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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. Yep...

    As far as rig colors go... Keeping it simple and basic in the color scheme will aid in resale scheme of things. I wouldn't go w/4 colors. Two, maybe three at most. YMMV.
    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  2. So fucking what?

    Maybe if a few of those would get off their ass, put forth the effort / hard work to become successful instead of selling crack and sucking of the govt welfare tit, then perhaps, just maybe, we wouldn't have "households" that your bullshit study is counting consisting of unwed/divorced single females w/multiple kids that they can't afford but keep producing (likely because a bunch of liberal fucking twatmuppets believe that society owes them a 'middle class' standard of living regardless of the benefit they are to the society we live in...). Maybe your study is more of a reflection of the 'black' family values, of which would apparently consist of uncontrolled reproduction without bearing any of the responsibility of such. Your quoted study is essentially stating that the 'black' family unit is comparable to the 'white' family unit. I call bull-shit!

    I ask you... why is it that we, as a society, need a license to catch a fish, drive a car, fly a plane, or just about anything else but if someone can figure out how to drop their knickers than they are somehow qualified to be a parent? Would you support mandatory birthcontrol for everyone with their hand out for govt assistance? Would you support a program whereby anyone on the govt tit is relocated to an institution where they and their kids are properly fed, housed, educated, and given the skills they need to actually get a fucking job (versus the alternative of what we have now)? When did 'the right to reproduce' include/supercede the rights of the community to NOT have to pay for their fucking kids?

    If something I've said offends you, then too fucking bad. I've read the Constitution, and nowhere does it mention that someone has the right to NOT be offended. :)

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  3. think on it.... it's permanent. The only reference I see to skydiving is the BSBD. :|

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  4. How 'slow' are they during the week? I'm planning a vacation during July, and plan on stopping by for a day or two. I'm just trying to figure out if its worth it (in terms of what it's gonna cost me to the wifey...) for a weekend, or if weekday will have to do...

    ...and I ain't sporting any pink on my shit either. :P

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  5. Heres the situation: A rural school district wants to implement a program where all students (k-12) agree to and are subject to random drug testing for mj, opiates, alcohol, nicotine, etc. Those who don't sign up for it, lose the priveledge to attend ANY school function (dances, field trips, games, etc), drive to school, or participate in extra-curricular activities (band, chess club, sports, etc).
    The super-idiot (I mean superintendent) claims that the lawyer types have determined that this is perfectly legal to do, but also admitted that mandatory drug testing of teachers was ruled in court to be unconstitutional so they can't test ANY district employee. In addition, he claims that funds to pay for the testing will not affect the schools budget, yet they've already announced lay-offs across the board for next year. There is nothing but his word that the results of any drug tests will not be part of the students "official record", and therefore will not affect their chances for college admissions, financial aid, military service, etc.

    Admittedly, I was getting pretty upset at his presentation. I'm strongly opposed to this, and emphatically told him that he could count on a judicious challenge if the board were to implement this program. I consider this a violation of my kids civil rights, and I will not idly stand by why their rights are swept aside. Nor do I consider it the schools right, business, or responsibility to 'parent' my kids. His counters to my arguments surmises to 'assurances from him' that the results will be isolated and kept off the student record, assurances from him that the funds needed to support this program would not affect the districts abililty to keep teachers on staff, etc, etc, etc...

    While we civilly debated back and forth, I could tell I was getting under his skin... >:( as 3x he resorted to a 'for the good of the children' argument. The first time, I let it slide. The second time he used it, I countered with 'Well, "for the good of the children", would you be opposed to having to breath into a tube before you could start your car? After all, thousands of kids are hurt and killed on our highways by drunk drivers. Or better yet, "for the good of the children", would you be opposed to the confiscation and outlawing of firearms, since so many innocent people are killed every year by them?. He answered that he would be opposed to both, since those WOULD be a violation of his constitutional rights. So I kindly asked him what the difference was, and why should we buy his 'for the sake of the children' argument for the drug tests when obviously it's not a valid argument? He made the mistake of, basically, accusing me of not caring about my kids, or the children of the community, and that he just can't understand why anyone would be opposed to the plan. By this time, I'd had enough and stopped him cold in his tracks. I countered with something to the affect of 'look, I'm tired of your emotional appeal as a valid argument. It's a fallacy of logic, and generally presented by those who are grasping for straws and can't think of a logical rebuttal.' :D

    So anyway, what is your take on this? Are you 'for' or 'against' this plan, and why? For all you lawyer types out there, is this a violation of their civil rights? ...or am I just way the hell out in left field? So lets discuss in depth...
    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  6. ...maybe because the manner of which you posted, and your demeanor (PA's) throughout the conversation caught a greenie's attention (and not in a good way, mind you). Greenies are all powerful, and not subject to the whims and desires of asshats, children, ladies, or gentlemen (or anything in between). Folks tend to forget that this forum isn't a democracy.

    SIUCC & Have a nice day! :)

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  7. Quote

    North Carolina. Eastern style

    I'm glad you qualified that! Western NC BBQ (if it can be called that) isn't something I'd let my dog eat. It's watery, has a distinct vinegary taste, and well, quite frankly tastes like shit. What I don't get is that they don't even try to improve it, they just cover it up with coleslaw and hope nobody notices... [:/]
    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  8. *sigh* The article mentions, and I quote, "...glitch sent his balloon sailing into the air without him, ...". Let me reiterate AGAIN, just for the record, I did NOT do this. I wasn't there... I wasn't even in the area. Please... help me understand... why do folks keep blaming me for their fuck-ups? >:(

    Truth be known though.... IF I were there, and had the opportunity to release his ride early... I'd of been on board (at least for a while)! ;)

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  9. I had a left anterior dislocation in 84. I was on the ground for 30 days exactly. Had to do some pull ups for the dzo before he'd let me jump and it hurt like hell, but I did it.

    I was sore for a few months... couldn't really do pushups w/out pain or discomfort for almost half a year. I did no physical therapy (unless you want to call basic training/jump school physical therapy...) and the only issue I have is the 'every blue moon' wake up in the morning w/a stabbing pain between my left shoulder blade and spine. It usually goes away in a day or two...

    Bottom line, it will only affect your skydiving career as much as you let it. ;)

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  10. My dad jumped a 375 sq/ft Goliath (?) in '84 IIRC. I'm prolly completely off base, but I could swear I remember him saying it was a civilian version of the DC7/military canopy. It was rainbow patterened cross ways versus cordially and served him very well. When that wore out he jumped a Raven IV.
    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  11. I've haven't trawled the clubs in years, but when I did I didn't really have a pick up line either. I never seemed to have a problem getting picked up though. I don't know if it's my dashing good looks, nice shoes, chisled physique or what... I'd just walk up to whomever interested me at the time, ...look her in the eyes,, then lick my eyebrows! :P

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

  12. baton's are hard to do!!!


    I haven't tried.... but I know the Pink Mafia requires a barbie to change hands in freefall for induction. I think they even made an exception for crwdogs who passed one around on a crw stack jump.

    ...please. Can you close and dock on a formation? Yeah? ..then you can pass a baton. Nothing special about it. As far as the barbie w/crew dogs, well... back in the day I've passed beers, joints, pipes, and lighters back and forth... so how hard can it be? :)

    Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...