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Everything posted by freeflyz

  1. So your a rookie stalker,Stalker 101 in session,NEVER take your own car! Borrow a unknown car,taxi or my favorite the bus!!!
  2. So your a victim of the violent bear attacks too huh?
  3. Sometimes you find out it's someone that did one a while ago and slapped the sticker on there car!
  4. A ha,so she transforms into a bear after midnight,i was wondering were she went for the rest of the night!!!!
  5. And on another note line trim!
  6. Can we say need bigger canopy?
  7. You know the skydiving center where they jumped is Cooliage
  8. Dude sucks to be you You don't know what you are missing!
  9. When i find myself fading.I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy!
  10. Today quote " An insinere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; A wild beast may wound your body,but an evil friend will wound your mind." Buddha
  11. Mirage g3 M0 113r 129 crossfire2
  12. Yeah like you said not very good to skydive with,but awsome to base jump with not as reading it on the way down but as you hike,climb a tower or cliff!So you know how high you are!
  13. freeflyz

    A Riddle

    close but no cigar!
  14. freeflyz

    A Riddle

    ok smartee!How about this one! Find a simple method of solving: 6751x+3249y=26751 3249x+6751y=23249
  15. Did somebody say Hippie Crack!!!
  16. freeflyz

    A Riddle

    Ok i'm taking the gloves off! a mother and father have six sons and each son has one many people are in the family?
  17. freeflyz

    A Riddle

    If you cross out all unnecessary letters in the following string of letters,a logical sentence will remain.can you see it? AALLLOUGNINCEACELSSSEANRYTELNETCTEERS
  18. freeflyz

    A Riddle

    You one smart mofo! Who says that skydiver are dumb!
  19. Don't try to rush yourself,it will come in do time! I know people that rush in to the sport and end up getting hurt or hurting someone else! Don't be one of those people!
  20. freeflyz

    A Riddle

    Hawaii! This one is a little harder! A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn.The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks.Who carried the heavier load and why!
  21. freeflyz

    A Riddle

    Your right!! Nothings bigger than god,nothing is meaner than the devil, poor people have nothing, rich people need nothing pretty good how about this one! What state is surrounded by he most water??