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Everything posted by NCclimber

  1. Yep, and he wrote implicitly, not explicitly. Given the current weight of scientific opinion in favour of anthropogenic warming it's probably fair to say that any article on the subject that does not explicitly deny anthropogenic warming implicitly acknowledges it. Stop! Stop! I'm getting dizzy. Took me 10 seconds to find on Google. Try it and you might learn something, then again you are incapable of even finding information you contributed to a thread more than 10 minutes previously so you may have some problems. Regardless, my days of spoon feeding you information are over. Sorry sport, I asked because I went to his website and scanned a few of his articles on Global Warming. Didn't see anything about manmade CO2 emissions are warming the planet significantly. Seems like he's intentionally avoiding the subject.
  2. In his website. Maybe so, but the post I responded to only addressed the article. Whether the information is taken from the website or the article the upshot is the same. The man shows no sign of being a denier. His statement was "The article implicitly acknowledges that manmade CO2 emissions are warming the planet significantly." Can you identify the subject in that sentence? I guess you might be right if you ignore what he actually wrote. Take a look round. I found his website and his opinions to be very interesting, you might too. Nice dodge.
  3. Well, 1st, you've got them. 2nd you've used them before. No one else has. t Did you come up with that all by yourself?
  4. I just re-read the posts on the "where has Micheal Moore Lied" thread. I'm sensing, what's the technical term, "Flip-Floppery?" Sense what you like. I have not seen a single Moore movie. I sense that a lot of the whiners haven't actually seen his movies either, since when challenged they had a very hard time coming up with actual examples of Moore's "lies". No. It's because he manipulates scenes in an obviously unethical way as to create "facts" or connections (particularly to create the appearance of cause and effect or guilt by association) that are false or misleading. Additionally, he uses his own commentary to sell his lies. It's funny how you continually defend him although you really don't know what you're talking about.
  5. And vidence of that is the wonderful Bush admin that also really loves America. Even if both exploit America, MM exposes truths, Bush extorts $$$ and trades lives to ensure he and his cronies are phat. Which is worse, Republican? What? No mention of Iraq? How incomplete. And yet another misdirection from the side that wants medical coverage to be exclusive? How typical and complete. Says the guy who uses a thread about Michael Moore to bash our president. Where have I said I want medical coverage to be exclusive?
  6. In his website. Maybe so, but the post I responded to only addressed the article. Perhaps you can provide a link to where he specifically says that manmade CO2 emissions are warming the planet significantlyly
  7. Nope. Who decided to make the US the world police? They are just as likely to start WW3 as anyone else. Are we just as likely to use a nuclear bomb as N. Korea or Iran? If yes, why?
  8. In 1998 the owner of the Glenwood Gun Shop and Range (3 miles from my home) and his son were shot dead by an intruder in their store during an armed robbery. People do sometimes go to police stations, ranges, and gun stores. Only one example was needed to prove his assertion false, and I gave one. Seems like his assertion was a general statement... not an absolute. Of course, I don't expect you to acknowledge that.
  9. If you take offense, while everyone else is laughing (at the joke, not at you), do you ever stop and ponder if you may have missed something? Going back and looking at a number of your posts, you consistently seem to assume the worst motivations by those who disagree with you. What's that about?
  10.;search_string=jenfly00;#2973714 One seeks to threaten and intimidate with veiled words ...another uses his truck. Looks like a style difference to me. If he wasn't on the other side of the country, I would have filed for a restraining order and had my cop family taking a very close look at him. Wow all that for paraphrasing MP? Priceless.
  11. But he certainly didn't say anything about man's emissions of CO2 contributing to the problem. Nice assumption. More "fill in the blanks". I missed where he said anything about our driving the warming. No. That's bullshit. Where did he imply that? In the title, perhaps?
  12. And vidence of that is the wonderful Bush admin that also really loves America. Even if both exploit America, MM exposes truths, Bush extorts $$$ and trades lives to ensure he and his cronies are phat. Which is worse, Republican? What? No mention of Iraq? How incomplete.
  13. Try YouTube. Didnt spend a dime. For reasons I don't fully understand, youtube refuses to download more than about 2 minutes worth of anything on my pc before freezing up. Seems like someone of your intelligence would be capable of keeping his computer running..... or smart enough to know it's time to get a new one.
  14. Giving away 1/2 of your assets is a tax shelter? You might want to do a little research before sounding off. The Gates and the Buffetts set a standard for philanthropy that hasn't been seen in generations.
  15. One of the keys to a good troll is not being so obvious.
  16. They also planted nuclear powered listening devices on Nanda Devi, right across the border in India.
  17. The official "honoring of our soldiers" as a means of denouncing Limbaugh's loose lips. Can't say that Rush doesn't affect politics when our politicians are wasting time yacking about him. Oh. That was debate? Seemed like idiotic posturing.
  18. How about this guy? Type I, II or III?
  19. Because they're sleazy opportunistic turds.
  20. Right - like Bill Gates. Bill Gates hates capitalism? Right, Like Michael Moore does. At least Gates is honest about his views. Does Moore pretend he has no money, then? Look! A red herring.
  21. Right - like Bill Gates. Bill Gates hates capitalism?
  22. Here's a quote I found that addresses what is so smarmy about Michael Moore's films