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Everything posted by upndownshop

  1. I was told this just now from those inside too, but that's a bit more information than needs to be known right now, tall slut! I did just hear that WFFC '09 is a go BUT..... DO NOT take my word for it. Wait for an official announcement, please. I told those inside that if there really is to be an '09, they need to announce it really soon, preferably before THIS boogie season kicks off. Anyway, I'll still wear my rig with pride. Be it up here, at the WFFC, Summerfest, or any other DZ or boogie I may wander in to at any time.
  2. We added another Balloon! More slots available. www.skyfestboogie.com
  3. Yeah I did not mean to sound like it would never happen again, even though it reads as such. I really just wanted to thank those involved, I for one know the amount of hard work that is put into events like this and its always nice to hear that wonderful "Thank you". J
  4. Ummm hmmmmm we call it "paying it skyward" in the SkyFest world. Do like Keith Laub did last year after buying the 3 SF custom alitimeters in the auction. Give it to an SCR maggot!! We like maggots, they buy beer!! Well I didn't want to steal your thunder there J... lol. Speaking of SCR can we do one with all anvils No thunder to be taken, it just adds to the whole concept of the event. But of course it does sound like you have some other fun ideas in this thread. Anvil SCR sure!! Hell if I dont get off my ass I might qualify by then. LOL
  5. Ummm hmmmmm we call it "paying it skyward" in the SkyFest world. Do like Keith Laub did last year after buying the 3 SF custom alitimeters in the auction. Give it to an SCR maggot!! We like maggots, they buy beer!!
  6. Yes Keith Spratland is helping out. Mike at Chuting Star can service the canopies as well. Pm me for a phone number if you like. J
  7. No way he is only 40!!! What, I never would hve thought I was older than he. Damn there goes my day. Well you have a great one anyway Hans! Now call me back.. you ole man. J
  8. Ive said it for many years the only reason my dad had kids was so he had packers. Starting packing in 1973 at 6 years old for $.50. Yup I sure would let a kid pack. Better than what I could do today, havent packed in over 1000 jumps, and never knew who was packing while traveling the 80 Dz's in 4 years. Thats also what I love about my Spectre!! Let em pack.. J
  9. you mean like this post? http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3083396;search_string=glitter%20girl;#3083396 still finding that crap around.
  10. On the straps of my tank top getting ready to pull them down and flash the camera man...wanna see the video?? Do you even need to ask that question? Oh BTW nice message you left me, sorry phone was dead again. Guess I need more 10 minute sunshine breaks!
  11. Ummm where are your hands in that photo? Was your chest strap loose? Or too tight? shall i edit the post?
  12. I didnt get that far in the conversation, this year as I was told. But I would imagine to start over would be a more difficult and larger risk than starting it in the first place. The future will be quite interesting.
  13. Heard the decision has been made released in SD Magazine. Have not seen it yet but received a phone call as to such. This year is canceled. Staff and Don can at least be proud of the great running it had for many years. Left a great mark in our SD history. Thank you all involved for the many years of such a great event. Blue Skies
  14. I thought there was no additional weight allowed for Speed Skydiving!
  15. Well that is an easy one. I have this fancy new website.....http://www.skyfestboogie.com/content/view/18/16/ That should help out!! LOL Hey check out the stat page, pretty neat info.
  16. Well with 4 of thier AC I would expect that to be true!! Bring em on, its time to have some fun, and oh do I need some fun!!
  17. Hmmmmm the list: My new girl friend.. SkyFest's new adventure my new business that is about to launch (betcha never guess the name....small hint..... UNDS) and the fact that SF is an official World Cup event for Speed Skydiving (thanks Amazon!) does that count as "A Favorite?"
  18. I am relaxed. What I was trying to say is after I originally replied to your first post and hit submit I realized that I did not answer your camper question. So I immediately edited it. Now go jump from a plane would ya...
  19. Uhh excuse me ladies but I did answer, cut and pasted from my original. Yes i did have ot go back and edit it, but i did that right after i posted it. Ok now, the 100 ways are the DZ's event. The women are mine, SF that is lol. But what links are not working? We do not have a womens sign up yet, but I will make that happen in a couple of days. Thats funny ban me for that. I wonder what it feels like to be banned LOL that was pretty good!
  20. The 100 way is BJ Worth and Roger Ponce, sign up for that is on Skydive Carolina. Its not a SF "event" per say. I just put the schedule up so the times can be seen by all. The womens record (24 way currently i believe) will have an organizer. Just waiting on an email from her. when the 100 ways break up on Saturday our thoughts are that we will have the ladies for the pink patch 20 ways and those also become practice jumps for the Womens record. I have to be honest., this is going to depend greatly on jumpers working the schedule with us. Which is part of what makes SF so unique but this years has a few new challenges. Especially with us becoming an official World Cup Event for Speed Skydiving. Still waiting on the results from the power company which we expected last week. If all else fails we will offer generators for rent.
  21. Dont know what you are talking about we have 5 sign up pages active. No SCR's yet though http://www.skyfestboogie.com/content/view/7/3/ Ben and I have been working on this damn site till weeee hours in the morning daily. J
  22. No, no problem especially since we dont have a SCR sign up yet..... No really go ahead and sign up for anything you want to do. Not a problem. Just be there!!
  23. Had not really thought about doing a sigh up on that, figured it would work itself out at the event. We do need some up jumpers for the SCR jumps early in the week, we will have one for that. I know you want to help there. Hey did you see this?? I think they are pretty cool http://www.skyfestboogie.com/content/view/28/36/
  24. Still no word on Paraclete coming, but SkyVenture Colorado folks will be, and offering free coach jumps and discounted tunnel time to purchase.