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Everything posted by deltron80

  1. Do you feel like you're living a lifetime of slavery? (Not just you; I'm curious if any of the guys posting in here feel that way.) I admit I tend to be hyperbolic to get my point across, but I stand by the sentiment of everything I've written. I'm personally not a slave of any woman. I'm free and I intend to stay that way.
  2. And you don't think it has anything to do with how we raise boys versus girls? Thank god times are finally changing in that respect! I bet you're still cool with paying for their dinners and buying expensive gifts and all that... why are women still complaining about a pay gap? And why don't men also get maternity leave to be with their newborns? Yes, but the stat is still true. Men are killing themselves for a reason. I wonder what that is? They must just be stupid I guess. If you research it you might be surprised. Also, a lot of domestic violence is initiated by the woman. i.e. woman hits man with chair, man hits woman, man goes to jail. Or maybe he doesn't hit her back. He's not going to report it either way. Why should a man have to pay for a child he doesn't want when a woman tells him she took her pill and she didn't? The woman gets to choose whether to have the kid and the man gets to go to prison if he refuses to pay.
  3. Spoken like a true mangina! Lots of ad hominem garbage and very little substance. Let's break it down... Because men typically have a history of committing more crime than women. The image that we think of for criminals is usually pretty correct. But I'd invite you to go to a women's prison some time. Find out what women are doing life for. And how often those life sentences are because they finally killed an abuser. Compare that to men. ---Women typically commit proxy violence, not always direct, but the violence still occurs. Generally a man commits it for them and goes to jail, but they still initiated it. ---If a woman hits me first and I hit her back, I go to prison and she does not. ---Regardless of the type of crime, women will get a less harsh sentence for the exact same crime. You seem to think that's somehow justified by how men are perceived? Oh, how your perceptions and reality don’t match. ---Care to elaborate in some way? How many wicked stepfathers were there in fairy tales? Oh, yeah. It was always the wicked stepmother. I believe you are looking at history through blueball colored glasses. ---Nice personal attack there. The guy sticking up for men's rights obviously just can't get laid! It's so simple! Thanks for proving my point. I'm just some disgruntled neckbeard. Feel free to ignore my humanity. Usually these guys failing out don’t have fathers at home. Check out the stats. ---Exactly....and? All the men are in prison or have been discarded and are making a monthly payment. Indeed. Because “welfare king” is a common term. Or is that “welfare queen?” ---Yea...and? So far we're agreeing on a lot of stuff lol Yes. Now what is the cause of these deaths? And how about those left behind? Think she’s got it easy? ---She has it easier than her dead husband, yes Women aren’t allowed in combat. That 3% are dying tells you something. ---lol? Thus, 80% of those left behind to cover for the dude who offed himself are women. Think it’s easy for a woman? Knowing a couple of female-led families with a husband/father who committed suicide, I will tell you that the average woman is tougher than 95% of men. ---Society is tough on men so they kill themselves. But who gives a shit? They're just men. If 80% of suicides were women people would be up in arms. Right. Because women take care of their shit. ---No, it's because men take care of shit for the ones that can't. No one does that for men. Men kick the woman out and keep the place. Women just want to escape. ---huh? actually male domestic violence is rarely reported. But it's funny when men get beaten by their wives isn't it? Haha stupid men. You’re giving an opinion. ---Not really. Can you disprove my statement with sentencing figures of women & men for the same crimes? Because the woman is the one who is primary caregiver, that’s why. Courts don’t give a shit about what the man or woman wants. It’s what is best for the child. If mom is the one who is home more with the kids, mom gets the kids. It’s that simple. If dad is a stay-at-home dad, guess who gets the kids? ---Exactly, it should be based on what's best for the kids, not arbitrarily on the gender of the parents. Family law is fucked. The more visitation you get the less you pay in support. A father who is actively involved with his kids pays less in support to the mother because he’s busy supporting the kids when they are with him. Note – tell Kevin Federline how brutal the system is for fathers. ---Oh really? How generous of them. Nice job citing the one counter example in the entire nation. Usually it goes against the man. We don't all marry Britney Spears. How much did he get anyway? Men are not expected. But men do. They don’t have to. But if there’s anyone I’d want to take a bullet for me, right now you’re my choice. ---Cool, thanks for wishing death on me. If I were a woman, people would be mad at you for that. Google “Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003.” ---That's a step in the right direction! They should start including men in the rape victim statistics. I’ve assraped guys like you who whine about this. ---Funny! I’ve got four kids. My choice. I knew how to prevent them. My choice. Period. And they’re the best choices I’ve ever made. ---That's good, but lots of men do not get that choice. I went to work a couple of hours after birth of children. I was at work the next morning. Then picked them up from the hospital and went to work again. Turns out I had an easier time of returning to work than my wife did. I had twelve seconds of work. My wife sat on that sock and was burdened the next nine months with significant changes to her body and lifestyle. When she was throwing up, I was watching South Park. Trust me – we’re advantaged. There’s a reason why women get pregnant instead of men – because men are pussies and can’t handle it. ---They're unequal based on their biology? So since they have kids and menstruate I need to be a second class citizen? How does that make sense? See stats I cited above. I'd rather go into labor than war. You aren’t talking about rights. You’re talking about privileges. I don’t think anyone should be privileged. But how many guys can you think of that could lose a job because he knocked some woman up? How about women who faced the loss of a job for being pregnant? How many men need some dispensation to pump breast milk? Women do. ---I doubt any women get fired for those reasons. I know a lot of men get fired for sexual harassment though. They’ve got some significant disadvantages, bro. You've been co-opted by the feminists "bro." Have fun in your mangina bubble.
  4. Dunno about you, but I get laid a lot. I consider than a benefit. Good for you, but that's a pretty shabby benefit for a lifetime of slavery. If getting laid is your only priority it will probably be cheaper to just get prostitutes.
  5. How often do you have to wait in line to take a piss in a public restroom? How often do you see the ladies lining up out the door? Your (reposted, I suspect) diatribe included a long list of half and quarter truths. That's rarely a compelling style of argument. The suicide claim was interesting - actually is true, but women are 3x as likely to attempt suicide. It appears that their methods are much less likely to succeed...or perhaps are just slower methods (pills) that give opportunity for someone to intervene. Whereas suicide by gun is pretty much an instant act. Ok, I'll give you the bathroom example...good one! Not as bad as getting shot in the face, but at least it's something. Any other examples you can think of? I listed way more ways men are oppressed. So which of my statistics were not true exactly? What do you mean by "reposted, I suspect"? Yes, these are all common issues discussed in the men's rights movement. Are you accusing me of plagiarism? lol
  6. It's gotten to the point where people are now afraid to hire male babysitters, but the fact is women abuse just as much as men. A man can't even say "hi" to a kid these days without being suspected of being a child molester. Things have gotten out of hand. Think about it. That middle aged guy who lives alone? He must be some kind of weirdo creep! If a man is raped in prison, it's a funny joke about dropping the soap. When a man gets his dick lopped off by a jealous wife it's simply hilarious! No one jokes about violence against women. Violence shouldn't only be taken seriously when committed against women. Men are disposable in relation to women. Why are women's lives inherently more valuable than men's? Evolutionary biology and not much else. It's time we move on and value all human life equally.
  7. So...what does think about the men's rights movement? Feminism liberated women from their gender role chains, yet male gender roles and expectations remain firmly enforced by Western society. Women are now 'equal,' yet still favored in every area of life. Men are still disposable, while women are still to be protected. Men are still expected to be 'providers,' yet no longer receive any benefit for this service. In the past, the institution of traditional marriage was oppressive to both men and women, not just women. Women had to stay home and maintain the house, but men worked 16 hour days in a coal mine or died on the front lines. Men died young and women inherited their money. Which was more oppressed? Staying at home with the kids and surviving to old age sounds pretty darn good to me. Men are now failing out of schools and make up less and less of the workforce. A man who doesn't work is considered a deadbeat while a woman who doesn't work is basically just fine. Women don't actually make less money for the same job, they typically work less dangerous jobs and fewer hours which skews the figure. ~90% of workplace deaths are men ~97% of combat deaths since the Gulf War are men ~80% of suicides are men ~90% of homeless are men ~50% of domestic violence victims are men, yet they are ridiculed, not helped. No shelters, no protection from the law etc. (yes, women are weaker, but they tend to use weapons) The legal system is much more harsh towards men and issues less severe penalties for women for the same crimes...why? Women initiate divorce the majority of the time, yet men receive primary custody less than 10% of the time...why? Even without equal visitation rights, men are still expected to pay alimony and child support until death...why? Men are perceived as inherently violent, perverts, rapists, etc, yet are by far more often the victims of violent crime. Who cares? They're just men right? Men's lives are considered worthless and disposable in our society. Men are still universally expected to take bullets for women as in the Dark Knight massacre...why? No one gives a shit about all the male victims of rape in our prisons. Rape of women is a big deal, but rape of men is a JOKE. The woman has the privilege to decide whether a child is born, but the man is required by law to pay if she has the child. He has no choice not to pay. Considering the above, don't you think the supposed "patriarchy" is doing a very shitty job? Just because most CEO's and presidents are still men doesn't really make up for everything else IMO. Most of society is not composed of CEO's. Can anyone name one area in which women are still "disadvantaged" in Western society? I by no means think women shouldn't have equal rights. We should never go back to those old traditional gender roles. We just need to bring men up to date. It's time we left our evolutionary biology roles behind and embrace equality for both sexes. Until then, I'm opting out. Fuck chivalry. Have a nice life ladies.
  8. I'm about 250 out the door and I jump a Pulse 230...I love it! The only problem is the parachute just keeps flying and will not actually descend in any meaningful way.
  9. What is it about working in an office that inspires people to make up words that do not exist? So far my least favorite office terms are: 'Learnings' 'Deliverables' 'Impactful'
  10. Civil War era political parties have very little to do with the political parties of today. You clearly know next to nothing about history if you agree with this video. If you're interested in the subject you should read an actual history book not written by Focus on the Family. It's not as simple as looking at the names of the parties. I can't even laugh about the stupidity displayed in that video because the level of ignorance is just sad and scary. Have you ever heard of the Republican party's 'Southern Strategy'? All the racists you're referring to in the "democratic party" of the 19th century switched over to the modern Republican party during the Civil Rights movement. Did you forget about that? So now it's the modern Republican party that contains all these racists such as yourself. Where did you think they went? lol Do you know many skin heads or KKK members in the Democratic party today? I doubt it lol. But hey, fuck it. Let's just make shit up. Oh yea the KKK was a humanitarian organization too right? And the Earth is 6,000 years old. Why do I bother? /facepalm P.S. "what's" "with" "all" "the" "unnecessary" "quotations" "in" "the" "video" "?"
  11. Yes is the greatest prog rock band of all time. If you disagree with me I will get angry.
  12. Folks defending this law are really showing their ignorance of US history and politics here. Pretty disappointing.
  13. Learning more about the world around you is rarely a detrimental or damaging thing. Religious institutions tell you it's a bad thing because it leads to more understanding and knowledge, which usually leads one away from religion and superstition. Religious schools skip over the more 'dangerous' ideas so their students' carefully cultivated religious minds won't be corrupted by critical thinking. I'd rather have the chance to make up my own mind, wouldn't you? Religious folks should try occasionally reading a book not written by someone who works for a church or hosts a radio show. Try challenging your conceptions about reality instead of just propping up your fantasy world.
  14. Treat me however you want, but I'm not the one against evolution. It's sad that those who do the most bitching against creationists do the least to explain anything - most likely because they lack the ability to do so...In their frustration they just use evolution to assault people's religion, then get pissed when they ban evolution from schools and build's that working out for you guys? What is it you're having trouble understanding about evolution?
  15. Other than being an interesting observation, evolution doesn't really offer much information in solving the fundamental questions of our existence and why we are here. There is no area in the fundamental sciences that can produce a postulate explaining how random matter and energy will spontaneously combine to produce ever more complex life forms. The best argument I hear atheists using to defend "almighty evolution" as the creator and designer of the universe is ," I don't believe in any gods so therefore evolution must be the god of the gaps in explaining how we got here" ... Abiogenesis is a completely different thing than Evolution. The Big Bang is also unrelated to Evolution. Evolution is not a secular religion, it's a scientific theory that explains how species change over time.
  16. Actually, science has determined that this does not occur. But who gives a shit right? Sounds cool so let's take it as evidence of the soul.
  17. What about the Bombardier Beetle?
  18. Your arbitrary anti-academic reflex is very fox news-like. I do think for myself, thanks.
  19. His prof hasn't told him what to think about that word as yet. The only comment you ever have for me is to criticize me for going to college because I mentioned a class I took once. It's getting a bit stale. You don't see me critiquing your education or lack thereof. Ron seems pretty proud of his education so why not bash him for a while? And anyway I think churches win over colleges in the brainwashing department. Happy 4th.
  20. Jeez you guys sound like sex addicts or something. Take a cold shower.
  21. You sure do use the word carnal a lot for a bible thumper.
  22. The only thing more pathetic than a christian is a closeted christian.
  23. Reasonable laws that protect consumers are OUTRAGEOUS! OMG KENYA MOOSLUMS OMG