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Everything posted by Rainbo

  1. ___________________________________ Hmmmm... I've been in both, Detroit and Tijuana. I think I prefer... neither! Just too many people! Chuck Hey. I like TJ. Where can you get a BJ while eating a taco while getting a massage and your shoes shined and having a drink. ALL at the same time. For cheap too!
  2. and its to late to start cooking, so now I am having a bag of Lay's KC Masterpiece barbeque chips and Michelob Amber Bock to fill in. Is this what would be good for dessert??? Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  3. ya - lost me. Thats cause YOU weren't just thinkin' Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  4. Isn't there one on every barn Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  5. I bet both of you have headaches now . . . Only when I forget to move my head when closing the reefer door Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  6. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  7. I googled "monkey sex" and sorted out the porn sites, reality is wierd enough, it never lets me down. Now back to the monkey sex... Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  8. Rainbo

    A challenge.

    That would be forty dollars, you covered both bases Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  9. Rainbo's spider inspection service ready and waiting. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  10. http://www.seedmagazine.com/news/2005/10/girls_gone_wildfor_monkeys.php I trying to tell y'all something Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  11. BTW, if you come across the scary flying monkeys, send them Flyangel's way. She's lookin' for some wild monkey sex. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  12. It means a scarecrow, junkman, little dog, and underage girl are going come into your life Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  13. Here's the short version: Aries & Aquarius When Aries and Aquarius come together in a love match, the combination of Aquarius vision and Aries action makes them a highly creative pair. Their relationship is anything but static; they can be competitive, but life with these two is never dull! Zodiac Signs that are two apart tend to have a special connection, and these are no exception. They are great friends as they communicate really well. They have a special understanding of one another's idealistic, enthusiastic outlook on life. They both crave excitement and new experiences -- the wilder and stranger, the better. They're both into thrills and showing off. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  14. Oh I thought you meant like this: Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  15. Aries here, and I blend in quite well thank you Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  16. After a "little" smoke, more like after heapin' big smoke Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  17. It's been a long time since I read that. Although the story does make it seem rather blissful I still do not think that I would want to go that way. Although watching my friends come upon my peacefully frozen body would be kinda different. I guess it is kind a personal thing but cold is much more uncomfortable. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  18. Later all, we're outta here. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  19. I'm a bad boy. Packing the 4x4 for Fedex shipment tomorrow. You may want to drop a large landscape spike in the end of it for extra effect. By the way, don't you have homework to do??? Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  20. I do stand corrected. They are everywhere this time of year. Through about late October in these parts but play hell with my weight as there are so many to go to. When I was young I did a fall stint as a "Carny" and had some interesting experiences and have never lost the taste for that junk food since then. But that is another story. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  21. OK. No more whining about not gettin' any. I'm off with the kids in a bit to do the Fall Festival. It's one of those midwest farm town things. We are going to ride nauseating spinning rides and pig out on junk food. I think I might have fun. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  22. Actually there really is much more discomfort associated with a cold death than a hot death. In most insatences one does not even know that death is there at the doorstep in a heat related incident. But then again I still go for the not dying if the choice is mine. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
  23. I would not leave your pot on the deck. Someone might notice it and call THE COPS. Oh, sorry, I just realized you wer talkin' a different kond of herb.
  24. Where's the option for a cheap Mexican whorehouse. I'm thinking of being found in a bar chair in a small stall surrounded by buckets of melted ice, empty Tecata cans, and used condoms. Not necessarily in that order. Rainbo TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything "Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."