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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. I don't base by beliefs on "subjective emotional feelings" because those kind of feelings are not reliable and are pretty meaningless. What do base my beliefs on is logic. Logically there is nothing to support the claim that there exists any form of deity at all. No matter how much you feel that something is true doesn't make it so. I wasn't aware of any overt or repressed anger involved in my posts. I generally post to get a reaction. Maybe I pushing for a reaction too hard? If we met in person I would never bring up this subject and would avoid it as much as possible. Most religous people tend to get upset when their beliefs are challenged.
  2. Go up to Palatka and the Ocala National forest and you can add wild black bear to your list along with an assortment of venomous snakes.
  3. Maadmax seems to be looking for a big cosmic sign that says there is no god and never has been before he will even consider the possibility that god never existed.
  4. Sounds like Bert is a freeflyer. We don't get to exit first!
  5. Your post are totally confusing and contradictory. You should try reading them and thinking before actually posting them.
  6. here you go Casey The formating is a little off
  7. So if we asked the question "Are humans racist?", we'd have nothing to compare them with and therefore couldn't answer the question? I think not. "Racist" can be perfectly well defined without reference to a different set of individuals. Those two questions don't compare. "Are humans racist?" isn't asking for a comparison. It's asking whether or not humans are racist. A yes or no question. "How racist are these particular humans?" now that asks for a measure of racism and assumes the there is a degree of racism already present.
  8. Is it a good cause to bail people out from their own harmful behaviors resulting from their irrational beliefs in invisible supernatural beings? Yes. In the same waty that it's a good cause to save people from themselves, who Smoke, drink take drugs etc.. I don't think it's a good cause to save people from smoking, drinking or drugs. If they want to fuck themselves up and OD on cocaine. I will not get in their way. I won't help them, but I won't go out of my way to stop them.
  9. I think you missed my point. The question was in regard to the measure of racism in the US. In order to measure racism in one country you need other countries to measure it against. The fact that racism exists in the US has already been assumed by the question and is not in dispute.
  10. Moral relativism strikes again. The answer to the question is: VERY, but it's getting better. Within my memory I saw (on TV) a state governor declaring "segregation forever". Now it's more covert (driving while black is still an offense in Chicago, for example) Well the question was "How racist is America?" which can only be answered by comparing America to other countries. In this case it is about moral relativism.
  11. Not near as rascist as many other countries.
  12. God must have been testing all the other people not born in the 20th century. Hey Royd what about the babies born still? Was God testing them? Guess God can't look after everyone.
  13. There is a big difference between trying to explain everything and claiming to know everything. Religion simply attributes everything they don't understand to God.
  14. Glad you are ok and no one got hurt. I suggest you try some tracking jumps. Usually Matteo will lead at least one tracking jump a weekend. If you can keep up with his max back track you will be doing very well.
  15. Why does there have to be an explaination for everything or every event?
  16. If memory serves me right I don't think Ragnarok is a god. I think it is the Norse version of Armeggedon.
  17. Are these people being prosecuted for polygamy? I haven't read much about this, but what I have noticed is that they are more concerned with the child abuse rather then polygamy. There wouldn't be anything illegal about me living with 5 women and have concenting sex with all of them, so polygamy would be a tough law to prosecute. Although I am quite certain that I would have commited suicide within a month.
  18. What do you mean "whatever"??! In your previous post you equated emotions to spirituality. Then I asked how do you equate those and you reply with "whatever"! You don't make a convincing argument for spirituality or existence of any deity. What you describe and all religions describe is more like mysticism. Your equating spirituality to feelings invoked from paintings is bullshit. Spirituality is imagined and cannot be quntified. How a painting affects the viewer can be quantified.
  19. That doesn't equate to feelings
  20. You just described feelings. What does that have to do with spirituality? spir·it·u·al·ism Audio Help /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəˌlɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spir-i-choo-uh-liz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. the belief or doctrine that the spirits of the dead, surviving after the mortal life, can and do communicate with the living, esp. through a person (a medium) particularly susceptible to their influence. 2. the practices or phenomena associated with this belief. 3. the belief that all reality is spiritual. 4. Metaphysics. any of various doctrines maintaining that the ultimate reality is spirit or mind. 5. spiritual quality or tendency. 6. insistence on the spiritual side of things, as in philosophy or religion.
  21. You experience feelings and interpret them as spirituality. Spirituality is bullshit.
  22. Spirituality is an imagined concept. Feelings can be scientifically measured. Love is a feeling. Lookup brain waves or patterns.
  23. There are lots of things that science can't explain. That doesn't invalidate it. Science is a method for exploring the world around us. Science is based on critical thinking and logic. Faith has no logic.
  24. The same can be said about Gay marriage, Anal sex is even illegal in some states. So I am trying to figure out the logic of people who support gay marriage but are against other forms of marriage involving adults. You just don’t see the same people who support gay marriage raising up to support these people. And the Gays are fighting it in court.
  25. Polygamy is illegal whether they want it to be legal or not. They broke the law. If they want to challange the law then fight it in court.