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Everything posted by svenn

  1. i expect this thread to be moved on to the incidents forum. beer, lots of it.
  2. well Pinkfairy, we could take a trip to vegas.. if you wanne jump legal.. beer, lots of it.
  3. damn.. its a long time since last i saw that movie... used to go on heavy rotation on Mtv for a decade or so ago.. thanks a lot! beer, lots of it.
  4. on a mountaintop with midnight sun... nice beer, lots of it.
  5. i use a type called Aero, im from Norway so, just been shopping for new ones (spring coming), for my eyes i use livostin, eye drops. Killer combo in my humble opinion. beer, lots of it.
  6. - shh, i think its my granddaughter.. beer, lots of it.
  7. QuoteIs there a good reason to smoke a cigarette? The only i can think of, is that to kiss a woman who smoke, tastes like shit, unless you smoke yourself. beer, lots of it.
  8. use the shower.. beer, lots of it.