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Everything posted by littleskycrab

  1. you two boys and your nekkid lap cheese loaders... geez.... Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  2. Does the commando dance on request... hell sometimes he just over hears the word and does the dance anyway... Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  3. Aww what a beautiful pooch he was, I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my Bear after 13 years. I miss him sooo much! Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  4. No, I was entirely too hungover.... but I sure did enjoy my birthday! Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  5. Hopefully you with that mouth watering BBQ in tow.... Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  6. yes, I've decided to keep it to the 8 that have already expressed their interest. see you thursday night! Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  7. Co-worker 2) "HA, another good example of thinning of the herd." Good job at holding your tongue! My reply to his statement would have been something along the lines of.... "Thinning the herd huh... I'm surprised your ass hasn't been killed in the stampede. Why are you here again? Oh, yeah, that's right sometimes the slower, stupid ones slip through the cracks. Be sure to wear your seatbelt! You know, just in case the heard begins thinning out on your drive home." And then I would have slowly walked away, while trying to resist the urge to give him the finger too. But, hey, I'm kind of a bitch like that . Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  8. To clear up any misconceptions.... this is NOT an all girl jump. Men are welcome, but you will be 1st out.... and the ladies will be bringing up the rear. I figure we can all just bomb the door and try like crazy to get together in the air. From what I hear, it's a bit of a challenge to fly naked. Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  9. Yeah, I'm kinda concerned about losing half my ass upon landing. Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  10. I'll be there sometime today. Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  11. If Bruce sees me in the buff, he'll be blind for certain. I have this saying that goes something like this.... I'm cuter with clothes on . Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  12. Not a load yet, but a few brave souls have volunteered. I still have a week to enlist people... so we'll see what happens. Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  13. That's my plan thus far. Ooooo, this is gonna be fun! Note to self: This should be good accuracy practice.... get as close to the cabin as possible without hitting it. Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  14. Yeah! What he said... Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  15. Come on, Kathleen... step outside the box with me . This will probably be the one and only time I ever jump naked. I'm rather attached to my clothes. I'm still trying to figure out how to take my clothes on the jump with me just so I don't have to be all naked and stuff in the landing area. Good grief... I'm already blushing... Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  16. Sweeeet! *adds Kathleen to the list* Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  17. I miss you too! Give that beautiful wife a hug for me.... heck, give yourself one too! Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  18. Yeah! What she said..... Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  19. I never said the naked jump was an all girl thing... , but he is more than welcome to lend a hand to the organization... but he has to be in his birthday suit too!! Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  20. That's ok, wait for me in the landing area, naked, holding MY clothes...
  21. How right you are! Alrighty, I guess it's a go.... I've had enough volunteers PM me soooo.... who wants on the birthday suit load? NO VIDEO ALLOWED!!! That's a firm rule, not to be broken and if I spot someone on the ground videoing my naked ass..... you better run.. Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  22. Um... no, Paul, no lurkers allowed Mic, I am so on the fence... I'm curious to know how it feels, but not wild about the thought of being without my clothes. I keep telling myself.. "you only live once"... and then I think about the possibility of sliding in on my ass . I'm thinking that it wouldn't be pleasant . Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  23. Hey! I resemble that remark! Actually it is my b-day that weekend and I'm planning on making a few "interesting" jumps.... wanna come with me little girl? I'm thinking "Monroe" way, "Farm" way, all girl load and a naked load. Although, that last one is somewhat up in the air, you know, being that I'm one of them there wussies! Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  24. Happy Birthday girl! Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
  25. Being that it was a text msg conversation while walking through the airport, I didn't ask him that much. That being said, knowing the jumper and his #'s, which I'm guesstimating at around 150ish, I'll ask him, this was probably nothing more than a little inexperience. He's done high hop n pop's before, not sure of how many, again I'll ask. But who knows, there might have been more people than previously, different flight plan, etc. When I get a minute I'll give him a call and either get the details or see if he'll post himself. Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."