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Everything posted by Hooknswoop

  1. I'm not understanding how the force on the control line is getting to the elastic keeper. Derek V
  2. I don;t understand what you mean by "double brake lined on the reserve, with additional loop through the cat eyes on brake lines." I suspect the brakes were set incorrectly on this reserve, causing the torn elastic toggle keepers. It is possible the control line was routed under the toggle tab between the guide ring and elastic or the brakes were set about the guide rings. Derek V
  3. If people are ripping out their toggle keepers, it is because they are setting their brakes above the guide ring and not below. The angle from the riser to the outer, trailing edge of the canopy is very low, especially on smaller canopies. Setting the brakes with the control line to the inside and excess to the outside does 2 things; 1- Reduces wear on the control line near the guide ring since the warm slider grommet isn't resting on it immediately after deployment, and, 2- Puts the excess control line deeper into the riser channel, help in by the risers, helping to prevent the excess control line from coming out of the container in freefall. If the excess is properly stowed (to the outside or inside), snagging or putting your hand through it shouldn't be an issue. Derek V
  4. http://www.denverpost.com/2017/11/02/colorado-springs-shooting-thursday/ So the wal mart shooting made national news. This one didn't. Why? Why do we discuss gun control after a shooting, but no one will engage you to discuss solutions after a truck is used to kill 8? It defies logic. It does hit on emotions though...... Derek V
  5. I wasn’t trying to be clever. I thought I was agreeing with the anti-gun side. Universal background checks without gun registration in not enforceable. You said it is. Colorado proves it is not. Derek V
  6. No. I think that all sales at gun shows should require a background check. I do not think private sales (not at a gun show) should require a background check. I think that private sale (not at a gun show) background checks are unenforceable. Colorado is proof of this. I think you overestimate my level of concern about the AFFICC. It is more about USPA not representing its individual members interests when they conflict with the DZO's interests. Derke V
  7. Private gun sales background checks are unenforceable. I tried to explain that to Billvon and Kallend and they didn't believe me. Requiring all sales of guns at a gun show to go through a background check would be easy to enforce, but wouldn't change much. Derek V
  8. On this issue, we are 100% in agreement. Buying a fitearm at a gun show venue should require a background check, same as at a gun store. Derek V
  9. You could yell fire in a crowded room.... The supreme court disagrees. Right, so should you have to carry insurance in case you start a riot? I'll think about that as well. Derek V
  10. No. For the same reason I would not vote yes for a requirement for insurance for free speech or require the speaker to pay for security on a public college. Derek V
  11. I absolutely do want to do better. I am not a monster. I just do not want any more gun restrictions. I would vote yes for increased penalties for firearm related offenses. I would vote yes for ensuring the background NICs list is accurate and up to date. I would vote yes for making the sales of bump stock or similar items illegal (I suppose that is a restriction). I would even consider voting yes for a 24 hour waiting period to purchase a firearm. Agreed. I am not and would not be an NRA member. Derek V
  12. I agree completely. And I believe we are already at the; "at this point everyone pushes back and says 'No! We have a balance between the ownership of guns, and the price of owning them that we're comfortable with'." point. I read all the proposals for gun restrictions and the easy ones, the ones I would not vote again (and might even vote for), won't do much, if anything. Then the "we must do something crowd" gets going again and then more restrictions. I keep reading this and have no choice but to consider the possibility you are right. Derek V
  13. Not really. Maybe $50-$100/year depending how much it changed. Not enough to change how often I go to the DZ/Jump/do AFF, etc. The whole issue is more about USPA serving DZO's instead of it's individual members than the money. Agreed. I suspect you are in that camp. But looking at anti-gun side, I believe there is a large percentage that says they do not want to ban all guns, but either actually do, or will when their initial restrictions do not do enough. There is also a percentage, which I believe you are in, that would be satisfied with a bit of restrictions for some return and would not eventually be for gun confiscation. Not all pro-gun people are the same. Not all anti-gun people are the same. I get that. Derek V
  14. Since you insist on the AFFI analogy, I'll explain. in 2001 there was an AFFI instructor shortage. I believe this was because of several factors. The rating was expensive and difficult to get. Using the rating is a lot of work and you can make a lot more doing tandems, which is a cheaper and easier rating to get. AFFI's stopped renewing their ratings and less jumpers sought the rating out. Instead of DZO's increasing the pay for AFFI's, USPA lowered the standards to get the rating. The measurable change would be AFFI pay going up with inflation. The point I am trying to make is not to debate what the shooting-death goal(s) should be, or what restrictions would achieve that/those goal(s), but why I do not believe the goal is not gun confiscation. I didn't believe that before, but now I do. I am trying to determine when that changed. Derek V
  15. Sorry, was doing it to make a point. Trying to explain why I believe the goal is gun confiscation. Derek V
  16. This is why I do not believe it when people says, "It's almost comical that the right wingies instantly assume gun confiscation is the goal." I ask for the goal and cannot get a definitive answer. 'They' want less shooting deaths and believe more gun restrictions will give them the result 'they' want Then they will want more, and then, eventually, the only restriction left will be confiscation of all guns. Derek V
  17. And then what? Year 2, 3, 10? What is the eventual goal? Derek V
  18. So if there was 1 less gun death this year than last year, you will say we have met the goal? Derek V
  19. Oh. OK. Then what is the eventual goal? 10 mass murders/year? 5? 1? Derek V