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Everything posted by stormywinters

  1. What is pretty funny.... is that if it does rain, you will be in the florida tunnel wet and cold, then you will think you are skydiving in the UK.
  2. I don't think you are learning it again. You are getting a better understanding, and learning it is forever, especially body flight. Anyone who thinks they know the full math of bodyflight, still has alot to learn. If you want to be in any sport, do it for the fun. Some want to learn, some want to have fun, but we are all learning, but not all are having fun...... with "learning".
  3. What a great attitude, Brad is a great guy. I think he really wanted to take it serious after that day. He come out of that tunnel looking like Tin man from oz. His face had that "painful smile", and he couldn't change it until it had time to defrost.
  4. After your first minute of flying in there, you would wished you had a canopy ride, pack job, then a plane ride back up. It is seriously cold(but that is coming from a florida boy)
  5. Yeah, people say that you warm up, in there, working, flying, blood pumping. No! That is an "ice-cream headache". I love that tunnel! Yet, not in those conditions.
  6. Tell her the truth BO BO, she may lose a limb. Bowen loves it when it is cold, but cold in Fl. is the 50's, not 30's. That is crazy cold for that tunnel, everyone that has ever done it, will tell you they would not do it again. Maybe if it was free.
  7. Where have you been hidding? Thought you were gonna bring that moto by?
  8. maybe our "WEEK" points, would be spelling
  9. We are not "Superior" to you in any way man! We will keep ourselves busy developing open lines of communication, and gain a better understanding of our team and its product, pre-briefing and de-briefing, to better serve our paying customers. Trouble shooting our week points, to make our drills safer and more productive. We also will not "bottle" this team in, they will continue to skydive, compete, and coach worldwide.
  10. Studying Vertical Positioning!!
  11. Justin was flying head-down off the net yesterday. He is getting it! Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks?
  12. XP Rules my world, but I'm not the only one that has a hard time sleeping at night, thinking bout flying 10- 11 ways static head-down. Organized big ways with guys like Thomas Hughes and Mick Nuttal, will keep you up at night, counting points.
  13. Its about confidence, a good skydive will lead to a good/fun canopy ride. If you get unstable at pull time, an recover, it could still effect your canopy ride? I saw this AFF student today in the tunnel holding his heading, had forward an backward movement, turning left and right, waiving off, and he could hold a "pull" position(one arm back). He did that in 6 mins of tunnel time, the guy was GOOD. His name was Sean. Cool guy.
  14. Thank you so much Liz! I will get a boy for Christmas!! We look forward to having you come to the tunnel. You are gonna love this thing!!!
  15. Thanks for sayin so Justin. It was cool watchin you think it was fast at 83%. Go ahead and put on the Holiday lbs, I dont care. JW
  16. Evgeni (mad one) :) Thanks for saying such kind words, you are welcome very much!! I know we still have a lot to sort out, an we are working hard. We appreciate everyones patients. I hope to see you next week. Joe
  17. You mean, I am older than you JP? MAN, I must be lookin like Yoda
  18. Ari, honestly, think the only thing yoda an I have in common, is our age.
  19. The "dark side" is still very well "Unknown", but show itself it will.
  20. The cost of the course can be half that, it all depends where the trainers go, how many people are in the course(Flights, Hotel, tunnel time), there is a lot that effects the co$t(USD is not that strong right now). Most importantly, it is not the place to "cut cost", because this effects the customers safety, learning and experience.
  21. this portion of training is called 'pre-training", every tunnel does this except new tunnels. teaching the instructors to fly and walk. It is okay to be an IBA regulated tunnel Brian, means, you are not tryin to re-invent the wheel. an John Suiter is the "GodFather" of the tunnel!!! For sure!!!