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Everything posted by groundrush134

  1. HHHmm the word "raw" seems to keep popping up. ~~~>
  2. To grow I read somewhere that soy milk stimulates growth in a woman's boobies! ~~~>
  3. and Tonka toys arent made as well as they once were either! ~~~>
  4. Wash the coochie maybe? ~~~>
  5. and where are the boobies that go in it? I scanned this pic from the Feb. 06 issue of "Skydiving" the caption below reads "A couple of skydivers come in for a landing after making a sunset jump at Palatka, Fla. Photo by Joyce Smith ~~~>
  6. where are the MIB with the memory zapper when you need them.....holy fuck ~~~>
  7. Yes, ... a e-mail was sent saying order# balhblahblah has been shipped...... at any rate I will give them a call tomorrow and get the tracking number for UPS. ~~~>
  8. Good question, I don't know where PEC is located at but I am in Denver. ~~~>
  9. Or..... I won't pay the extra cash for speedy delivery and spend it on more jumps ~~~>
  10. I'm confused...what does "skydiving" have to do with getting what you paid for? Last time I checked when one pays "extra" money for "extra" service one expects to get the service that was paid for. ~~~>
  11. Thanks, and I will be calling them tomorrow ~~~>
  12. lol.. im not tracking number yet........its just that i paid for 3 day shipping ya know? ~~~>
  13. It's the only item I've ever ordered from paraequip. I received an email on the 10th that it was shipped the 10th which of course was Friday. ~~~>
  14. Here is the deal. I ordered a nVertigo X helmet from Parachute Equipment Corp. last Thursday, I paid the extra amount for 3 day shipping by UPS, 4 business days later still no helmet. So the question I pose to all of you is: Has anyone had problems receiving gear from this company? By the way, yes I intend on calling them tomorrow. Thanks! ~~~>
  15. you dirty son of a ......... j/k lmao ~~~>
  16. groundrush134

    Pushing Tin

    Great flick, it is also in my DVD library in the Angelina Jolie section! ~~~>