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Everything posted by skyjack71

  1. Blevins unless you want see this thread go POOF, I suggest you ignore all of the postings made by others who only come here to torment you. I do NOT agree with how you do things, but it is NOT my place to tell you what to do.... This continued bickering with other parties will only get this thread LOCKED & the there will be NO outlet to discuss new finding if there are ever any. As it stand this thread has presented many things the FBI did NOT investigate. WHY? Focus on the evidence for awhile instead of your subject or my subject....or what is going on in the other place. If you know you are correct and have NOT manufactured your story, why to you continue to make issues of it. Your repeated defenses are exactly what they want. Don't you GET it? If they can agitate you to the point the moderator shuts down the thread - then everything that has been accomplished on this site - is GONE! Encase you have forgotten the Ti was NOT found by the FBI. It was found by a self appointed group who jumped into this susposedly to help solve the case. Georger was part of that GROUP and with a probably ulterior motive which was to change the direction of the Cooper distract. Ever think about WHY Georger was so interested in this & WHY he was so secretive about his name! The tie could have been contaminated from the plane itself or the many journeys it made over time before & after the crime. The study of the tie was probably a loss of time & energy by all. Perhaps a deliberate misdirection on the part of the FBI and/or sleuths. When 377 stops posting you know this thread is a wash and YOU Blevins are the responsible person. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  2. I want to know what Georger thought about the posts I made - which was actually a repeat version of a post I made yrs ago when the titanium was mentioned...but my post was just a minnow in a small lake of big fish. It just got Gobbled up. So NO one had any response the ti being in Dental productions prior to 1971 or the fact that Duane worked with a dentist. I had actually told all of this YRS ago and Georger swiftly swept it under the rug. WONDER WHY? Remember I knew about Jerry W before he ever came to this thread as Georger. I knew about the observatory & a visit made there by a group of men supposedly on a hunting trip sponsored by a very wealthy man for a group of individuals. Well, all of that was quickly swept away......why! Contacting a company owned by this wealthy man regarding Weber & another associate prior to JW ever showing himself in the thread - I was told I would have to contact JW. it was NOT long after that when Georger made his first appearance in this thread. I suppose he thought he could keep the reines on me with his Baboon Postings - but that didn't work. He is too old to try to out fox a sassy old lady....or that I would ever know that Georger was JW. He didn't know Duane had told me about that trip or that the lady in the office had mentioned his real name to me. His course of action then was to diss me & redirect at first in a kidding way until I called his hand & then he went into an obcessive mode to diss Jo....he wanted to be sure NO one ever made any connections between Duane's past and his good friend out of TX. Check it out - I mentioned the Dental connection of the Ti way back in the beginning after the sleuths came up with it. Georger didn't expect the Ti connection - his entire demeanor started to change....redirect and dismiss and distract. Go BACK and read the thread - that is when Georger when on the defensive and it was very obviouse to me. I have actually told all of this before in the thread - but, trying to stay out of trouble or perhaps just stay alive - I was afraid of repercussion and still feel those. If the FBI checked out JW & his connection to the TX man, they would know why I suspect there has been some manipulation going on by others. But, WHY? Why was the cord and the knife not relayed to the FBI? Why was the Ti not revealed to the FBI? JW never for one moment thought or knew about Duane's connections to Ti....this was when he started going full circle on Jo. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  3. #1. Regarding the 20 it was after Duane died and before I found out who Dan Cooper was. That 20 was in the bank (a bank we called Symba - as it looked just like our dog named Symba). During that time frame I did NOT know Dan Cooper was the name given by D.B. Cooper. It would be May of 1996 before I found this out - and why I called the FBI. At the time I found the 20 I had no reason to consider it meant anything...I was folded with an enclosure to the size of a quarter. I could never repeat the folds that interlocked. This is why I remembered it & I remember the night and where I was sitting in the Ramada - and I swear upon my daughter lives - that I am telling the truth. Nothing about that 20 was made up. I felt if I told about it - everyone would make fun of me like they had done since I revealed it. Fortunately to those who question my memory - the kinds of statement made comparing me to Marla is exactly why I just kept it to myself. NOW the 2ed Reason why I am posting tonight: MOST IMPORTANT: Georger hold on to whatever symbol you recognize GOD by as this I should have researched before - remember I kept telling the thread about Duane in1970 working for a dentist - he was doing clean-up & learning how to use the equipment - my impression is that the dentist was related to a woman he stated dating at that time.... Duane was very skilled with his hands & he cleaned the equipment and learned how to use some of it...he talked about how detailed it was. Duane told me about him and pointed out a large farm he owned...I do not know his name, but the approximate location of the it was near an old house he lived in right after his divorce from the prior wife & the address is probably in the tax record for that yr. I so not know how to import sites into the thread so I will copy parts of it here and you guys can find it. #2. Titanium in Dentistry: DENTAL MATERIALS» Amalgam Titanium Gold Composite – Resin Porcelain I did not go into the procedures used in recent yrs - but, the Dentist he was working for - was HIGH END and had his OWN LAB. ALL work was DONE on site. The bridge Duane had was so good I never EVER saw him without it....I believe he had a temporary in 1971....and that was the sucking or pursing the witnesses attempte to explain to the artist as he could never get the witnesses to agree no the mouth due to the pursing motion Cooper made. I do not know the yr he had the work done but from the pictures I would say the prothestic was in place by prior to 1976 when I met him. That prothestice would last until 1990 when it was replace. As I have told before In NEVER saw him with out it. GUESS what I have sitting on my desk - his OLD prostehic that was remove when they did the replacement! He kept it and it is in a small bottle....I did take it out and examine it and but do not know if anyone else has ever touched it. Just key in Dental prothesis and titanium and you will find several sites about this. I never did it before - but Georger and other had harped on the metal and Duane also had a friend who worked in the manufacture of the metal in Denver and Duane himself worked there in the 60's, but of course under an alias at that time. 1962 to 1968 he was JOHN COLLINS and even went to prison under that name in 1966 why Larry Carr refused to make the file available - but I had already been talking to the prison and why Carr made what little he did make available at that time. My conversations with the state records - I have all of those communication in black and white. I was told there was NO photos attached to the file at that time. The woman I was communicating with found this very UNUSUAL Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  4. SHUTTER FIXED all of that. WHAT is your problem Blevins? Do you see me BASHING the other site - yes, I did when they were NOT playing by the rules, but NOW they are. Sure I don't like it when they make negative references about me or compare me to you or to Marla, but shit happens. IT happen here. Going public about a controversal subject - then EXPECT to have to fight the same battles others fight to take office. Look at all of the dirt being thrown around in FL with this yrs governors race. Frankly you never introduce anything with substance yourself lately - all about promotion & not advancing your cause. Maybe you should come to FL and help the politician on their agendas. Me! I state what I think needs to be stated lately. I do not spend my time bashing others - useless waste to spend whats left of ones life on this earth. I really do have that damn "bridge work" that Duane had removed and I will bet money it has titanium in it - same as the shard they found on the tie. Note the FBI never acknowledge the shard - just this team of sleuths, it therefore does NOT appear that it is actual evidence collected by the FBI & that they would actually use it to put an individual on the plane... IF THEY DO - then perhaps I hold a VERY important CLUE as to who Cooper was. Hey, I got that knife that Tina saw - and it had a piece of the cord in it - but the FBI has never looked at these things - they know they exist. They already ruled Weber out based on prints and they won't look at him again unless I produce the ticket or the money. Watch the FBI squirm out of this one....regarding the tie: The call goes in on MONDAY and if the FBI doesn't reply then it goes to Tom to see if they match. If that doesn't work - it goes to the PRESS - but, I have noted no one reads the emails I send to the FBI or to the press - I am NOBODY! You are NOBODY! The FBI is NOT looking at anyone right now....and you can bet they will won't ever reply to the Titanium thing. If the FBI accepted the Titanium as an actual clue - then by all means they would look at it....but there are NO indications the FBI actually thinks the Titanium on the tie - is an actual clue....after all they ruled Weber out simply on prints and nothing else...yet, then later is reveal they do not have good enough prints to rule one in or out! They do NOT know if they even have Coopers Prints! They didn't even do a full evaluation of this in the past & you expect them to do it NOW! Yea, Make Changes. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  5. #1. Regarding the 20 it was after Duane died and before I found out who Dan Cooper was. That 20 was in the bank (a bank we called Symba - as it looked just like our dog named Symba). During that time frame I did NOT know Dan Cooper was the name given by D.B. Cooper. It would be May of 1996 before I found this out - and why I called the FBI. At the time I found the 20 I had no reason to consider it meant anything...I was folded with an enclosure to the size of a quarter. I could never repeat the folds that interlocked. This is why I remembered it & I remember the night & where I was sitting in the Ramada - & I swear upon my daughter lives - that I am telling the truth. Nothing about that 20 was made up. I felt if I told about it - everyone would make fun of me like they had done since I revealed it. Why I just kept it to myself. NOW the 2ed Reason why I am posting tonight: MOST IMPORTANT: Georger hold on to whatever symbol you recognize GOD by as this I should have researched before - remember I kept telling the thread about Duane in1970 working for a dentist - he was doing clean-up & learning how to use the equipment - my impression is that the dentist was related to a woman he stated dating at that time.... Duane was very skilled with his hands & he cleaned the equipment and learned how to use some of it...he talked about how detailed it was. Duane told me about him & pointed out a large farm he owned. I do not know his name, but the approximate location of the it was near an old house he lived in right after his divorce from the prior wife & the address is probably in the tax record for that yr. I so not know how to import sites into the thread so I will copy parts of it here and you guys can find it. #2. Titanium in Dentistry: DENTAL MATERIALS» Amalgam Titanium Gold Composite – Resin Porcelain
  6. Really Blevins - I can't believe you would want the press there! I have little respect for you regarding this and you make it plain & clear you are ALL about promoting you book. You could care less who Cooper really was! If you did - you would handle it without the press. That was the most disgusting thing you have EVER finally showed your TRUE self. Made me feel really nauseated! You have taken everything anyone said or posted & made it about KC. Actually you should FEEL some shame! You do NOT want the truth - You just want a story so if Cooper is never ID'ed you will have made your mark on history - long after everyone forgets the real story & the real research on Cooper. Just shaking my head & shrugging my shoulders - making that face women often make when they feel disgust with a horrible loathing feeling. A sick to my stomach feeling! I actually thought you wanted to find the truth, but what you have just stated - NOW, I agree with opinions other have of you and to think I actually thought you CARED about the truth! I can't stop shuddering - this is the lowest thing YOU have ever done. YOU just showed the world your TRUE motive! My stomach is churning - got to go! You have created the lie you want to go around the world - that is why you use that quote at the end of your posting! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  7. NO, Vickie that is NOT the article. The article was from a small town newspaper - and it mentioned counterfeit 20's. The Sentinel just ran the article from that small Town some place South of Orlando and near water. When I found the article it was in the Sentinel, but not their article. I call everywhere in that area and found the man who took care of another man like the article you found, but it is NOT the same article and I do not believe the same man. Not from the conversation I had with the man who he rented from or who lived next door. The local man in this town who had the newspaper - when I found him had just closed his doors 2 wks before, but had kept the phone number until all outstanding bills were paid. I really cannot even remember the yr now. I filed it away in my mind and still haven't been able to find it. I do not really remember if it was before 2001 or after...I have NO way of tracing thing after 2001 - because the unlimited long distance - does not provide an itemized bill. I have checked my old log, but about 2 yrs ago - I went thru them tearing out pages that didn't mean anything....the name of the man I spoke to I can't remember, the name of the paper I can't remember nor the name of the man who helped your father out. Before someone thought this was the article I was referring to - it is NOT. The article that the Sentinental picked up - mentioned what the man had said to the person who helped him. He told him he had been in trouble regarding the counterfeiting of some 20's. THIS was specifically mentioned and this is why the landlord/friend thought he might have been Cooper in retrospect. THE article definitely mentioned Cooper. Because if mentioned Cooper is WHY it was called to my attention. I just this MOMENT remembered the man who called it to my attention...Jerry who died in 2006 a yr before my last husband. My old friend and my husband became good friends - and now they are both gone - both died of lung cancer! Jerry was pretty good doing searches and he would make me copies of things he found and then later when I got computer & learned how to do emails - he would send a short email...but I had a hard time learning how to make attachment. To find anything written means going thur volumes (4 inches thick and arranged chonologically). The only own who got his very own volume was Galen....smartest thing I ever did in my entire - yrs of chasing thinks my gut told me to do it. IF it was after 2002 and then I learned how to save things on a computer - but that computer CRASHED in 2004 TAKING everything I had with it. BUT most things I did print and continued the volumes. I even called the Sentinental and that is how I got a copy of the article way back then.. I found the little newspaper and then the guy who helped him. NOT the same story as the one you posted - someone posted that article in the thread before when I was chasing this memory. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  8. Blevins just does NOT get it. NO one wants to hear about KC anymore. IT is OVER! Evidently he ignored my posts altogether - but I have been a busy girl today.....I need to dig into old files, but do not have the strength to do so....I got 2 phone calls today & both times they hung up before I could get to the phone - the numbers are NOT identifiable - whatever that means - I guess unlisted. The past of Weber & Vickies dad crossed paths more than once. When I read Vickie accounting of her dad's prison records - both Duane & her dad were in San Quentin at the same time. Both had roots in the same places. They both lived in the same areas afterwards and before. You guys will NOTE I have never discouraged Vickie because there was SOMETHING there - it matched things Duane told me - but until I read the history she supplied to the FBI - I didn't know why. Wish she had posted all of that in this thread - then perhaps we could have gotten the FBI to pay attention. If it was here - then I was like Blevins to self-absorbed. I firmly believe the FBI is PAYING attention NOW! Blevins if you spend another hour or another $ on your KC story - you are a fool. I just hope the DZ will allow some of the posters to come back to his forum - it is more public....than the alternate site. The DZ would not want me to be a moderator....because it they were off topic or agitating other posters or wasting band space - they would take a vacation - such as some of the outlandish things Bruce & Georger post - unnecessary crap that has ZERO to do regarding finding Cooper or solving the case. Just postings meant to demean or to keep the thread off target. Frankly I would like to see the whole crew back - but it would take some serious moderating & the DZ has to ask themselves if it is really worth it. Blevins, you need to stand down for awhile - as long as you continue to promote Kenny - this thread is dead. BLEVINS DID YOU ACTUALLY READ THE THINGS THAT VICKIE WROTE? OBVIOUSLY YOU DIDN'T! Oh by the way I found the old 101. Blevins & YOU do not even want to go makes you the idiot of the Cooper story. I had printed it out. You were HAD! Perhaps by Skip himself! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  9. Blevins - GIVE it UP! You are just spinning you wheels and after reading the things I just read about Vickie's dad - YOU need to just back down and let this case get solved..... I don't care who COOPER was - but I know it was NOT Kenny. I do know that now we CAN connect Duane and Vickie's dad and that is ALL the validation I need to know this case will be solve and Kenny WAS not Cooper and he was NOT involved. I will say there is a strong possibility that the man who became a woman was - because - Duane told me about both men.....! The man who became a woman - would not have been physically able to commit the crime as it was too soon after his surgery. Duane knew both of these guys and they all took the secret to their grave. All three spent time and lived very close to each other at more than one point in their lives. I need to find that article on the man in FL. GUYS please help me find it. I need to know when that guy died. That guy was Vickie's dad and I will put money on it - I am putting my LIFE on it! Yes, I think more than one person was involved - I think the men who put this together all knew each other and made contacts with each other. HOW or WHY - we may never know. Vickie I have some pictures you need to see...we all so need to find the daughter of Duane's exwife. She might have some of her mom's old photos of people they knew. That woman was with Duane from 1962 until 1972.... I have not taken those old negative in to see if they can extract images from, but some how will find the strength to make that 30 plus mile trip. It was several men and Duane told me he was the one taking the photos and maybe Vickie's Dad is in that group photo. There was 4 or 5 men and the other one was taking the pictures. The pictures were made in the N.W. between 1969 and 1971 maybe as early as 1968. One of the men had a mustach that I remember distinctly. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  10. Vickie now I am all confused and I am in pain...I need to talk to you really really bad....I don't know if I can be hypnotized because of the drugs I take, but I am willing to try. I never believed in that crap - and I still don't. I always thought it was hokey pokey....a man when I was in grade schools supposedly did this to other kids in my class for a show - I aways thought it was all an act. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  11. Vickie - you never told this on the DZ. I took the liberty of copying your post....because you need to see the correlation. When Duane told me he knew your father - he evidently did. I am not going to reveal the entire posting you made at the other site, but you need to look at this. I did NOT and had never seen the records you posted on the other place... Correlate this - and remember the things I told you in the past. You never mentioned the dates your father had been in SAN QUENTIN To everyone: Note the dates: Vickie states: "A little background.....My father was born in September 8, 1927 in the San Francisco/Oakland area. He joined the Navy. He spent time in California prisons before and during his first marriage. He entered San Quentin prison in 1954 then left his first family upon the end of his sentence. We have no history of his whereabouts from the time he was released from San Quentin until he met my mother in 1963 in Las Vegas Nevada. " Note from 1962 until 1966 Duane lived as John Collins and we do NOT know all of the areas he lived in...but we do know he went back to California off and on...I have the exwife's story on this. If only you had told all of this before she died in 2004 - she might have been able to have shed some light on this. I didn't know about you and you didn't know about me. Vickie Duane Weber and your father were in San Quentin at the same time. Your father entered San Quentin 1954 and Duane was sent to San Quentin in 1951. Duane was still in San Quentin in 1954 and he was transferred to Folsom in July of 1955. Duane was released from Folsom in March of 1957. Duane did NOT lie about knowing your father - why did you not tell me this a long time ago. Maybe you posted it here, but I did not see it. They both ended up back in the Ms/Ks area. How ironic! Duane was in Kansas/ Missouri area as John Collins in 1965 working as an insurance agent and in 1966 he ciphered money from the debit collection on his route and that is what he was sent to Jefferson for and remained in Jefferson until 1968. Why didn't you tell me this? At least I would have known I was NOT crazy - I kept telling you about Duane noting an article run in Atlanta and Duane told me he knew that man. The story about the car I already knew and I shared this with you. What yrs did he have that car he loved so much? I read on and realized you did not know about Cooper until 2008. Oh, My God! 1971 he is out on Bail and goes POOF Your father was in the Navy when was he in the Navy? VERY important - remember Duane was in the Navy also. Right now I cannot even think! I just could NOT believe the things I was reading, but coming from you I know they are true - even before I ever heard of you I had mention the article about the counterfiet 20's and Duane saying he knew the man....this was around 1981/1983 if I remember correctly - it was in an Atlanta Newspaper. They were running a sequence of articles. I could be wrong on the dates. I definitely think Mel Wilson is on the RADAR and I think the FBI need to find that man in S. Fla who knew him...and helped him and was responsible for him having some kind of marker on his paupers grave. I pulled the phone records, but I gave up when I did NOT hear from you. I just know that the Orlando Sentinel pull that small article from a south Fl newpaper and some one told me I needed to read it. The Sentinel never recontacted me this last time - because I wanted the dates and the name of the man again....I had throw all of that away after I checked it out, but I still have the OLD phone records.... The numbers I got now belong to someone else...but you can BET the FBI can find out who had those numbers before...I will make all of the suspect phone number available to them - I know I called several time and only caught the wife - and then I did have 2 conversation with him. The FBI has to hear all of this. They can find that paupers grave. That man was your dad. If it was after I moved to this house in 2001 I won't have the records because I switched to Unlimited and you do not get an itemized statement then.... We have to find the DATES that article was run and find the article itself. THE FBI is not going to do it. Duane mentioned that car on the WA trip we 1979, but with no details. I am trying to remember what he said about the car and the man - but I did not connect that conversation to the article in a newpaper in 1981/1983. God HELP me remember what he said about that car! I am actually praying. I remember something he said and it was not about the car, but I will tell you in regular email...very tired right now and was supposed to have been in bed hours ago. Now I am crying - ASK GOD to help me remember what Duane said about the red car in 1979. I know he talked about the car while we were living in CO and I always thought it was in the mountains of CO he made the statement - trees and steep cliffs and rocks - it could have been WA or CO. I just wish I had known all of this before my mind got so cluttered. I believe I posted in Unsolved Mysteries or 101 about the red car - WAY before I came to this thread...I did NOT know the man was your father and NOW I am positive. There is a grave site in WA Duane pointed out and he knew the man who was buried there - but I didn't find a recent marker in 2010 when I was there - it was pouring down rain all day. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  12. ATTENTION 377! I just checked on an acct I seldom use. I found an email from Knoss dated in Sept. This was the text: "Are you ready to concede that I have been correct all along, yet? Other than a couple stumbling blocks caused by Mike Barton pretending to be Mac in a couple phone calls….. I think you know how to contact McCoy and you know Ralph is playing with you. Do you know that JT is really Jim Rataczak? You have been had by so many players, it is a shock you still know your own name. Think about it for a while. I have no reason to do anything but try to tell the true facts. You tell me why not?? Bob" Jo's public reply to Knoss's question above. Who the hell is MIKE BARTON! First time I ever heard that name. McCoy is dead - how do I contact him? JT is Jim Rataczak! WHEW! NOW if that little piece of information was true - I assure you it would have come out long long ago. Guys this is what I have put up with from Knoss for yrs - way before the DZ - Himmelsbach put him in touch with me! WHY? I have tried to be nice to the man but he is way over the wire Lets take the information he provide and prove he is wrong. 1. Who is Mike Barton? 2. How do we contact a DEAD man by the name of McCoy? 3. This story about Jerry Thomas being Jim Rataczak? Duhh! Does Rataczak have a brother? Weird and Weirder? Shaking my head. This has GONE too FAR! I find NO connections - just a twisted mind. ONE thing I have noted over the yrs and his post reminded me of it. The Co-pilot and the picture of McCoy when he was arrested do have some of the same features, but Knoss is not doing a McCoy/co-pilot thing......he is saying the Co-pilot is related to Jerry Thomas. He is saying Jerry Thomas is not Jerry Thomas. Let's See - we need a picture of McCoy, the co-pilot and JT and line them up....JUST kidding! I have to do something to stop shaking my head & to get my eyebrows back where they belong. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  13. Your really need to see a head doctor. I provided you with this information before & privately - you ignored it, You Know why! I asked you to at least run the information by a couple of the individuals you interviewed. YOU WILL NEVER DO IT - BECAUSE YOU ARE ONLY IN THIS FOR A BOOK. You do not CARE about the truth. Not enough info to GET ANYWHERE WITH ANCESTRY.COM. - been tried. MARRIAGE RECORDS FOR DUANE'S BROTHER JOHN - was HE MARRIED TO MAXINE PALMER and/or WHO WAS HE MARRIED TO IN 1945. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT - Duane WAS LIVING IN CALIFORNIA w/his parents in between his Navy & Army and jail times. The father died while Duane was in Folsom/SanQuentin and the mother died a yr after he was released THE HISTORY IN WA IS HARD TO TRACE. THE TRAIL THAT LEADS BACK TO WEBER IS the BARTHS & POSSIBLY JOHN'S FIRST WIFE.....was her last name Palmer? Maxine Palmer was listed as a sister - but I do not understand the relation to the Barth siblings... was Maxine a Barth and married to a many time was she married and to whom? GAVE YOU SOMETHING SIMPLE TO TRACE - THE NAME CHARLES WUESTNEY....1990. To find pictures & history of the family. You already know the name leads right back to your so called witnesses. YOU KNOW KENNEY WAS NOT COOPER. Your story is only for PROFIT & notoriety. Do you wear shoes with shoe strings...Do you tie a good knot or do you stumble over the untied shoe strings? Your WILLOW OF THE WASP ATTTITUDE has finally got on my nerves. YOU are not in this thread to learn anything about Cooper - you are only here to sell a book of fiction about Cooper. YOU & YOU alone STOPPED any real investigative processes these guys had done & you ran off key individuals who had the ability & means to help. One individual only posted about 5 times, but because of you never came back...that was A LONG time ago. A genealogist but, not out of WA. The back tracking because of YOUR vested interest, is absurd. You and Georger was like mixing oil and water....your problem is your vested interest - we made progress here until you POPPED up. Georger's main purpose was to distract and disperse...that has been taken care of. Georger is not looney - he is purpose driven. Georger is protecting someone's image - and/or cause. I have a strong feeling that in person he is not the persona he presented in this thread. Everyone here took you under their wings to make sure you got the FACTS regarding the crime correctly and then YOUR EGO was propped up & the FANTASY took over - YOU got LOST! YOU stopped being OBJECTIVE. YOU were looking for fame & green. YOU DO NOT care if your story is false or incorrect & you do NOT care about the people you harm with your twisted story. You seldom write an original post - and you refuse to look into anything that might upset your PROGRAMMED mind set. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  14. I DO not KNOW IF I CAN LEGALLY POST AN OBIT SO I WILL USE EXCERPTS FROM IT. Birth: Jun. 27, 1924 Puyallup Eunice L. Barth Gilliam Born June 27, 1924 in Puyallup, WA. DUANE & HIS SISTER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS WOMAN. Eunice's MOTHER & DUANE'S MOTHER GAVE BIRTH TO CHILDREN ONE MONTH APART.... THE SISTER TOLD ME THIS AND SO DID DUANE. HER PARENTS WERE LOUIS AND LOUISE BARTH (CHECK IT OUT YOURSELVES) . She is survived by 3 brothers, including Edward (Bud) Barth, Ray (Linda) Barth, and sister Maxine Palmer, Duane himself mention Maxine Palmer - seems like she married someone he knew...but none of that is stated....was MAXINE PALMER Duane's brother's 1st wife? I do not know....but the name was ALL too familiar. Can anyone find out who John C Weber was married to in CA. I can't find anything on Maxine Palmer. Stanely Gilliam and John Weber (Duane's brother) both worked for Boeing during the same time frame and I believe that was the man John did a business venture which failed in the 60's probably in Tocoma I just know it was a venture that cost both of them some money. Supposedly the property or business was in Tocoma - but the FBI would never look this up for me. Duane told me about this as we passed thru Tocoma. I begged the FBI to check the business records for that time frame in one ever did. Immigrant families of the Orting and Puyallup Valleys This was a name mentioned to me by Duane's sister along with the Wuestney name below - I thought from the sound it was a Q but it was a W. She was desparate telling me to write it down it was important - she was doing all she could to tell me what she knew.... She knew her son would not allow her to discuss it with me after he moved her to his area. "Charles Wuestney, was one of the vegetable farmers having a display at the Fair in 1900, its first year, and maternal great-grandparents were immigrants from Germany, coming to Orting through Lehui Kuaii as foresters and farmers." Check out Duane's mother's heritage and you will come up with the same damn thing...all I have is what Duane and the sister told me. Think about this & investigate it. I turn this stuff over to you guys. I gave it to Blevins & he never acknowledged it & he live right there in the area....! 1942 during WWII - her first real job around 1943; she was a "number please" operator for Ma Bell moved to Tacoma. How many time since 1996 have I told the FBI and this thread about the MaBell woman Duane knew. He mention it in Vancouver but I do NOT know if she ever worked out of the office in Vancouver? Duane had a picture of her standing beside a plane that his sister sent him when we were in Va in the 80's - she thought he might like to have it...It disappeared with the other pictures she sent him. There was also a picture of a young man Duane knew in CA...I won't go any further with that because I tried to TELL the thread this before. Married Stanley O. Gilliam in 1948. They settled on the corner of 9th Ave. and 7th St. SW in 1958 (She always said, "it's the stucco house on the corner and we are the stuckees."), I knew that express from Duane - when he told me about family connections. We did NOT have this discussion until those picture arrived from his sister around 1986...Duane already had the fistula in place. I thought before it was early, but re-evaluation tell me it was before we moved to AL and after he got the fistual put in. Duane told me that about Ma Bell in 1979 as we drove thur Vancouver...but evidently she worked in Tacoma....we did discuss this somewhat on the thread - but NO NEED some solid stuff and Blevins need to STOP ignoring Duane's past... Eunice and friend Evonne Powers collected soap from the local hotels for many years, Lutheran world relief. Duane also told me about that and that his mother did that also. There was a picture of a group of men with the Lutheran World Relief I saw at one time - I think in this thread. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  15. I do understand why Georger keeps screwing thing up. Duane went in to the hospital on March 5th 1995 and on March 13th & 15th he refused diaysis. At that POINT he pointed out to the DR March16 he had refused meds for 2 days and was sound of mind. Duane proceeded to present his papers to the DR. NOTING to the DR. he had refused all medication for 48 hours. Duane pulled papers out of his brief case & told the Dr. to note the signature date - 5 yrs before - he started dialysis. March 16th is the day he made his confession. As soon as the Dr. & nurse left the room he told me we needed to talk. I didn't understand what he was talking about...and NO medication was Adminstered until he shouted out "OH f---, LET IT DIE WITH ME. Friday March 17th they MOVED him to the SNF unit. He did NOT die until Tuesday March 28th. He was lucid up until 2 nights before he died & even then he did not give up trying to get me to understand what he was saying. At approx 3:15 on March 28th 1995 he said: "Take the Baby down Stairs Bring the baby up stairs I can't go till the baby gets here. I love you!" then the gurgle of death. HE HAD BEEN REFUSING MEDS for 2 days AND DIALYIS all of that week. HE WOULD NOT DIE UNTIL MARCH 28 OF 1995. It took him 15 days to die after his last diaylsis. days! He was toxic those last 2 days and he was ranting...that is when they put the patch on him and the next day he was dead. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  16. BLEVINS that is a CHILDISH post! I assure you Kenny WAS not Cooper...I have never understood how you continue to maintain he was -he was TOO short and his Eyes were NOT dark Brown. Was he involved? I can't answer that one. All I do know is that Duane told me he used to know a guy who worked for Foss Tugs. Then yrs and yrs later you come up with a guy who worked for Foss Tuggs & why I think Porteous or you could have been the poster at 101. I printed the 101 article - it is just a matter of time before I find them. If you or Porteous were the ones posting there - now is the time to say so - not later on. I found TOO many co-incidences between the story you told regarding Geestman & the story Duane told me. about a man who worked for Foss Tuggs. HE told me this story on the banks of the Columbia when we parked and got out at the big GREEN tank. . Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  17. Duane just pointed out the road that went to Silver Lake from I-5. He specifically mentions a man's name, but I do not know if this man's lived there in 1979 or before - but the son lives there NOW so there must be some Silver Lake regarding Duane's history in WA. Remember the FBI said Duane only past thru McNeal and never admitted he was encarcerated there. The McNeal records state differently, but I believe this was during a time they established the work camps for the cons...and this was Duane first encarceration. The man who started the programs was his name not Barth - not sure just remember a deputy sheriff, but not sure of the name. Mrs Gilliams father was a Barth. Mrs Gilliam was born the same yr one month after Duane was born. Mrs. Weber and Mrs. Barth were best friend and often traveled between Ohio and Wa to see each other. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  18. I 10 and the road to Silver Lake and to Toutle and the flight path - but there is a red and a blue marks. What are the Blue marks? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  19. Got to see more! Hurry! Kelso and Castle Rock. Go back to my accounting of our trip up the highway to Seattle in 1979 - at Castle Rock or Kelso was a SMORGASBORG the GUYS used to go to. I do NOT know the TIME frame Duane was referring to and he never said who the GUYS were. It was dark when we where going thur this area (the highway and town lights had turned on) and it was just after dusk and before dark but more dark than dusk - I do not remember it on the return trip - since it is NOT in my memory bank perhaps I fell asleep that early morning on our return trip headed South toward Vancouver....I remember the trip NORTH in very vivid detail... That map turned a light on inside of my head - I need to see more - I need to see what was below that map and East of that map... Computers are amazing things I just can't keep up with the technology and how to use it and I have to have maps in my hands I can look at and study - the Monitor screen is so difficult & I need to see it all intack and not in segments - but the detail on the segment - amazing. All of this time I did NOT know Silver Lake was SO close an area he told me about in detail and I logged it in my mind. I have seen maps but NOT like this one. I need to find the map Sluggo left with me...maybe I just put it away because it didn't mean anything at all - to me...ONE word the name of a lake - and this is what happens. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  20. I have never seen a map like that it is so clear - I wish I had a map like that from there to Vancouver to Washougal and to the Swift Dam. I could show you the road we traveled on and possibly remember more of what he said. He didn't jump there or land there - but, the son of a man he claimed to have known lives there now. How do I get a big map of the areas I mentioned above. That little part triggered MORE memories - I have to have a map like that. I cannot down load the sites and I have to get more ink to print that one - it is a great map. Thank you for the memories! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  21. You guys all know my name and that the only thing I want is the truth. Robt 99 if your father (I doubt you have a wife) had confessed to being Cooper - pretend your father was the right age and you found the background on him and then find you didn't even know your father at all...and told you he was Cooper and you saw the things and held in your hands the things I have told about. Pretend for a moment you had little to NO knowledge of Cooper and then BANG it hit you in the face like a canon ball - but, NO ONE believes you. The more you find the more likely it was true - but NO ONE listens - NO ONE really listens. They all want to tell a story or to play games and you only have the one life line (this thread) - the one last chance to be heard. The FBI dismissed you - yet you talk to people in WA you can't even talk about - and others you can't talk about - so how do you prove it. You just try to tell over and over until someone hears you. You try to remember every detail so nothing is forgot or left out. Belived me I would love to have had a life - I would love to have made trips and have had fun - I do regret the yrs of my life WASTED on this - but why did he tell me all of this if it was not meant to be. So very tired today - and I am under a lot of stress due to something that happened yesterday that could cause me to loose my security. Be sure anyone you hire to do any repairs around your house is licensed and insured...verify verify. It was a simple job not difficult and one I did before by myself in 2008. Trying to get my house ready to sell so I can go into a place without all the upkeep this house and yard require...9 months out of the yr things grow here. The humidity causes rust and mold and other things - including poor air quality. This high maintaince lawn is expensive when you are unable to do it yourself and maintaining a home along the coastal area is very expensive not to mention the insurance. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  22. ALL Cooper told them was Mexico and when they suggested Reno I believe he knew the routes they would possible take and all he needed was his triangle - per any route south they would have flown over this specific area and perhaps changing directions after that - why the timing was crucial. I do NOT believe Cooper did this alone - I feel 95% sure of that. I don't think he did it all for himself. This friend who got cheated by the system - the man with the radio and microwave history - the man who when he left the service kept working on his ideas and then the government stole them... Perhaps someone Duane was willing to lay his life down for - especially since he had been diagnosed and sentenced to the same horrible death his mother died of. I just remember a part of the story about his man I had forgot - when I get on a memory role it does not stop. Duane said the military stole the man's invention - can't remember the exact words. The system (for lack of better words) - some people - do not remember what city he named - Vegas - I believe, were going to make lot of money off it - this was when he talked about locators - and installing them in cars. Then this part is so vauge - he tells me the man got a he did make some money out of it. Maybe NO connection to Cooper and just a man Duane met and knew....but not the impression I got at the time. So track from 1971 to 1980 what new gadgets showed up that required a location system...did he sell the rights or whatever...who developed this and was it developed by the mililtary and adapated by others... Lots of new stuff showed up 1968 to 1978...but what system was made known that would incorporated a locator of sorts. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  23. All I am doing is using a triangle of Clear Plastic - from some of my last husbands engineering thing - to see if I could make any sense of all the things Duane mentioned. Silver Lake was the highest point. These things are made out of clear plastic..and I remembered that the son of a man whose name is not necessary lived there but, at a much later date - I do not believe his father ever lived there. Understand what I am doing - just using a triangle of clear plastic and going to the outer limits to see what under under a given area....the larger the triangle the less likely it works. Also turning the triangle in different directions - all in all that would give you a big circle. At one point ALL of the things Duane showed me and told me about and took me to - where under the triangle. Also per the camp the focal point of the search. I have other larger detailed maps I want to try the same test on - the ones that Sluggo brought to me - they are very large and I have to get to feeling better than I do now to pull those out. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  24. Why did the National Guard Search Camp set-up just above Ariel? Move the indicator up to Pomeroy History Farms (a connection from Duane's past). Swift Dam - he knew the man on Duty that night. Heisson there there used to a tower just East of there - near the highway. The Chelatchie Mill is on the line also and when the worker got to work they contacted the FBI - it was obvious something was not right and the same with the Heisson store. Amboy is in the lower part of this SHIT and so is the Cedar Creek Grist Mill. There was a cemetary near the Grist Mill. The VOR was just West of Meadow Glade. Paradise park is in the triangle. Why was Duane so fascinated with the Triangle? The ring shaped like a triangle. What if any attributes did the VOR play in Cooper finding his jump site? I keep telling you guys there was someone way Cooper knew where to jump and / or some one finding him on the ground - or both. I believe Cooper was wearing some kind of location device - how it worked I do not know - was it for others to locate him or him to locate them. The Amboy chute we dismissed long ago - it was in the projected site - but I wonder if the old front pack could have had that old chute in it. I wonder it Cossey even thought about if it was the front pack with the remnants in it. Seems like this was ruled out - but that damn Chute bothers ALL of us. IT bothers me even more now that Cossey is dead....the two events are just too close not to connect. AT LEAST not for me - after all Jo Connects dots that do not connect. What connects them are things Duane showed me and told me. Bear in mind - the Amboy chute had NOT been found in 1979 when we were out there...why was Duane fixated on that place. He went into the Bar to see if someone was there and then later when we came back he and I both went to the store on the N.E. side. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  25. Jo, Dream on. Robert99 So what is your REAL name and WHAT is your REAL interest in this? To spend so much time - you must have SOMETHING to gain! Have to go - very very sick right now, but you Robt99 DREAM ON. Besides you interpertation of the minutes of the flight or what ever they are called you need to START proving you case and NOT just generalities that are quickly dismissed by the principals. Regardless of where the plane was I know there was zig to the South East and that is when they thought Coop jumped....remember this the co-pilot was a jumper and he was trying to aide Cooper off that aft way. That flight came over Silver Lake - do you know who now lives at Silver Lake? Not important - but is this when the plaque departed from the plane.. What was Cooper doing at that time...the stairs was down - right or was he still having difficulties? You know where the Kalama river is? You know where the little town of kalama is? You know where Ariel is and the Merwin Dam is but the most powerful light along the river - where as it or can you NOT answer that one? Almost a perfect Triangle between Kalama and Heisson and Swift Dam. You guys think about that one for a while - for like the rest of your lives. When you figure it out - let me know. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber