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Everything posted by skyjack71

  1. 101 no longer exists - it was removed long long ago. I was there in 2000, but the site never took off - it was a writers forum group of some sort. I keyed in Cooper and it came up. NOW it no longer exists - but, it was there and the discussion about Paradise and Fogg and horses were discussed. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  2. Well, I made the mistake of viewing the other site. My usage of The Cooper Index is how the computer man set it up for me...and that is how I refer to it. There is the Index and the DZ. No reference to these keys for me are meant to be derogatory in any way. Just a way for a computer illiterate to navigate and get to the places needed. Remember because of my old windows xp and dial-up I am limited in searches. So Georger can make fun of it all he wants - it works for me. I do wish others would stop putting me in the category of Blevins. I lived a good part of my life with a man who confessed the was Dan Cooper 9 days before he died and I actually held the ticket and a stub in my hand during that last yr of his life. Why he had those items I do not know but they were real and not something made up or imagined. When he put the piece of a chute and the mouse and the match book in the drawer - I was ordered never to throw them away. There was another item shaped like a spike but made of chrome or some other shiny material. I kept the mouse and that was all. Therefore when I found out who Dan Cooper was and that these things were related - I regreted throwing anything away...but I had to move on after his death. The 20 inside of Symba (the bank0 was neatly folded in a square with the corner tucked in...I spent it and had NO idea what it meant. After I found out I was too embarrassed to meantion it and when I did - I got a lot of flax about it - but, it is what it is and it is the truth. When our real Symba died Duane had a pill bottle and he spent some time in the garage preparing him for burial I asked what was in the bottle and he said something he wanted to put with Symba. When he was dug up several yrs later his decomposing body which had been carefully wrapped in his bedding inside of a plastic bag - it was a gruesome and smelly experience - one I shall NEVER EVER forget. We never found the pill bottle unless it was in the muck and the stench was unbearable. That pill bottle must have contained evidence - but we never found it. Duane loved Symba - like a child. Symba was a runner and when Duane got real sick - I couldn't keep up with him and take care of Duane and work a job to keep the bills was more than I could handle. If he got out the front door he just took off...and I would be exhausted and having to search for him. At any rate THEY can make fun of me all they want - but, I have told the truth the best I can or could. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  3. Lots of pain right now - so have to take a pill and try to get some sleep. Wish I felt like doing soak bath, but just not up to that - so very very tired. Lots of things going on in my life right now and they have ZERO to do with Cooper. It is day by day and there will be more good days again...this thing with my arm and hand has been a real set back. Happy Searching and hope that you guys find out that Jo Weber has NOT lied. I know I should never have fell into the speculation thing with everyone else, but I did and it hurt me. When I didn't get answers from the FBI and then found out 80% of what they did tell me was completely misrepresented - who could resist from digging further and further. I want to find that old 101 articles - they are the proof Blevins or someone started the same search or Blevins borrowed the information from that site for his own story. The site is gone - but, what I told you was actually there - my only hope on this is that I find the printed material. Anyone who wants to spend their vacation reconstructing all of this shit - is welcome. But, no one wants to prove that Jo is not a liar - easier for you guys to believe what you want. At least give me credit for not doing what Blevins has done - I have argued my story in the DZ and other places, but it all seems so useless and I just wasted 18 yrs of my life. Can't get it back - just hope for vindication. Goodnight - seems like everytime I say good night the tears start. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  4. While trying to find the 101 I found this old file some of you are probably not aware of. It references Jefferson in 1976 and a man who had clerical priviledges who changed prints within the system. This was an official document, but something the FBI did NOT want known. The incident happened in 1967 and an individual actually managed to get his prints changed. The prison went into shakedown mode and it was never known how that person changed the prints. This is what triggered the shake down (whatever that means) and the prison was investigated for corruption. The Warden was not on the up an up. 1971 - Duane's reported income was $150 dollars! In pictures I posted it showed how Duane's ear's changed and someone speculated that he had it done thur the prison system like McCoy did. This was the only information I ever heard about that....but supposedly while McCoy was encarcerated they fixed his ears. Some old posts and thought they might be of interest to Someone! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  5. 101 is where Paradise Park entered the Cooper story and it coincided with the rig Duane had told me about...and the woman who rode horses - this was all discussed in 101. My arm is in a sling most of the time so digging in to those heavy files is something I cannot do....but anyone willing to spend the time is more than welcome to stay with me and dig. I do not have to make things up or lie because it is just there. I tried to keep thing chronologically back then and redid them a few times. Since all of this came up - I thought the copy of 101 was in the files with the Unsolved mysteries story - but it wasn't and that was the only thing I was able to physical search in. I have thrown things out over they yrs and I hope that was NOT something I least it will prove where Blevins got Paradise Park and Foss Tuggs. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  6. Go back and analyze the times he changes his story - The last one was the mention of January. Whew! He never stops. I have some guys who have been working on things for long time. One of them stated he would try to have it ready by Nov. 24th, but I have even been able to reach him and why I gave the time frame of January. Then all of sudden Blevins story reflects this same thing. This is just the last time. I shared some things months ago with Blevins asking for his help regarding Geestman - but, all he did was use the information I provided for his own benefit. This has happened multiple time since he went public regarding Kenny and the Geestmans. His story regardless of his denial started with 101. Some place I have a hard copy, but due to my physical problem unable to dig for it...I just know the period of time this was done. I know I made a hard copy and I have confronted Blevins with this - that it was either he or Porteous who was making the statements at 101. Then Blevins built his story base on what was exposed in 101. Understand that when I was at 101 - I knew little about the crime and only talked as I usually do about the things Duane said and told me. IT was there in 101 and now in Blevins story. So without malice Shutter I will say you are on target. Confronting Blevins does NO good at all. He has a motive & we all know what that motive is...he will out live me and his story will survive because he wrote it and used the very thing I wrote about in 101. I believe we even talked about Foss Tuggs there and I have notes where I spoke to Mr. H about Foss Tuggs and the note of what he told me....that they did have a lead out of Foss Tuggs and that someone connected to it thought they knew who Cooper was. So Blevins build his story around these few pargraphs in 101....I do not remember the name connected to the items I speak of - but they did exist and they do match the things Blevins wrote into his story! And the thing that Mr. H and I discussed LONG before I even went to Unsolved Mysteries. Somewhere in all of that was the communications I had with the guy who started the 101 and he was a writer. Personal emails. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  7. Belvins I keep everything on my computer at a the same size - I mess with something and it cost me $135. for someone to come fix it. LIKE right now my photos are all mixed up - and and can't fix it...some how the resolutions and color got changed - NOT worth it for some on to come fix it. I can read it but with difficulty - just old age and nothing I can do about it. Thanks for the offer of assist anyway. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  8. I NEVER SAID I COULDN'T VIEW THE SITE - I SAID WAS DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE AND IT IS FOR AN OLD WOMAN...TO MANY SECTIONS & THE PRINT IS TOO SMALL FOR ME TO SEE EASILY. IT IS YOUR GUYS WHO ARE COMING TO THIS THREAD TO LET OFF STEAM - & REQUESTING THIS THREAD BE SHUT DOWN. Get some rest & then look back over the last few wks. You will see what I am talking about. What the guys do there I don't care - but those with dual memberships who come to the DZ & talk trash (BS) demanding this thread be closed - that is a REALLY bad Thing. What is wrong? What is the problem? -If they want to post in the DZ they should at least RESPECT IT. Certain ones only come to the DZ to demand the site be closed. Go back & read the postings - they made NO contribution - just slammed the DZ. "WHY?" Because they can control information on your site - they can't control it here. Their only option is to have what is in this thread to go POOF! Do you really know & trust all of your posters? I hope not! I think you did a good thing with the site you created - I am not bashing it - just certain parties come to the DZ for only one reason - to BASH the DZ Cooper thread. That is just not right. If they were my kids they would get a whop with a newspaper and sent to their room (no TV, phone, computer or books). Just themself and 4 blank walls. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  9. Jo, Let's be completely frank here. Even if what you say above is correct, you don't know me well enough to make any accurate or valid judgment whatsoever about me. I do want the truth to come out, but the truth will probably NOT be your version of it. And that is what you are complaining about. I am NOT going to spend any time trying to figure out your riddles. Robert99
  10. YOU are not a nice man at all. You want to destroy all that has been done & you do NOT want the truth to be known. You are part of the past & the truths. You will figure that riddle out but the others won't grasp its meaning.. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  11. Now that is a subject I love talking about. I lived there for 3 1/2 yrs and my daughter went back to CO for an additional yrs. My father took us on a trip to the Rockies when we were kids. Duane knew ever road in the area. I will have to map out the excursions one day on a CO map that Duane took my daughter and I on and a few with just the 2 of us. I love CO and I want to go back, but I will never make it back - not now. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  12. Shutter I have NO idea what you are talking about. Seems like lately you guys shuffle words & make things sound like something they aren't - Maybe just me and old age. I find The INDEX (my name for Shutter's site) difficult to read & to follow, but I am an OLD woman & one who is not well. The NEGATIVE is that individuals from the INDEX come to the DZ only to agitate & to make remarks about CLOSING the DZ. If "your" guys want to visit here - they need to STOP with the INFLAMMATORY remarks & verbal attempts to get the DZ site shut down. YOU GUYS launched it an ALL & OUT attack to shut down this thread & that needs to STOP. I don't post on the INDEX & I address most things thru private email - unless it is something that actually needs to be quoted & brought to the attention of the DZ guys....since some of of them do not go to the INDEX. Conversation about shutting the DZ down is INFLAMMATORY & should NOT be posted by members of The INDEX If this site had not existed the The INDEX would not exist....supposedly to explore the flight path & other things that required categorization for reference purposes. The DZ is the place to come to present a suspect & for general knowledge...most readers could careless about the details others pursue. The attacks against the DZ made by the dual posters needs to stop. The format at the INDEX is just not for everyone. You guys were subject motivated & needed a place to discuss these things. NOW they come to this thread only to BASH others make negativer remarks about the DZ site. That conduct is counter productive. Leave the inflammatory and destructive attacks regarding the DZ at THE INDEX - do not bring them to the DZ. The INDEX monitor does a great job of keeping the trash talk down, but when they (dual posters) come to the DZ - they have NOTHING positive to say & their motives seemingly are to ATTACK posters on the DZ by twisting the words or ignoring what the poster was attempting to say. DZ posters have worked hard for many yrs to provide information here for the public who might be interested in Cooper. I OBJECT to Blevins with his continued participation which IS only to PROMOTE his BOOK & no other reason. Well, Blevins got caught up & we got him straight on he errors - BUT he was like the energizer bunny - he just kept multiply-ing. We created a monster who only had a motive & now is STUCK in one place. I think it is called REPEAT CITY. No one could focus on Cooper - the entire focus was on Blevins. NO other subject could be discussed & Blevins just went on and on and on. Note: Georger is being well controlled at THE INDEX - none of the weird postings bashing others is allowed. Gray doesn't come here to promote his book - that is an excellent example of how to conduct the sale of a book. I am unable to read back (low energy and difficulty seeing the screen) - but I assure you the inflammatory remarks about shutting this site down are DELIBERATE on the part of those who post at both sights... R99 asked, "what is the INDEX page? are you trying to say it's a hidden page? I don't have any hidden pages." Excellent example of taking things out of context just to confuse or distract in this thread. R99 & Bruce & several others post in dual sites...and when they do they only come to the DZ to bash and put things off topic. Very sad! No one has mentioned hidden topics in the other site & everyone knows it is still underconstruction and remodeling but it should NOT be advertised on the DZ & the poster from there should NOT be allowed to bring NEGATIVE thing to this thread regarding individual who do NOT post on THE INDEX and therefore cannot defend themselves. The INDEX was supposedly to explore the flight and other things. Specifics that needed categories so as not to get off track. When these guys feel like BASHING guess where they come? Sometimes it is just to join in on the conversation - but, as of late they only come here to agitate - it is RAW irritation and with a motive - shut the DZ down. Jo definitely does NOT know how to navigate that other place - why she would NOT post if given the opportunity to do so. WAY over this old lady - shrinking in body and mind and now spirit. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  13. You guys made another site that is closed to all but a few to discuss Cooper - yet everyday I open the DZ & you guy are here bashing the DZ. Doing everything you can to get the site closed. The DZ I am sure realizes what you are doing. To insure that other site survives - you have to get this one closed. YOUR only purpose posting here is to create havoc & to get this thread closed. I ask & I plead with you to stop! It is very painful for me to post right now. There are things happening NONE of you are aware of & it has ZERO to do with Shutters site.... On the Index site you guys are NOT discussing suspects - supposedly you wanted space to research the aspects of the crime. Instead all you do is bash the DZ because I am allow to discuss Weber and other are able to discuss suspect. If you GUY succeed in your efforts you WILL close down the ONLY source other who have suspects can go to. Remember Vickie and others came here to explore their subjects and others eventually will come....SO PLEASE TAKE YOUR CONVERSATION TO THE INDEX and stop trying to shut the DZ. The Index is not constructed to entice the public media attention. The DZ is more appealing to the Common person with a suspect or just interested in the crime. The INDEX is geared to the TECHNICAL savy individuals. the technical aspect but a place for individual like my self to discuss a subject. I agree Blevins SHOULD not be allow to discuss his book & to repetitively tell lies - but, shutting down the DZ is a NO win. The Index just wants the competitions to shut down so they can get more traffic....but you will be defeated it there is not AN OPEN PUBLIC site for individuals to present subjects. I agree Blevins promotion of his book is OVER KILL, but that is for the DZ to decide and not for the competition at the INDEX to dictate. The INDEX is not geared for people like me - the older generation who just might have an uncle or grandfather who died and want to explore it without all of the mumbo jumbo about the flight...That 74 yr old daughter whose Dad just died - is not interested in wading thru the INDEX. The DZ is the obviouse place for individuals like myself and others who had a relative they thought was Cooper to come. Remember they have come here and then you recruit the younger more computer savy ones to your site - but the most viable will be individuals in my age category or older. PLEASE STOP PLEASE - PLEASE. NONE OF YOU HAVE A DAMN CLUE WHAT IS HAPPENING. I AM TYPING THUR PAIN BEYOND BELIEF. I WAS IN THE DR.S OFFICE AND THE ER TODAY. TOMORROW WILL BE MORE OF THE SAME - PLEASE STOP - PLEASE STOP LEAVE THIS THREAD ALONG PLEASE! NO one from the INDEX should be alowed to come here to bad mouth the DZ and suggest it be shut down! The INDEX has a completely different agenda than the DZ....SO PLEASE LEAVE US BE....NO DUAL POSTING. ou can read the DZ and I can read the Index - SO please leave this thread alone - please. I am begging you to leave this thread alone. It has become obvious certain posters from the other site only come to this site to make spiteful and demeaning POSTS...AND with only one purpose. PLYOU GUYS do NOT know what is going on. There are PICTURES the FBI has never seen & the public has never that were in the possession of Duane Weber. I found the negatives & there are specialist trying to extract the images from the old negatives. I was talking to WA about this tonight and why I came her to make a short post & now I had to make a long painful post. I am not supposed to be using my right hand. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE - I NEED THIS THREAD FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. I am LEARNing HOW TO HATE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE - People so self centered they do not care who the harm. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  14. This is the kind of postings by you Robt that are uncalled for. I have not threatened anyone and you guys are the ones who make inflammatory remarks and all I have done is defend myself. Jo Weber has done NOTHING to delay any resolutions of the Cooper case. You are very aware of that & that I am responsible for this site being made available for guys like you. Things I have introduce have been used to further the case and not hinder it. You ARE totally unware of these things - because they are never put in the thread. I have not been permitted to GET AWAY with things - you & other have made some outrageous & inflammatory remarks that would have gotten JO put on vacation. I stay out of the general arguments and the technical aspects. NO other WEB site would have allowed others in this thread to get away with was some what is claimed. The other site was developed for you guys - to discuss things you claimed you could not discuss on this thread - and may I suggest you take your inflamatory remarks there & avoid making them here. Since you have the capabilities to research information I provide to you...then maybe you are not a true investigator of facts. I believe you are here to create havoc & make statements that demean those who might know a little more about somethings than you are aware of. IT is time for the PERSONAL attack to STOP & I am making a proposal that - we dicuss the case. NO ONE promotes a subject & you geniuses make postings a normal person can understand - not some one who needs 2 degrees to digest. As I have said I have something I am working on &right now I have 2 months or pain, surgery and rehab ahead of I won't be around. I might manage with my left hand to read - but, will not be posting other than a line or two with one finger if I can even do that. If you have a wife - do you talk to her the way you do me? If so I really feel so very sorry for her. If you have never married - then I thoroihly understand WHY! You must be a VERY lonely person. Please Gus don't miss the Bus! You know what that means, but NO one else in this thread as a clue. Enjoyed the FAST trip to the airport. Last location you were covered in books. Do you hide you problems behind those books? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  15. Robert99 Robert99 - what do you find so threatening about that statement? You do CONTINUELY attack me every chance you get - you can't say one nice thing. When you mention me it is NOTHING, but negative. I will not allow you to continuely attack me and that is not the attacking posts made by you referrencing me that I speak of and YOU know it. There are multiple posts where you have made insulting remarks. Right now I have to go to bed and I am very tired & I have just taken my medication. AT least treat me with respect & I will treat you accordingly. I had finally just had enough of your cocky remarks trying to shut this thread down. Don't deny it just go back a few days. Right now I can't see the screen and I have exceeded the time & number of posting I am supposed to do. Don't worry after my surgery I won't be able to post at all - unless I can use the keybroad with my voice or my left hand. I have tried that & it doesn't work.
  16. Below is the kind of posting Robert99 had been making. In this case he quoted another poster His only purpose in doing this is to get this thread closed....knowing full well this is my only voice. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  17. You need to read back to recent postings made by Robert99 on this thread - he goes on about it constantly & then others jump in. Robt99 only comes to this thread to antagonize & he never make a contribution - he comes here with nothing but malice...and keep stating this thread NEEDS to be closed. I try to be nice - but it is getting difficult - he had a whole gang chiming in with a recent post about closing the DZ site. That should not be allowed. If he comes here he should not be continuely aggravating & creating a hostile enviroment on this thread. He doesn't post like that on your thread. I enjoy the explorations they make there - it is the behavior of those with DUAL priviledges that get their nose out of place their finger in the wrong place. Robt99 is the worst along with Bruce. Why can't they be NICE in this thread like they are in the other thread. I understood the attacks made on Blevins and I agree - but there has been NO reason for him to continuely attack me & suggest this thread be closed. When he comes to this thread he is antagonistic about everything and everyone....especially me and I have stayed pretty neutral lately - orders given to me by others. . Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  18. Robt 99 - you are number 1. Georger is already gone. Bruce also needs to take a vacation. Blevins needs to STOP his advertising. Anyone doing DUAL posting on both sites needs to take a vacation. This will allow what is going to happen to happen without the aggravation of the dual posters. When it is announced - there will be a NEW poster - he will be the one to make the announcement. Sluggo left because he couldn't stop it & his health was Robt 99 was given the assignment after Georger got himself in a pickle with his ranting. Bruce is just someone who is annoying. Others just like go with the flow, but they do not even post on the other place. They were just interested in the story. HAVE NOT any of you ever thought about why certain posters are so antagonist and keep harping on getting this thread closed? Those individuals need to take a vacation for about 10 to 12 wks. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  19. The postings by the creator & posters in the other place are the only ones posting negatives here. I am sure the DZ has taken note of this. If you guys are going to continue in this manner perhaps you need to stay on that other site. Why even come here to make your attacking and negative posts? In my opinion if you are hosting or participating in a closed circuit site you do NOT need to be here playing dirty politics. The problem with you guys is that YOU know what is getting ready to happen - and NONE of you can stop it. You guys should have been politicians - dual postings in a closed site & in this site - why? NOT one of you have an inside to the FBI. Yes, Blevins was allow to go to far, but your other site allows only those who meet your personal & destroy. This site is where the Cooper story will be solved....& the truth announce. Only 2 guys in that other thread are aware of what is getting ready to come - but the others think they being part of the Cooper story and solution or resolution. The rest of you are being used to probagate the cover up. These blatant attacks are being made to hinder an announcement that will be made within the next 3 months. Those of us who post here - have NO voice in your site which is very complicated and difficult to navigate. NONE of you have any connections to the FBI nor are you privey to what is happening....if you were - you would not be doing the continued counter attacks in attempt to stop silence the voice of truth. Instead of trying to get this site CLOSED would it not make sense for you guys just to move on & ignore what is going on here. If you have nothing productive to post here & wish to do your investigation in a closed circuit media - then feel free to do so - but to mount a political smear on this site - that is going way too far. Blevins should NOT have been allowed to have promote his book....BUT the attacks by you guys is deliberate & your only agenda at this point if to close the DZ site and stop the truth from being told. Why You guys know Jo has a picture that is going to BLOW the Cooper story out of site. A photo of 4 individual sitting together & with the 5 as the one taking the photos. When the FBI receives and analyzes what is in this photo - The Cooper saga is over. That is all I can say....I have to go back to surgery so I won't be around, but the other things will not go away....the story is NOT over yet! Very difficult for me to post and after the surgery I won't be able to touch a keyboard for many wks...but, it has to be done. NOW that you know that I know your objective is to destory the only voice I have. Those of you with DUAL posting status need to take a little vacation. You should NOT be allowed to come to this thread and advertise your other place...where a bunch of geeks have taken this too far...and tried to make it to complicated. Georger and Robt99 know the truth & it is their JOB to keep the truth from ever reaching the public. Both of you have Tx/Az connection - others do not know this, but I do. Both of you are connected. You guys will soon be exposed! NOT in this thread but in a VERY public way. Your only defense is to SILENCE me. You guys have gotten to OLD to cover your tracks....but I have pictures that will tell an entirely different story! NO they will NOT be posted on this thread until we are ready to go public! If my problem had not gotten in the way it would be relative sooner...but God has his way of timing things. Jo does NOT do FACE BOOK. Why don't you guys just continue your thing in that other place & ignore what is going on here? YOU CAN'T - if I were either of you I would be very afraid. I have a time line stamped on my foot...but it will NOT stop what is going to happen. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  20. something is scrambled up here - I did not make the post this is referrring someone playing with the DZ - also all of my saved mail and new mail went POOF! I had zero to do with the post below and this the first time something like this has happened. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  21. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  22. This is a HINT! We have 90 days. With the ridiculous postings of Georger gone I thought you guys would get on track and stay on track. What has happened since Nov of 2006? Blevins has become Pinocchio & his nose grows & grows & the more he posts the bigger it grows. Finally he has reached the stage where it is touching the ground. How very embarrassing. The man came here with NOTHING & took control to advertise his book on the thread after others were kind enough to help him correct his errors regarding the facts of the case. The bickering between Blevins & Georger became a little too much. Georger being the agitator he is just egged Blevins on & on. The DZ had to make a choice. The choice was easy to make because Blevins was ALWAYS polite & Georger would get pretty out of sorts & used up space trying to silence Blevins & myself Jo. I miss some of them - like Vickie, 377, Bennett and especially Homid and Snowman. We made a lot of progress until others started to make a game out of this thread. Ckret - who was actually FBI came to the thread - but, his actions were completely out of bounds for an FBI agent. His representations (things that have been proven to be false) had no place in this thread. His action on this thread should never have been allowed by the FBI - It has been proven with documentation that Ckret pushed false info. BUT, why did an FBI agent post FALSE information - what was the motive? Low & behold along came Blevins - What a trip - he has added a new level to the Cooper Saga - after about 6 yrs of him - I feel like I am drowning in all of the muck he throws out. Blevins alone STOPPED the progression of this thread - because he used the thread as his PLATFORM to promote a book. Should never have happened. Georger - he didn't help things - MY Sweet Baboon became an Ass! He had multiple personalities & his rambles & ranting about other posters was completely out of range. For some reason Blevins & Georger was like mixing oil and water. GEORGER was voicing what the rest of us where thinking. It was the manner in which he voiced it - riddles & songs & things done only to harrass other posters. 377 & Snowman - they were like rocks....Snowman smothered the thread with a lot of stuff, but when he hit something good no one could top it. 377 was always the common sense of the thread. Snowman actually had the first indepth posting - some of you will never realize or know that he found valid information he couldn't take to the FBI. His posting stopped in the thread just about the time an individual stood up against the USA. Even the names were similar. Always wondered - WHAT IF? Farflung - none of us will forget his postings & his art work. We will always wonder what happened to Farflung & who he really was. Hopefully he is alive & well and used that talent of his to make things better. Don't think any of us ever knew his real name. In other words if anyone wants to give credits or whatever to the posters over the yrs - with no bashing or anger or crazy stuff - now is the time to do it. Now WAIT for it! Blevins will MAKE a long post toasting his subject & selling his book & his supposed investigation & his interviews - yet he always gets it wrong.... Remember this: If you tell the truth - you never have to worry about what others say about you. Blevins sure gets his nose out of place pretty easy. That expression was one Mr. Himmelsbach told me many times over. I hope he is well & this case is solved before he dies. The crazy rantings of Jo & Jerry Thomas each wanting to tear the other apart. Now we do talk on the phone & he is nice to me. Up until July of 2009 I printed ever page of the Cooper saga, but it just got unaffordable. 10,747 posting on that lasts printed page. NOW there are 55,950 so in the next 4 yrs we averaged 11,000 postings per yr. NO way am I printing all of that. Before I come to the end of my time here on the DZ around the end January or March - I wish the DZ would put the thread on read able disks and sell it as a set. I think someday someone just might read back thru those postings & find something we all missed....unless the case is ACTUALLY solved between now & then.
  23. I do not go around bashing you - Blevins takes care of that. Frankly I do NOT like his name and my name used in the same post or even a sentence. I disagree with you on things - but even Georger gets at odd with you - some of it is just too technical for me. If you mention me or make a statement I do not understand or misquote me - yea....I'll make a remark about the post. You do the same! Stop with the Blevins comparison on me - there is NO comparision. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  24. WHEW! you are really one piece of WORK. I have dealt with the FBI for 18 yrs - that is NOT how they WORK! THE FBI had NO reason to obtain Lyle's DNA. Now you are claiming Lyle was not the source of the info. The FBI does NOT run out & check DNA unless the have a GOOD reason to do so. KC looked NOTHING like Cooper and because of that alone - was reason enough for the FBI not to spend funds for his DNA. If LYLE did not give you this information - who the HELL did! Definitly NOT from the FBI and how would Porteous know? DON'T you GET IT! You have been HAD! IT is OBVIOUS you do not keep track of these things - and ALL U are AFTER is a BOOK & MOVIE. You have it written ALL over your postings along with your punie excuses about this or that. You will go down in history as the biggest phoney in Cooper history! NOW do you understand WHY the FBI did NOT look At your suspect. He was NOT a suspect. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  25. Shutter and Blevins continued harassment of each other & the bashing between the threads - is going to shut this DZ thread down. The continued activities to the extent they are will not continue & I have been told if I have something to say I need to do it soon. I explained my circumstances - and what I have to announce is still in progress. I have to wait until "they" all come to an agreement & everything is in place. I do not want to repeat my unpleasent experience of 2001 in Wa. Why I stepped out fo the public eye sought a place on the internet to fight my battle. Then the FBI came to the DZ and again attacked me with information that was incorrect. To complicate matters I have 2 surgeries coming up. One is a biopsy and the other is a surgery that has nothing to do with my other problems - to fix an injury since time and medication has not help, but with my over all health any surgery is dangerous at this time. If the biopsy is not good - I do not known what direction I will take. Medicare had gotten ridiculous. I have to get a referral from the primary to return to the ENT for a biopsy that was recommended by my family physician. In the mean time I need surgery to fix an injury I had a few wks ago. If it goes unfixed - then I would have a permanent disablility. If the biopsy is bad - I do not know which will come first. No confirmation at this time if the biospy will be done as MEDICARE rules have changed. America had become the faulted medical system in Canada. Canadian would come to the States & pay for tests so they could get on with their life rather rather than wait for system to work. We used to have ENT's and we could could go back if the problem did not resolve. Now you have to back thru the referral system. That will take 5 wks and I need to get this house If the biopsy is not good - I am not sure which direction I will take. The home is already being prepared to be put on the market. Should have been out of here 6 yrs ago, but real estate market took a plunge & my health got in the way. My health makes the me a prisoner in my home for 7 months out of the yrs. due to the heat....Celiacs and adneno carcinoma...horrid rashes and heat do not mix. We all die of something - but the process is sometimes long & with the complicated system Medicare now mandates - a lot of seniors will die before they can get treatment. But of course that is the plan! Right! What a mess. Life with my other health problems is perplexing enough, but now being denied a biospy after being denied a bronciscopic - is putting surgery for an injury on hold. If the injury is not fixed soon - it will be permanent as these injuries need to be address before the athropy of the tendons and nerves are permanent. If I was a baseball player I would already have been in surgery. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber