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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. How very imaginative. Did you come up with that on your own?
  2. I think this should more correctly read "NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, that I accept, exists" No, Kallend got it right the first time. Just because you see evidence where there isn't any doesn't mean there is evidence.
  3. What do you build/fix them or something?? I know this is totally off subject, but do you like macs or pc's better? Lame question I know, but I am actually curious especially if your a computer guy. Part of my job at times is fixing computers. My current title is Network Administrator. Right now I mostly do programming. I have very little experience on Macs and really don't have much interest in them. Most companies are PC based. Once I am at home I don't spend much time on the computer any more. Work kinda burns me out anymore.
  4. Not much. Just working on a laptop.
  5. Now there is an understatement!
  6. Anything? Every single word, character and story in the Bible is just a figment of someone's imagination? Now that takes some faith to believe that. I didn't say that everything in the Bible is fiction. There is no evidence that Jesus was ever resurected. In fact outside of the Bible there is very very little evidence of anyone named Jesus. I think the bible is historical fiction. It does have some historical basis but is mostly myth. That doesn't take faith it just takes being objective and examining the evidence available.
  7. Just because you and many people are inspired by the biblical accounts of Jesus doesn't make it true or that Jesus was ever resurected from the dead or that anything in the Bible really happened. I look things logically. Logically there is no evidence that God exists or that Jesus was resurected from the dead. Just because you found inspiration in the Bible doesn't make it true or factual.
  8. I have read the Bible. You can believe anything you want. That doesn't make it true. Everyone feels fear at times. It's how you deal with it that is important. I don't resort to fantasys based on the Bible.
  9. No I am not telling you that. I am saying there is no evidence of any life after death. It's not about what i want to believe. It's about the evidence available.
  10. MLK wrote and delivered an emotional speech that inspired many people. So what is your point?? Hope is an emotion, look it up. Faith is believing in something with out any evidence, look it up. Try Many people find the bible to be emotionally inspiring. That doesn't make it any more valid.
  11. I have the same fears as anyone else, but I choose to live in reality and not a fantasy world based on claims that have no evidence to back them up. which is it? earlier you said you are not relying on blind faith. There is nothing wrong with leading that life. It's just as good as leading a life of skydiving every weekend, if that person enjoys their life who am I to question their choices. Not everyone wants to be a skydiver.
  12. I believe you faith is missplaced. I think your faith is blind. You are blinded by your emotions. You want to believe so much that you cannot see how ridiculus the bibles claims are. I think this is fueled by fear. Probably fear of death. You don't want to believe that life just ends and there is nothing after death.
  13. I think you are delusional. You misuse the words proof and evidence. You seem to think very highly of your feelings and expect others to take them seriously. Bottom line, there is no evidence of any deity and no evidence of life after death. Lets stick the actual definition of evidence. Feelings don't count (they differ from person to person and the time of day), one book of vague authorship is only heresay. I submit that all religions make fraudulant claims based on heresay.
  14. All you have to support this statement is the bible. That is not proof of anything. I enjoy many things in life. I don't need to imagine an after life in order to feel good about life.
  15. This is typical Christian bullshit if someone doesn't imagine the same thing you do then it's because you can't "hear this word" or Jesus hasn't shown you the "way".
  16. and peace to everyone in your fantasy world.
  17. I think rynodigsmusic is living in fantasyland and is having trouble distinguishing it from reality! Hey rynodigsmusic give my regards to Lalaland.
  18. Truth? all I have read from you is ramblings of what you imagine to be true. You can ramble on all you want, but it doesn't make it any more valid. You have no evidence to back up anything you have written about. It's all based on your feelings. If you were born to muslim parents you would be saying the same things about Mohamed instead of Jesus.
  19. I think you have a good imagination.
  20. This is bullshit. If there is evidence of any deity at all. Then I will consider the possibility of the existence of that particular deity. You pulled that statement out of your ass. At this point there is no evidence of god so my only conclusion is that god is a fantasy.
  21. Science can not explain everything, but neither can religion. In fact religion doesn't explain anything. Religon just pretends to explain everything. Just saying God did it doesn't explain anything. It's just a lazy way of explaining things with out having to do any research or experiments. If you think science is "weak ass discipline" why do use computers, cars, vaccines, electricity? All of that and much much more has been discovered through the use of the scientific process. If we waited for god we would all be sitting in the dark in a cave. Your posts are become more nonsensical as we go. Bottome line there is no evidence of any deity so it makes no sense for me to believe in any deity. That doesn't mean that I am replaceing deitys with science.
  22. I am still confused as to what exactly is your point? Science can't explain everything?! Duh We already know that. If science could explain everything then there would be no need for any more experiments or any further studies. You seem to be trying to say they we treat science the same way you see your God. That couldn't be further from the truth. Don't expect any more replies I am going to bed. CYA tomorrow.
  23. Is there a question in your post? It doesn't make any sense at all. I consider the scientific process the only way to attempt to make any sense of the world around us. A scientific explaination is not needed for things to exist. Why would I need to prove that humans are a "cut above" the rest of the animals on earth? Souls and spirits are imagined by superstitious people like you.
  24. You seem to think of "Science" as a person. Science is a method or a process. How humans use science is up to humans. Your whole post is ridiculus. Where did I ever say that science would cure all diseases? or solve the issues of poverty or starvation? Science solves all of that just as well as any deity. Why because science isn't a person, just like there are no deitys.
  25. Yet, for the thousands, or is it millions of years that we've existed, we still can't get anything right. We all should be living in a virtual paradise, what with the great intellect we all possess. Could there be a reason that we all have blinders on our eyes, and regardless of how far we, in our self congratulatory way, advance, we are basically still digging through the dumpster, looking for scraps. Wow you certainly have a bleak view of the world. Why don't you just slit your rists and get over with? I would like the think humanity is worth more then the picture you paint.