things I have done" thread.: I was under the impression that the criteria for the Cypress to fire was that one had to be below 750ft and traveling faster than 76mph. So if my speed in freefall is significantly higher than belly-to-earth speed the Cypress will fire at a higher altitude??? That doesnt seem right does it?