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Everything posted by fpritchett64

  1. Yes. This is what I want except LEO will have guns as well. (and licensed people who pass the secret service/supreme justice style vetting) So did you just admit that you only want Leo's and criminals to have possession of the firearms? They don't (i hope) have lots of ecstasy and crack.... Not for personal use or sale at least.
  2. I think you missed the point. That gun can also be used, quite effectively, to kill people....including small children. Add that to your list. Any gun can be used quite effectively to kill a grown adult, the AR-15 is no more lethal than Remington 750 rifle chambered in .223. What is the difference in the two? One is made of synthetic materials and looks cool. The problem isn't the gun, it's the person behind the gun. I have absolutely no problem with making it more difficult for ALL guns to get into the hands of the wrong person. Maybe it cant stop the full grown deer....but it has no problem destroying a 7 year old kid. That's what im talkin about! Step 1 Reduce levels from highest in world, to second highest in world. Achieve this by stopping all manufacturing of firearms in the USA. Then offer a buyback of public firearms at some determined market value. Stiffen penalties for unlicensed firearms, and strip away all existing licenses. Those who wish to be legal can reapply and hope to get their guns licensed, those who want to become felons can roll the dice. As guns come into the LEO system, they are removed. We are on our way after that Im pretty sure. Id bet money we get down to 2nd highest in the world. While you're at it, are you ok with taking away your right to warrant less searches and seizures?
  3. Heroin, ecstacy, crack... All controlled substances. Only the criminals possess the stuff. Take away our right to firearms and you'll have the same thing. Is that what you want?
  4. I think you missed the point. That gun can also be used, quite effectively, to kill people....including small children. Add that to your list. Any gun can be used quite effectively to kill a grown adult, the AR-15 is no more lethal than Remington 750 rifle chambered in .223. What is the difference in the two? One is made of synthetic materials and looks cool. The problem isn't the gun, it's the person behind the gun. I have absolutely no problem with making it more difficult for ALL guns to get into the hands of the wrong person. Maybe it cant stop the full grown deer....but it has no problem destroying a 7 year old kid.
  5. You can kill a deer with a pellet rifle with a well placed shot. Doesnt make it ethical because the risks are too high of wounding the animal and making it suffer. Again, the point isn't about deer. It was about the fact that the people wanting to ban these guns know nothing about them.
  6. Enough to know that no matter how much it is, a rabid voice on the internet will claim it's not enough. I'm proud of you, Quade. You're admitting that you don't have enough experience with firearms. That's a start.
  7. Then why are you calling little children varmints? Either you have absolutely no sense and just further proved my theory or you're just trying too hard to be funny. Btw, that wasn't funny and completely immature to make all of those innocent children the butt of your joke. Just to be clear, varmints: coyotes, bobcats, prairie dogs, rats..
  8. What is an assault rifle? Seriously? Different groups seem to have different definitions. So ya know, AR as in AR-15 doesn't stand for assault rifle. It stands for Armalite.
  9. How are you going to go hunting with something like that? If you kill something, there's nothing left to eat.” How do you comprehend that sentence? As far as being a former police chief? I know from experience that being in law enforcement does not make you an expert with firearms. What experience do you have with firearms?
  10. So, I have come to the conclusion that the large majority of people trying to ban assault weapons know nothing about them. In other words, don't even know what they're talking about. Here is an example from former D.C. Police Chief/now police commissioner: Mr. Ramsey. Pay particular attention to the last paragraph. "Ramsey, the former police chief of Washington, D.C., also discussed the details of 10 assault weapons displayed at the event, similar to those used in some of the most recent mass shootings. “If the slaughter of 20 babies does not capture and hold your attention, then I give up, because I don’t know what else will,” Ramsey told the crowd. “We have to pass legislation, we can’t allow the legislation to get so watered down and filled with loopholes that it is meaningless and won’t do anything.” Then, turning to the weapons, Ramsey said: “Look at this and tell me why any of this needs to be on the streets of our cities. … How are you going to go hunting with something like that? If you kill something, there's nothing left to eat.” When we think of assault weapons, the first thing that comes to mind is the AR-15 which fires. .223/5.56mm bullet. This particular caliber also known as a .22 caliber is considered by many to be too weak for whitetail deer, however is perfect for small to medium sized varmints. So, how in the hell would nothing be left when you kill something with it. Classic example of someone who knows nothing about guns, trying to place a control on them. I would imagine the majority of the people who regularly post against assault rifles in here would fit that category One last thing, if you want to argue that the larger assault rifles are what he is talking about then here ya to: the other common caliber would be the .30 ie: 308, 7.62, 30-06. All of which are very common hunting calibers. So, again how is that too much for hunting? The fact that it is an assault rifle makes it no more powerful than if it were a Remington 750. Assault rifles don't have turbo chargers making the bullet more dangerous.
  11. Thank you for fixing that and adding the disclaimer. Something I should have done and apologize for not. Thanks!
  12. Long YouTube video someone pointed me to about the shooting. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H6fvFVVEG5Q
  13. I guess while we're at it we should also report on the 115 or so innocent people killed on a typical day in the USA by the automobile. Wait. Drugs are already illegal along with impaired driving. So that problem has already been solved. I think we should place a ban on sports cars and have ignition interlocks placed in all automobiles to disable the vehicle if you have been consuming alcohol. What will we do about those people impaired on drugs though.
  14. There are some people in SC that claim they can prevent an intruder from entering their home, eliminating the need for a firearm. I'm sure they'll speak up soon with some advice as to how they could have prevented this act of violence.
  15. I use a Bianchi iwb (inside waistband holster) for my glock 27. It'll fit all sizes of the glock. Has tons of padding and I hardly know its there. I wear a pair of blue jeans a regular sized t-shirt with no issues. I can't remember the model but I'll get that for you when I get home tomorrow sometime. I'll attach some pics if I can shrink the size. The holster is a Bianchi model 135 allusion. Edited to add pics and holster model
  16. Thanks to this post I decided to try anchovies on my pizza for the first time. My house stinks now and I had to throw out an otherwise perfectly good pizza. I usually love fish. Those things are just plain NASTY though. Sardines! That's where its at!
  17. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=bB9-NcunsKc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DbB9-NcunsKc%26feature%3Dyoutu.be
  18. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9765TUiJKls
  19. Women face their fears by skydiving in their underwear But is it art?
  20. Wow! Is that Doc? I think is his name sitting next to you? He's been there for years! Looks like Jim behind the controls..
  21. Where exactly is Crown Point? I live a few miles from US 231 in central Alabama, and yes there's a lot of deer. I see them in my yard from time to time. I'm not sure where it is. That picture was forwarded to me about a year ago.
  22. I'm.fuck'n hammered. Ee had to.get mor firewood. Enable. Out. Lucjlily sgt could.drive.