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Everything posted by groundrush134

  1. Or the size of your BOOBIES! ~~~>
  2. Decided to do the XXX stuff after all huh Alaura???? ~~~>
  3. you want crazy? THIS will make you that way Really? TRYTHIS! ~~~>
  4. I did not catch that episode, that is one of the few shows that is actually funny these days and I know it's just a show (dee deedee) but how can you not be turned on by Leah Remini? ~~~>
  5. we will live to play another daybut the Donkeys never showed up and niether did Jake ~~~>
  6. 34-17 The Broncos aka Donkeys got thier ass kicked. Way to go Steelers I think you will win the big one. ~~~>