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Everything posted by Psychoz

  1. Leaves? What a waste of time and effort. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  2. He is using minature jet engines, the same ones they use on R/C airplanes. Pretty cool, and one heck of an expensive toy, each engine will run you over 6 thousand. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  3. Thanks for all the welcomes, the people in this sport seem very cool. My wife also did the tandem with me and now she wants to learn to jump also, we usually do everything together, I am a very lucky man when it comes to wifes, she is the coolest., 12 years and we still like each other. And as for being gone all the time, I usually am with golf so she is use to me being away. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  4. Well I got to do my first tandem jump today, wow, all I can say is that next Monday the 29th I am heading back for my training so I can jump on my own and eventually with new friends. Not once did I think to myself, "Why am I doing this?" when I got in the door all I could think was lets go. What was even cooler was I sat at the door and got to watch 2 guys go out at 6,000', shut the door and then continue on up to 13,000'. Watching them jump out was freaking awesome, I could not wait to join them. All I can say now is thanks for the new addiction, and this is one habit I do not plan on breaking.
  5. Buy with a credit card then transfer the balance to another card that gives you an introductory rate of like 0-3%. I had one that gave me 0% until the purchase was paid off, oh yeah and cut up the new card once you get it, that way you do not put more items on it. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  6. I meet my wife in a fencing class. And here we are 12 years and still together and as happy as can be. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  7. damn straight I wussed out, I wannna enjoy my first jump, not wind up like a popsicle So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  8. It is freezing outside, literally. My wife was going to take me on my first tandem jump for my birthday but it is to cold. I am so bummed. Oh well, hopefully next weekend will be warmer. I can't wait because afterwards I get to start my AFF. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  9. The place I am going to start my AFF, requires me to do a tandem first. Just thought I would throw that in. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  10. Why thank you Miss Paige Real men wear pink!!! So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  11. Please inform me of the nearest tunnel to the Sacramento area, the only one I know of is in Perris. Thanks much So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  12. thanks for the replys, I doulbt that record will be broke for a while, probably the only other way to get up faster would be helicopter since it is a straight up ride So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  13. This is probably old news for everyone but me, but how is this possible? There are 24 hours in a day, 1,440 minutes in a day, if you divide 1440 minutes by 641 jumps, that means he did a jump every 2.2 minutes, how do you come down that fast and go back up that fast? I am confused. Sorry if this has been batted around before. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  14. If I lived in Colorado I would definetly get that, especially since my wife is a 2 year survivor and doing great. ***Real Men Wear Pink*** So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  15. My prayers go out to you, I myself have 3 cats, Psycho, Patches, and Poppy. And the day one is gone will not be a day I will ever want to remember. Anyone who knows me, knows that my cats are my kids, heck I bought an RV for them so they can go camping with me and my wife. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  16. Cool another Sac area jumper, I am in El Dorado Hills and should start my AFF either the end of this month or early Feburary. I will be going out of Lodi. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  17. Congrats, she looks like a heart breaker. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  18. Homemade noodles and homemade chicken taquitos. The noodles are my granmothers receipe and they are the best damn thing in the world. The taquitos are ones my mom made, and they are killer. Real home food, the kind that keeps you warm. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  19. not to be a stickler but, air guitar is playing without a guitar So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  20. Thanks to everyone for the warm greetings, I can not wait to jump, I know it will be an experience I will never forget. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
  21. Hello to everyone, I am a new person to the world of skydiving. I will be taking my first tandem jump in January then start my AFF in February. I will be learning out in Lodi, CA which I have heard is a great place to learn. I have wanted to jump for a long time and now I am ready. I can't wait. So long and thanks for all the fish!!!