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Everything posted by futuredivot

  1. And to think-it's that much fun even WITH Pops around You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  2. I remember when Amanda snuck up behind me gave me a peck on the cheek and a hug-huge grin on her face and said "Guess who's a wingwalker?". There's just no stopping that girl. It's tough to find a couple as personable and professional as those two. Very dependable and organized in business-Pirated Skies, Sons of Legends, Franklin Flying Circus-never a problem, never lets me down. Kyle, Amanda, and Matt are so much fun to hang around, work with. Gonna be an empty spot at Sun 'n Fun this year. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  3. Translation: Twardo is back in town and Turtle has a bruised larynx. Don't call because they'll be 'busy' for a while. That about cover it? You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  4. Funny story-Several years ago my roomie (also coworker) and Iwere heading home from work and there were 6-8 Klan dudes handing out literature at the intersection at the end of our street. Jimmy rolled down the window and took it-I was a bit ticked off that he did at the time. We got home, he broke out a red pen-we corrected it for spelling and grammar (and there were a lot of corrections). We took it back to them, handed it over and Jim told them "As concerned white people, we want you to quit making us look stupid" You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  5. Serious prayers for my friends Kyle and Amanda who were injured today. http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/ You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  6. Not impressed-you eyes arent that good anymore anyway. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  7. Taking notes is good as long as you don't expect the flow to wait on you. For goodness sakes, don't roll in with a ratty spiral bound notebook or ask for a pen (I've had both happen) You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  8. Son, I got at least 2 tattoos and a pair of socks older than you. Quit jumping over a year ago but probably have more freefall time UNDER 3K than you have total. Saturday night I was running the Harley triple digits through the red and yellow cells on a dare. Not living? Come see me when you've been around long enough to have done something other talk. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  9. Aw come on-those are good for that flashback to the preteen years of watching Charlie's Angels on the tube You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  10. If you start talking about nano thermite I'm calling walmart to warn them about you
  11. Likewise, What are these horrible "Nike" shorts? You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  12. About to finish "Book of Secrets"-Chris Roberson. Just finished rereading Simon Green "Something From The Nightside" and getting ready to start "Earthquake Weather"-Tim Powers You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  13. We love to make fun of the stick families You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  14. Nope-but the left hand loungers were pacing the right hand lane traffic a lot of the time. had one broad stay 1/2 car length behind a semi (it in the right lane, her in the left) most likely afraid to drive with a truck on one side and concrete divider on the other. Geesh-it you're not going faster than the car beside you. Get over-some of us have places to be. and don't get me started on when I approach a vehicle from the rear, get ready to move left to pass but have a car in the left lane blocking me in that won't pass or fall in behind. Common courtesy. If you are not actively passing someone or allowing for a merge or vehicle on the shoulder, you have no biz in the left lane You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  15. That was your lucky day-We saw the chop and asked "who's that?". Nobody knew. I think we were the only ones that went out looking for you. If I'd know it was you... You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  16. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  17. Drove to and from Nashville this week. Mostly I 40. I had to pass 48 cars on the right hand side. 45 were women. 2 of the women and one of the men get a bye because we were near an exit and they may have been keeping the right lane open for merging traffic. That leaves 43 chicks tooling down the left lane with their heads up their rear ends impeding the flow of traffic. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  18. Short answer-nah. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  19. The best ride back to the dz was my canopy-everything else was just embarrassing. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  20. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  21. No. More likely, after being called out on doing the same things they accuse others of doing (not playing the ball) they will ignore this thread hoping that everyone forgets their glaring inconsistency. Or at best will respond to a post like this one that allows them to ignore the original topic. Just my guess-unlike a lot of folks; I know I'm not a mind reader You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  22. Chirp, chirp-Where are the defenders of the left proving to us that this isn't yet another flip flop? You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  23. We knew that eventually he'd find out that being President takes a lot more than standing behind a podium bitching about the President. You are only as strong as the prey you devour
  24. Maybe he should hire Amazon-That's some name calling that doesn't seem to upset you too much. You are only as strong as the prey you devour