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Everything posted by skyjack71

  1. Who ever you are - I am glad you are here - give us a little break for Blevins and all of the other bantering between the 2 thread. When the posters with dual forum abilities post - NOTHING is gained and no one want to get involved in all of this back and forth between the 2 is prostelization on the part of the other thread, but it lets other know that Blevins is just sort of LOST. The other thread comes here to explose Blevins but this dual between the 2 threads needs to STOP. They (referring to all of them with dual status) come here just to antagonize and try to get this thread taken down. Yet, some of the things proposed over there are absurd...Georger is still playing ping pong with his story and Robt99 seems to now be engaging in the same thing. It should be one thread or the other. As I recently stated NEW information is on its way and some things are going to happen. Georger better get his ducks in a row - because he is in deep DOO DOO! Someone took me serious when I said Georger needed to be investigated....well, Georger is more and in some aspect less than he has claimed. Maybe he needs to get a good lawyer. Georger needs to be AFRAID! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  2. Well, I didn't say Major break that is your interpetation. I said that somethings are happening and things are happening. I said I believe something about an announcement being made hopefully by Nov 24 or within the next 3 months. I didn't say what it was -if it was FBI, media, other persons coming forward, new information or new evidence...that is just a few of the things it could be. I do not believe I inferred major break in the case - just something is getting ready to happen. Something I may or may not be involved in. You will just have to wait until it happens. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  3. Even Jo agrees with that statement regarding Blevins! I rarely mention what the other thread is talking about - I send you a personal PM if something is said that I do not agree with - I don't bitch about it here. RARELY. NOT what this thread is for. This thread is to explore not to exploit suspects - and exploit is what Bleving does. Sorry Blevins - but that is a honest statement. My accountings are first hand and I hate having to repeat them - but, (Blevins) constantly gets them wrong....he never read back in this thread prior to the date he came aboard. If he had - he would not make some of his misinformed postings simply to revert back to his subject. His only purpose is to demean others and promote his book. A subject he never personally knew or ever had any contact with. Yet, he never draws the line at making statements about Weber already posted & explored in this thread. He ignores my trips to WA as though they never existed. I am tired of re-explaining things for his benefit. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  5. I do have a thought - Miss Prissy Butt hails from that area. Think she had anything to do with this? If it is REAL news it has not hit the media and I could not find the reporter named. Usually if you key in the name of a reporter it will come up with the contact information in that state. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  6. Not a strange as other things I have been sent! I am curious if he has ever been in prison....especially if he was encarcerated in Jefferson or if he was hospitalized in Ga in 1970. There was leads to come out of Jefferson, but the FBI lost the records there and they are no longer part of the Cooper files. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  7. 83 yrs old that made him how old in 1971 - 40 yrs old no pictures shown of him at age 40 in 1971. hope i did the math correctly. what is his background beyond what he stated. where was he in 1971? are there pictures of him from 1971 - and what do they show? ON Course: now what was this gentleman's occupations and what has he done with the rest of his life. what was he doing in 1971 & has he ever been in prison....? NOTE: a man contacted me a few months ago claiming he had cancer of the throat & need to provide me with items Duane wanted me to have. well, I did not know Duane in 1971. anything buried at that time would not have been directed to me. every kind of hoax possible has been tried over the yrs. i do not bite into these things easily. go with caution! Do view the photo I have attached of Weber taken in 1969 and note the curly hair. A thought: Norman, Oklahoma - another young man (the one with the guitar he played with his tongue) claimed his father was Cooper....his father was supposedly deceased at that time Norman, Oklahoma was part of that saga. how many Coopers are there out there? a lot of wanna be's i guess. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  8. contact had tried for a long time but, they were getting another party in this area - he was fed up with the calls and set out to find me and he did. checked property records for any one with a name similar to his - mission accomplished. couldn't find me so left a note on my door. now we are in contact. as expected blevins has distorted the truths. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  9. holding your breath well it is coming like it or not blevins immediately jumped in with his kc crap - well this aint about kc or blevins the announcement will be made hopefully by nov 24, but it not will be within the next 3 months. i was told it could be done by Nov 24th. maybe blevins subjects have been in contact with yours truely. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  11. TO ALL - PLEASE READ THIS AND IT IS THE LAST TIME I CAN TELL THIS STORY! The paper bag crap has gone on long enough. This is the story they get their paper bag story from - certain individuals just love to TWIST the story from it's original state. 1.Duane threw a candy bar wrapper off of the bridge on our return trip from St.Helens, OR. I didn't think it was a candy wrapper because we had NO candy in the car - it was the size of a hersey bar cover - we would never carry such in the vehicle. 2. Second stop was East of Vancouver along the river across from the PDX. Duane told me to stay in the car and take a nap - we had a long day ahead of us. At this location he goes down the bank of the river till he disappears. I was bored and not sleepy, but stayed in the car as ordered. This location was one of 3 places I have never been able to get anyone to check out. After he came back up the hill he used the automatic to open the trunk and he had the snow shovel in his hand. Was he digging something up or burying something I do not know. I got out of the car at that time and we were high above the river. I have determined by maps it was one of these locations Topper Dr., Lieser Point, or Image Ln. Duane later explained that at one time there had been a home there and he knew the people. I have begged posters who live in the area to do a county search of owners on those properties pre 1971. The ones who live there just do not want the truths. Duane pointed across the river & mentioned the Airport was just around the bend (to our left which would be east) , but we could not see it from there because of the trees. Then he talked about the house that used to be there and that he knew the people. The rail track is is just over a berm at that point...making a comment about an exchange in Vancouver that caused the train to go VERY slow thru there. He then points to an area to the north on the other side of the berm & tell me about a man he used to know that lived there & there used to be some very nice homes in that area was 1979 and now they are OLD homes. It was also during this time he mention a man who he used to know who he got into some trouble ....I always had a problem remembering the name but, I remember part of what he said .... it was an indian name like Joachim and they called him Jack or Jak. I now believe this to be the same person Duane spoke about early in our trip when he told me about getting someone else in some trouble. That statement was made on our way to WA some where near the state line on our way to WA. Perhaps I connected 2 incidents with one person and it is 2 individuals. I have since LEARNED this was ONE of the MOST important CLUES I remembered....a name Jack for Joachim with the last name sounding line Newsome or Nuelle or Nutesell or Nutsen or Knutsen. I search for the clues to that bit of memory for YRS. IT BRIEFLY showed up on this thread in an obit & immediately removed - that post was made by none other than JW. Never understood WHY he put if up and took it down in moments - other than he knows the truths as I have told them. It went down REAL FAST, but not before my MEMORY made the connection. I could not find the obit on my own, but the man's name would then come up in regards to a man who contacted the FBI asking for immunity regarding information he had in 2001 after Margie Bouled did her article. This man tried to reach me throught Margie, but my memory could not put my mind around it....and we did not contact him...if he had used his REAL name this would have been over.....she would later search for that contact, but since we ditched it she probably deleted it. This man went so far as to ask for immunity (as JOHN DOE) from the State of WA thru an attorney...I have that information and the name of the attorneys....the request was denied by the state of WA & the Governor & they were informed they would have to go to the FEDS. The man had come forward because he knew he was terminal. He died in 2004, but he shared his story with one OTHER person who is still living - but, that person is under a personal oath to take the secret with him...because he was NOT told what the man knew or what the man had to share with the FBI regarding his knowledge of Cooper. This guy contacted an old friend for advise (that old friend is still alive) for help - how much he told this other person I do not know. This other person is up in age and I really hope I get to meet him before we are both gone. Since the attorney records do exist - I know the source was NOT telling a WHOPPER. He told me all of this in a WEAK moment, because he has over the yrs come to respect my battle as I have come to respect him. NOW back to the STOPS. We head West along the river until we come to a large GREEN storage tank for fuel near a small dock on the river. Duane then talks about Folsum Tuggs and knowing a man who worked for them. He said the tank provide the fuel for the tug boats. We also drove thur an industrial area & he told me about a small airstrip there...the BOYS used. I did find the tank was still there in 2010, but it was then on PRIVATE property that was being developed and not accessible. The next stop is after he went West even further - we approached the area one way & departed another way. At any rate we ended up on Tena's bar. We parked at an area under some large trees. Duane tell me to stay in the car & he would be right back. He goes thru a gate and fenced area and then walks to the West behind the house that was there & below the fence and tree line. He is not gone long. When he get back I get out of the car to stretch and smoke a cigarette. From that area after getting out of the car I could see a small shed below the fence line near the large trees just below the fence line. He tells me about the mail box and a place the boys used to go to. (Fazio in 2001 verified that shed was indeed there in 1971.) Duane tells me about a developement of some sort on the Oregon side for low income housing & tells me he used to know a man who lived there. He also told me something about how the water comes together there - but I did not understand it. THE PAPER SACK STORY:When we get back into the car he moves a paper sack from his side and places it next to his right foot. I asked what was in the paper sack & he said "Just some trash I am going to get rid of on the next stop". The next stop is the RED LION just at the foot of the bridge going to Portland - at that time the Interstate bridge was not in place to the East. When he pulls up at the Red Lion he hands me some money and tells me to go get us some snacks and soda. He tells me where these machines are located - NOT visible rrom the area we parked in - OBVIOUSLY he had been there BEFORE. He also told me where the bathrooms were in the office. When I return from the snack area and go to the back he is standing out on some pilings...I asked him what he was doing - he said "WATCHING THAT BAG FLOAT DOWN THE RIVER". I couldn't make out the bag because I didn't have my glasses on and then continued to read him the riot act about throwing trash in a river...I thought he was pulling my leg and checked all of the barrels in the back-and they were all empty - no paper bag.
  12. Obviously YOU never read back into the thread prior to your presenting yourself on the thread! After you were tutored about the fact you suddenly became so self indulgent that you NEVER ever looked back to see why this thread existed in the first place. This thread helped you with the FACTS of the case you had so screwed up it was pathetic....but, you are so self centered you never looked back at all the work others did for you. Your candidate is the most least likely of any ever presented - but you just kept on creating and creating and no one could get in one word edqe wise. YOU used this thread to PROMOTE your book - simple and plain. IT was an action NO ONE felt should have been condoned - but, it was. You made this thread so REPETITIOUS NO ONE - NOT EVEN MYSELF WANTED TO POST. Yes, there are some who should have had their hands slapped more severely, but you have agitated everyone who was on this thread - including me. I have been kind, but I am tired of being kind. When you start to act like you are the director and owner of this thread and then to make such trival remarks about things - things that were throughly discussed BEFORE we ever heard of a man named Blevins....that was the limit! NOT one time have you said THANK YOU GUYS for straightening me out on some of the FACTS of the case. THAT is why NO one wants to talk to you or discuss the case with you...but, you just do not get it. YOU cannot be objective about your subject and everyone is sick of it. Because of your actions I have wondered why you have been allowed to continue to dominate this thread with the repetitive postings. All most everyone of my postings are my thoughts as I typed them - no repeated panned pages of trivial propaganda....nor was I selling a book. Yes, there were posters who got out of hand - such as Georger and Bruce. One with a lot of nonsense - and for some reason he couldn't stand me - but now I know why! Stand by for the latest on him. Why don't you use a little of your time to do the research - why do you keep on rambling about things you know zero about? Another poster couldn't help himself from his sexual remarks & cocky remarks about completely unrelated Cooper things...It is alright to have fun, but not at the expense of other posters nor does it give anyone the right to make crude or vulgar remarks. We had some nuts, but this was a damn good thread until you started to use it to sell your book and it is a book of fiction and manipulation and YOU know that! I known THAT! Then out of the BLUE you take over and use something about Duane Weber - like you are the director - the subject was discussed here thoughly long before you ever showed up. Evidently you are so self absorbed that any discussiond about any other subjects just went ignored. OBVIOUSLY you never went back and read one thing about Duane Weber. I want the old gang back here to really discuss Cooper - not your subject and I am so tired of hearing your tales (lets be honest about it - out and out lies) didn't investigate your subject and if you had these "witnesses" they would be on this thread discussing it....but, you didn't let them know and you kept the existence of this thread out of their reach. You used a lot of innocent people to create your Cooper....if the things you declared were true - they would already have been on national TV making their claims! You or Porteous was the one posting on 101 - and guess what - I printed it out....ODD would you not think that Paradise and the woman who rode hourses was all there just like I said. It was the other party on the thread - you or Porteous who suggested the place I was talking about was Paradise! Deny all you want to, but if it was not you then it was YOUR source. Bernie Geestman had a relative and or good friend who lived in my area. That is why the came to Fl and to see Duane. ASK them - if you really know where to find them. Sources for a book just do not go POOF! This is the day of the internet and nothing stays hidden anymore! Did you ever make any attempt to talk to or to show one of the passenger who sat across from Cooper if Kenny even resembled the skyjacker. NO, you didn't! When you write a book about something like this - your witnesses just do not go POOF! Yet, you were so self absorbed in promoting your book you refused to even look at anyone or anything else and kept right on with you probaganda campaign. PLEASE do not respond. How are you going to feel when your 'witnesses' denouce you on national TV. I am tired of eating and sleeping Cooper and living in the pain day after day of reading posts that you have memorized. Most of your postings we know by heart because they never change. You are all about selling a book - that will be denounced on national TV. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  13. all of that has been proven and supported - it was a company function in seattle wa. go back and read my accounting of all of this. the fbi knows we were there in 1979. have you ever read one damn word i ever wrote. you and you alone have made the last yrs of my life dedicated to this to sound like a shamble - please just tell anyone who wants to know my story to read back on their own...but, you will now take this thread as your stand - i was the reason this thread existed...and i will be the reason deceases. you no longer need a platform for your story - you used this thread to promote your book and you never one time gave any credit to the guys on this thread who tried to help you get the facts correct. i am crying my heart out right now because i know my words will end the thread or get me banned, but i cannot contain myself any more. how or why you have managed to run everyone off is self evident with your postings you just acted like it is ALL new stuff and for no ones benefit but your own. you already know ALL of this and that I am headed back to surgery and that i am only supposed to be posting short posts..... GO BACK AND READ THE THREAD - THE THINGS I POSTED AFTER THIS THREAD WAS CREATED FOR THIS PURPOSE AND QUADE DID IT AND KEPT IT GOING OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF HIS HEART....something in his gut told him i was telling the only real story out there. HE IS GONE NOW AND HAS NO SAY, I THANK THE DZ FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT WHAT I DID KNOW AND TO TELL DUANE'S STORY. I HAVE TO TYPE IN ALL CAPS OR ALL SMALL PRINT WITH NO CAPS MY HAND AND ARM IS ALL WRAPPED UP with a metal support AND I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO USE IT....I PROMISED NOT TO DO MORE THAN ONE POST PER DAY...AND IT TAKES A WHILE JUST TO DO THAT - WHEN THEY DO THE SURGERY I WILL HAVE TO TYPE WITH ONE left hand. JUST leave me ALONE! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  14. So now you are going to direct the newbies with your false info. give me a break... all you have done is promote your suspect and you know that kc was NOT cooper.. yet, you now are taking the information i made available for yrs & TWISTING it just to make yourself feel or sound important. DID you ever read or comprehend any posting I made? Evidently you didn't. U are focused only on promoting your book and u do not care who you hurt along the way! I have to go - I can't take any more - you are why everyone left - NOT me. NOW you want to twist the things I told.... Those guys did NOT TWIST what I told like you just did in your posting above....that took the cake. ADVISE to all new individuals - go back & read the facts - don't let this person mislead you and diss others without and out deliberate twisting of facts. The thread discussed and argued with me about possibilities, but they NEVER one time changed what I have wrote and told, You just did the unspeakable in twisting words and changing you do with your own subject. Some readers go confused - but you I never expected this kind of action out of you of all were directing your post to the newbies with FALSE information you know is false regarding the word of Weber as written by myself. The skyjacking was in 1971 Duane and I were in WA in 1979 The money was found in 1980 I would not return to Wa until 2000 with a documentary crew and the only thing I knew about the crime was what Mr Himmelsbach told me and what was in his book and Tosaw's book. I do NOT even COMPREHEND what your 20 yrs is didn't even know your subject - I was married to mine for 18 yrs. He also confessed. I have had it with you - PLEASE do NOT make any replies about my postings and leave me alone. I want this thread to be here for the final chapter, but the new moderator doesn't know me the way Quade did. WHY? I never expected this kind of attack by you - Evidently you never researched the thing I provided you - I should have known you were just a leech. I provided you with information I provided to no one else and you PRETENDED to be helping - you have and will never help anyone but yourself. My arm is throbbing - BYE! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  15. Where the HELL do u get your info from.... DON'T start in on me do you understand that. Just because you haved no one else to pick on! the crime was in 1971. duane and i were there in 1979. the money find was in 1980. SO what FANTASY are you making up now. I refuse to be YOUR you understand. I am sick and I am in pain - leave YOUR 2 cents worth out and do NOT ever reply to my postings with that kind of shit again. i am not even supposed to be using my fingers...if you want to get ME banned then you can sit there and tell your made up story till the end of time. have it all to your self - that is where you are NOW just because you rip everyone apart and your information is so flawed it is ridiculous. BYE! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  16. regarding the site of the money. if i had an aerial of the area taken in 1979 and one taken in 2000 - i can show you were that money was buried. Duane walked down the beach thru the gate and the he walked behind the house as it was in 1979 and just out of my site. in 2000 when I was there with the documentary crew the fazions and himmelsbach - pointed out the area the money was found in. before they did that i had asked about a shed that used to be below the fenced area behind the house. there used to be a shed there to store things they used to clean the beach and boating equipment and what ever they needed. the trees were on the river side of the fence. the area pointed out to me was just a few feet from the tree line and that tree line was just below the fence and and the money find was just a few ft - maybe 18 feet from the fence. I asked it about the shed and the shed did exist...up near the tree line. so i was able to point out to them where i thought duane went to but i do not know how far down river duane walked from that as i could not see him. Duane wasn't gone very long - but the shed and what the area the pointed out as the location of the money was just below were the shed was by just a few feet. the shed was close to the fence and the money was out at the overhange area of the trees. the trees there at that time were fairly large. I wish I knew how to draw it and put it on the thread....if anyone has drawing of the house and the fence and the beach and their location to the parking area in 1979 - I can put an x on it and send it back. all of the technical stuff and ariels posted showed the house a different shape than it was in 1979 when I was there with Duane and when I was there in 2000 with the crew. I am not a good judge of distance on those ariels - pictures would be better. picture of the house made from the beach in 2000 and pictures of the house and shore line made in 1979. Himmelsbach and the Fazio who was there were surprised I went directly to the location of the find....i knew were it was and i have not seen all of the garbage & technical stuff that has been produced before by the thread. I just know that some of what I did understand did not match my memory of the area as it was in 1979 and 2000. 1979 the shed was there and in 2000 the shed was gone. That alone was evidence I had been there - none of that had been shown in any pictures I had seen. infact the only pictures i had seen at that point was what was in Himmelsbachs book. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  17. having problem with my hand and i can't do this left handed so any posts i make will be limited. no caps and less than one paragraph. hope vickie gets the results she is looking for. i have noted a certain party is starting to act out in that other place just like that person acted out here. the person is very intelligent, but seems to have an issue with anyone with a suspect - wonder why. remember i told you guys that i knew about that person before he ever posted here - it was a story weber told me during the first yrs of our marriage and this person matches the story i was told. good luck guys as long as there is someone with false information out there and attacks any and all good suspects you guys will be trying to figure this out until you die and into eternity. perhaps a good thing to do would be to dig into that person's background and I don't mean just what he claims, but go all the way back to when he was a kid and do a detailed research on his locations and yrs and what he was doing professionally and private for the most part of his life. think you will find a couple of surprises. suggest you also acquire photos from various stages of his life. one might find a little surprise waiting for them. i am having a problem with my right hand so this is about all i will be doing and if the test indicated i need surgery and can tolerate the procedure i will be out for several wks. not even supposed to be using a mouse but i can use my fingers it is working. bye Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  18. He did try, but I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me. He mentioned jumping out of a plane and - my response was probably "You jump out of a Plane!" I thought maybe they had already started the morphine, but they did NOT give any until He shouted out "Oh, Fuck Let it die with me!" Had I not found out who Dan Coooper was - it would have died with him. I have tried to remember what he did say - but, whatever it was I was having none of it - and I also thought they had started the drugs - but that had NOT happened at the time - NOT, until he shouted out very loud & the nurse came running into the room and then came back with the drugs and I think the first dose was a shot...because he immediately was calm...but, still rambling when his friends came in the next day. The friend asked me what he was talking about. I told her I didn't have a clue. This was the next day and he was rambling about 63k or 73K and he couldn't find the bucket. He kept telling me we had to go for a ride and this thing about the ride continued until the day before he died...9 days later...the hospital gave me permission to take him for that ride - but the Storms those last two nights caused this NOT to happen....they were going to help me get him in the van...but the torential rains kept coming. He kept wanting to know if the van was LOCKED. I often have wondered if one of his friends didn't go get the hide key from under the car and find whatever it was...but, one is deceased and he was the one who told me about walking in on Duane at the store....and that Duane had at least 50K in 100's on his desk. This supposedly occured after Duane & this friend made that trip to Tallahasee in 1990 - when Duane left the friend at the set up and disappeared for 2 days. The guy whose name was Jim told me that he thought Duane kept his money in cash the way he did...he was supposedly retired law enforcement...and he had a large safe at his home....said he didn't trust banks! The FBI questioned this guy, but the guy did NOT tell me this story until later. I told Mr. H about this but as far as I knew the FBI never requestioned the man....why NOT! They had closed their investigation of Duane and that was it - nothing anyone else told them mattered. The trail ended with the people the FBI never interviewed...such as the man in Mobil who threatend me. They did not even try to find Ed or investigate his background. They only talked to the exwife, his employer, Jim and his other friend in ATL who to this day believes that Duane was really Cooper. This is the friend JT claimed to have interviewed - if JT did interview him he passed himself off as FBI. The FBI didn't even get Duane's criminal history right - and claimed he was never in the army and never in McNeil - but, I and OTHER proved them wrong. Then later Shutter gets the FBI / Jefferson picture I BEGGED that FBI agent for on this forum. A picture I spent a lot of money and time trying to acquire and it WAS NOT with the file when that FBI agent was posting on here. My guy made an expensive trip to acquire that photo yrs ago and he was turned away by Jefferson when he showed up....We could NOT prove I was the widow of John Collins...I begged the FBI for this - literally BEGGED! I do not know if they interviewed the woman Duane was married to from 1972 to 1975...a marriage that was very volitale. She did later have a conversation with me, but she had nothing kind to say about was a very volitale marriage - more off than it was on. The friend in GA told me he moved that hide-a-bed more out than in - along with Duane's desk. She was a very very angry woman, but I never saw that part of Duane other - other than he threatened to harm her after she called our residence in Atl before we moved to VA. In VA 2 or 3 yrs later she managed to wipe him out financially, but she couldn't touch the equity in our home or my savings....only his personal renewals....I forget now how much money she did get but, he had to start all over and he did full speed forward... Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  19. I spoke to him yrs ago and sent what I had when he was still working - forget the yrs. This last time was after I got the Jefferson pic and he was sent a new batch. I do not remember what he said with the first batch yrs ago, but probably posted in this thread. This last time (with the Jefferson pic added to the batch) he was basically non-commital - that it had just been too long & he had seen 100's of pictures. I frankly do not remember his wording...unless I posted it soon after in the thread...clearly it was not a definity answer. Evidently you have finally got through to him - what did he tell you about your dad's pics. I never heard from him after I sent your Dad's pictures to him & wondered if he was just not opening them or just wanted to stay uninvolved. DID you get thru to him? What did he say if you did? Curious! Something to take my mind off of the horrible memories some of the stupid guys are causing me to relive. I do remember Mitchel was not negative & he is a very kind man. He did tell me he had reviewed 1000's of photo - I do remember him telling me on the 1st batch - he had a problem with the nose, but I didn't have the other pictures that showed his nose at a different angle - I think the last batch solved the nose problem....but, he was non-commital. I probably still have the email he sent to me - if I find it I will forward it to you by regular email. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  20. EXCUSE ME - HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THAT WEBER HAD NO MEDICATIONS FOR 2 DAYS PRIOR TO HIS CONFESSION. THEY DID NOT START THE MORPHINE UNTIL HE SHOUTED OUT "OH, fXXX! LET IT DIE WITH ME!" He did inform the Dr. that he had been refusing medication for 2 days and therefore was clear of mind...I do not know what those medications were, but may have been morphine or some other pain medication...perhaps Duane was aware they had decided to help him along....but Weber was a man you faced head on and not behind his back. UP UNTIL THAT TIME THEY WERE TRYING TO STABLIZE HIM, BUT HE WAS REFUSING DIALYSIS IN THE SECOND WK. HE WAS READY TO "LEAVE THIS WORLD" - HE WAS TRIED OF BEING AN INVALID. HE HAD REACHED THE STAGE HE COULD NOT WALK UNASSISTED AND HIS NON-FUNCTIONING KIDNEYS WERE HUGH - CAUSING HIM MUCH DISCOMFORT. HIS BONES WERE BRITTLE FROM THE YRS HE HAD BEEN ON THE MACHINE & THE NECESSARY MEDICATIONS. HE WAS SUFFERING ONE BREAK AFTER ANOTHER THAT LAST YR. HE HAD BEEN CONFINED TO THE HOUSE FOR WKS BEFORE HE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL. HE NEEDed ASSISTANCE GETTING TO THE BEDSIDE COMMODE & USING THE URINAL. HE WAS VOMITING DAY & NIGHT WITH EVERY MORSEL OR SIP OF WATER HE PUT IN HIS MOUTH WHICH MEANT THE DIALYSIS WAS NOT DOING ITS JOB.... It is upsetting that some of you SUPER Sleuth do NOT understand the health situation Duane was living under. A lot has changed over the last few yrs - and have any one of you sat with a kidney patient the last 3 wks of his or her life? Until you do - DO NOT pretend to know what it is like. If they are willing to take the morphine - then the Dr.s can make the passing a little bit better, faster and easier. If the person is NOT ready to go - and realizes the morphine will kill them as it builds in the body with no kidneys or machine to remove the toxins...they will hold on until it become unbearable to see another day....this is what Duane did. I am NOT going to talk about this again - and NONE of you have walked in Duane's shoes nor have you walked in mine. EVERYONE of you who put your two cents worth into this process needs to volunteer with end stage kidney patients - NOT tell me what could or did happen. I WAS there! NONE of YOU were there! Please be sure this is copied and pasted and sent to Georger...all of the gross details and tell him to back OFF! I won't re-live this again just to satistfy creeps who were NOT there and who have NEVER experienced this. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  21. In that OTHER place Georger keeps repeating a post that I have addressed before - so would some one be sure he is provided with the facts. Georger stated: "I guess this article is one of the first reports about Jo Weber's claim her husband was Cooper. I noticed some things have changed over the years. she is quoted saying "leaving fingerprints on the plane" and not on the "aft stairs" also no dramatic response about Duane telling her he was "Daaaaaan Coooooper." " Georger, writers have a way of expressing themselves & I have explained this before. I do not know which article you are referring to or who wrote it. I had NO control over what others wrote or what they state....I made a couple of complaints, but once the article is done it is done. Rarely do they make retractions on such a small error. It was duely noted by me to the writers when they made such mistakes - after a while I just let them go. It is a known fact & I made a detailed posting not long ago regarding this... the same story has been told for yrs - since 1996 when I contacted Himmelsbach. In 1978 shortly after Duane and I got married he had a night mare and he woke up screaming "I left my prints on the Aft stair - and a blood curdling scream "I'm going to die". This was in 1977 and has NOTHING to do with his confession before he died. He explained the aft stairs as a stairway in a jail. Well, at that time (1977) I had no idea he had a record. He was visibly shaken & took some medication. I asked what AFT STAIR WAS and he told me it was a stairway in a jail...I was shocked and said "JAIL!". He then told me about he and some other guys getting in some trouble & he spent some time in jail. He did not tell me how long & I do not remember if I asked. He made it sound like he was a young man & it was just a couple of months. I assumed county jail & never concieve it was a Federal Prisons. I accepted this explanation & let it go. I would not know about his checkered past until 1990 & then only about Jefferson. I would not know about the OTHER prisons until the FBI got involved in 1996....over a yr after he died. Had I known in 1978 about his multiple prison stays my daughter and myself would have been gone in a heart beat. Some how we would have made it back home. DUHHH! Georger you are connecting dots that do not connect. That was 1978...when the AFT stair comment was made. In 1995 he was in the hospital and had been there for a couple of wks and had started refusing diaylsis. He had refuse any drugs for 2 days and made this CLEAR to the Dr. as he pulled the papers from his brief case with the documents he had prepared in 1990 when he started on the machine. He noted the dates on the documents to the Dr. and his Nurse and the hospital administrator. It was after this issue was resolved and they moved him to the Skilled Nursing Facility, but it would be 2 days before they did that. After the above conversation Duane told me we had to talk before it was too late. He asked me if there was anyone in the Room...and I went over to the hall doorway (which he could NOT see from the position of the bed). That is when he told me "I'mmm Dan Cooper" - I had NO clue who Dan Cooper was. He rattled on trying to tell me what he was talking about, but being the naive person I was - I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. In exasperation he shouted out "Oh, F---! Let it die with me!" VERY LOUDLY! He was trying to tell me about jumping out of a plane - and I said "you jump out of a plane". He was angry because I didn't understand. I do NOT remember him stating anything about an AFT WAY at that time. The staff hear him shout out at me & immediately started to give him heavy doses of morphine...yet for 2 day he kept talking about strange things & his friend who came to the hospital to say good bye asked me what he was talking about. I told her I did not know. THAT WAS 9 days before he died....not 2 days! He would later again pretend to take the meds & I found them under his pillow 2 days before he died. He told me again we had to talk...well, stupid me told the nurses and they started making sure he had swallowed the pills. It would be 2 or 3 days after that he died. I hope someone provides Georger with this information so he will stop it with his misconception or deliberate distortion of the facts. The circumstances and sequences are NOT what Georger portrays or states. This is what SECOND hand statements do to a crime - others twist the words & even the dates & circumstances - just to discredit another person. The prior post I made about this gave a day to day accounting from the log I kept - no need in repeating that again. Enough is enough regarding the twisting of the things Duane told me and the sequence of such. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  22. Photo versus composite: That was not the composite the crew agreed on, but has been used a lot. The shape of the face is per the photo just about right, but the eyes are off. Cooper had a distinct appearance to the eyes in shape & one seemed just a little different than the other. What I see is - the eyes & the eyebrows are different. Cooper had an arch to his eyebrows which was evident in all composites & your guy seems to just have eyebrows that are thick & without that distinct arch. Men have been known to pluck their eyebrows & that is what it would take to make a good match - so it is possible. What do you know about the man's background? What kinds of work did he do? Was he ever in the military? What locations did he live in over the known yrs? Who were his friends and what is his family background? More background is needed and what yr was that photo taken? Lots of men just disappeared during those yrs although I never understood why. Did your suspect have a criminal background? What was the home situation like when he disappeared? Was he a loving father & did his wife have any idea why he would just go Poof? What was going on in his life when he disappeared and what was his employment circumstances at that time? Was he a heavy drinker? What occupations did he work at in the past? The car being at an airport with smokes left in it & unlocked seem to indicate a sudden abandonment of the vehicle. Was the auto a newer car or older car at the time it was abandoned? From what you have stated it seems like the car just might have been dropped at the airport if it was an old car. Did he carry large sums of monies in cash? What area did he disappear from? What was his movements just prior to his coming up missing? Was he known to frequent airports for any reason? Was he living with his wife at the time of the disappearance? Or were they separated? I am sure others would like to know the answers to these questions before giving an opinion. What kind of friends did he have and were they questioned? If he had cashed his pay check - it could be a robbery that went bad and the other parties dumped the car. The circumstances going on just before he came up missing versus the time frame before his car was found seems to be important to me - if I was looking into him as a Cooper Suspect. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  23. Great - just what we need. So we know the jump could have gone down and have done well. But, I knew that all along. I couldn't sleep - so much going on. Ribs are killing me - bones hurt. So hard to cough, but I have to force myself to cough....if I get a cold or can't caugh up the mucus I will end up in the hospital so I guess I should try to get some sleep. I want to GO back to WA so bad I can taste it - but out of the question now. What a total disregard for the well being of the public - and I am referencing that nurse getting on a plane after treating a person with ebola and prior to the restrictions being lifted. Now the goverment has to spend 100's of thousand finding all of those passengers on her flights to and from. Ridculous some people just can't follow the some of the posters in this thread. Tired of all of these exchanges between Blevins and others. It has been evident all of these yrs - Blevins was just wanting to SELL his story. He thinks NO ONE will solve the case & yrs from now he would be remembered for writing the true story about Cooper after all of the facts regarding the jump or incident have long been buried within the false information provided over the yrs. This whole thing is just pathetic. Blevins will NOT allow anyone to have a conversation about a suspect unless it is his unlikely character....and when the conversation goes to another suspect he goes into his repetitious posting we all know by heart. No one wants to post here anymore - not even me. The thread has been reduce to useless repetitions by Blevins. If any of us try to take the thread in the right direction - he backs it up with his trivial repetitious unsupported story about KC. What is wrong Blevins? When it comes down to the line - it is time to reveal your sources and let them speak for themselves. Good Grief - if I had the supposed witnesses Blevins claims to have - the FBI would be all over it and they would have been questioned by the FBI...but, not one of his "witnesses" has been interviewed by the FBI....not one. How do I know this? . Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  24. A lot to say about the things recently posted, but I am NOT feeling very well right now. I knew without a doubt after Vickie posted her article on the other Cooper place that - there was a definite connection between her father and Duane. Even the Titanium makes sense - but I do NOT know if the Ti was acknowledged by the FBI or just something the sleuths found and the tie contaminated over the yrs. I really have to go, but I copied a lot of the postings about Vickie and the Ti and I will be contacting the FBI, but first I need to get some of the old records together of my own. NOT feeling very good at all - difficulty breathing & feel like I have a temp. Probably just the excitement of the cumination of things and one of my flushes due to the carcinoid syndrome. 377, was that post for REAL - or are you just adding kindling to the fire? Next time be sure it is an old walkie talkie. Good Night guys - REALLY do not feel well, but you know if I died in my sleep tonight - I would die knowing I did connect the damn dots....! None of it makes Duane Cooper, but recent finds by others & the relating of subject matter co-oraltes all of the things I have been telling for 17 yrs. At Flushing and nauseated. I did break a rib the other day and dinner didn't taste right tonight. Bye! REALLY have to go....See Ya Soon - I HOPE! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
  25. Blevins you have single handedly reduce this thread to your own private promotional source. Why the moderator continues to allow this I do not understand. Before I have NO voice I am going to finish this one sided discussion. I do hope you will be happy with the final results - NO PLACE at ALL to discuss COOPER to formulate new information & concepts & suspects. Sluggo was also part of the Sleuth group. Right? Do you remember? NO one of ever considered the knife I have & the content within that knife. A piece of cord - I believe came from the chute Cooper cut up. Sluggo tried to THROW it away & I retrieved it & put it back in the knife with a pair of tweezers. I had laided it out on a piece of waxed paper....he was immediately dissing it - yet he had no magnifying glass or telescope or a cord to compare it with. He dismissed it as DUST. Sluggo was NOT FBI? Sluggo was supposedly just an interested person or was he more? Look back over the last few yrs - there is a strong evidence of a government cover-up. The FBI allowed Tom to tested the money - but, I was informed he did not have the necessary formal credentials & his specialty was old bones - not old money. I do not discredit what he found, but I do disapprove of the what if's. An alternate person not involved w/the sleuths who could test the "evidence" without conversing with each other - yet Carr & the FBI allowed all of this to be done without covering all of the bases. The FBI screwed up a lot of things or perhaps the FBI was misdirected by the authorities above them or other obscure parts of this government. All of those files closed to the public for 43 yrs suddenly has time added to the protection of such files...remember recently the Robt Kennedy files exposure dates were extended? I will be dead by the time they make those public. Certain photos were going to be made available - and then suddenly it is NOT going to happen. My main focus was the photos made right after his Ky tour. How about looking for a valid reason a subject would do what Cooper did - skyjack a plane for 200K without requesting the denominations of the payout. LOGIC! NOT one time regarding KC have you been able to explain how he could use 20's for all of the so called loans - it would have been SO SO obvious. The most a person could use without being questioned would be a $100 at a time and perhaps as much a $500 in 1971. KC had no way to launder those $20 to do the transactions you have claimed. Anyone producing 1000's in 20 would have caused an alert. The only way Cooper could wash that money was to HOLD ON TO it & use it a little at a time. He also had to have a reason to explain his sudden availability. Weber did this - he bought a nice trailer and he loaned his boss money and he bought 2 new cars within a few months of the skyjacking. Pictures and the testimony of 2 individuals - he supposedly inherited money (his mother died in 1958)... In 1970 he had been in the hospital and was basically broke & he had no job and no insurance. Yet in 1971 he is flush with money. He could have made a good haul in Fla but - vacationers did NOT carry that kind of money on them! His stepson told about seeing suitcases of jewelry & furs, but he was just a child & his mother was leaving him with friends, but she & Duane would come back with nice things for him. This was an 8 yr old child. His sister swore she knew Duane was Cooper then she OD's herself a few months later. She was torn between protecting her mother versus a man she adored....I do not believe I will ever forget that phone conversation. Those he worked with were under the impression Duane inherited money. He loaned his boss several 1000 dollars - OUCH! I have the NOTE. Duhh - his mother died in 1958 - unless there was some held in trust for him to be provided at a later date. I have his tax reports from 1970 & no inheritance reported. The purchase of 2 cars in 1971 with NO financing! Same yr. his boss borrows several 1000k on a note to Weber? Stop obcessing about the other site. You so self serving you think this thread & that thread is all about you. THIS SONG IS NOT ABOUT YOU - who recorded that? You can't seem to discuss anything objectively anymore - it is all about KC or those other guys. You have built your KC/Cooper story on a house of cards. JUST do NOT respond to the postings made by anyone from the other site! All I want to do is to preserve this site so anyone who has a clue can find a place to come with it. NO one wants to be here to compete with your impossible story - NOT even me! They are sick of hearing the repetitive postings about your book, evidently I fall into that same category - except I have made NO attempt to profit from my investigation of 17 yrs on Weber & spent money I could ill afford to spend....any money you spent was promoting a book. You deny 101 - but I know better! You were there or Skip was there! It had to be one of you....because you recite things that appeared only in that one place. 101 is no longer available - but, it was in 2004 and you KNOW it. PLEASE do not REPLY just change your ways...stop promoting and start REALLY investigating & do NOT make subjective interviews like the one regarding your last interview. PLEAASsssee Stop! Do your even remember what telling the truth is anymore. When I start catching your lies - they have to be really bad. You are talking to a woman and then you are talking to her son and she has been dead for 3 must be one desperate man. Impossible for one man to do all the things you claim & still make a living. Still shaking my head - DO NOT TRY to EXPLAIN IT - JUST MOVE ON! Frankly I am tired of dealing with you - it is like dealing with a 4 yr. old. YOU can have it all to yourself and I hope you enjoy talking to yourself. I refuse to spend another night dealing with you! My life is complicated right now & you are the last thing I need to deal with! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber