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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. Meanwhile the rest of the world looks at the USA. Wondering if the end of Rome is near. Former FBI chief James Comey compares Donald Trump to a 'mob boss'
  2. Just as the Tea Party took control of the republican party. trump has full control of the party now. There is but one left with a backbone and thats John McCain. Ryan may develop a new style of resistance to trump's leadership but its not likely to be a backbone of any sort. “The party of white people”: How the Tea Party took over the GOP, armed with all the wrong lessons from history Trump An inside look at the voters who took over the Republican Party
  3. This may just be a Conservative v Liberal psychology at play. Why conservatives are more likely than liberals to believe false information about threats "After an electoral season that blurred the line between fact and fantasy, a team of UCLA researchers is offering new evidence to support a controversial proposition: that when it comes to telling the difference between truth and fiction, not all potential voters see it the same way. When "alternative facts" allege some kind of danger, people whose political beliefs are more conservative are more likely than those who lean liberal to embrace them, says the team's soon-to-be-published study. Conservatives' vulnerability to accepting untruths didn't apply equally to all false claims: When lies suggested dangerous or apocalyptic outcomes, more conservative participants were more likely to believe them than when the lie suggested a possible benefit."... Slated for publication in the journal Psychological Science, the new study offers insight into why many Americans embraced fabricated stories about Hillary Clinton that often made outlandish allegations of criminal behavior. And it may shed light on why so many believed a candidate's assertions that were both grim and demonstrably false. Finally, the results offer an explanation for why these false claims were more readily embraced by people who endorse conservative political causes than by those whose views are traditionally liberal. "There are a lot of citizens who are especially vigilant about potential threats but not especially motivated or prepared to process information in a critical, systematic manner," said John Jost, co-director of New York University's Center for Social and Political Behavior. For years, Jost said, those Americans "have been presented with terrifying messages that are short on reason and openly contemptuous of scholarly and scientific standards of evidence." i.e. Rushmc!!! But for thinks he has demigod dictator syndrome. Hence the motorcade with front and back entourage cars and flashing lights. I think they have to check bathroom stalls in advance in case hidden snipers, lie in wait.
  4. Interesting Law School Cohen chose. Certainly, he might be the cleverest lawyer Cooley Law School ever produced and there could be any number of reasons he ended up where he did. But I doubt his CV has Mueller and team up at nights. Western Michigan University Cooley Law School is an American Bar Association accredited law school. WMU-Cooley has four campuses. Its main campus is in Lansing, Michigan and its satellite campuses are in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Auburn Hills, Michigan, and Tampa, Florida.[3][4] First year courses may be taken at Western Michigan University's Kalamazoo campus.[5] An affiliation between Cooley and Western Michigan University went into effect on August 13, 2014. According to Cooley's ABA required disclosures, only 27.4% of graduates from the class of 2015 obtained full-time, long term, bar passage required employment 9 months after graduation.[6] 23.8% of graduates were unemployed 9 months after graduation.[7] Only 51.86% of graduates managed to pass a state bar exam in 2015, a requirement to practice law.[8] In 2017, the school was one of ten American law schools found to be out of compliance with the American Bar Association's requirement that schools only admit students who appear capable of earning a J.D. degree and passing the bar examination.[9] The school was recently ranked the worst law school in the country by Above the Law.[10] Duh!... makes perfect sense for a new hire as inhouse council at Trump enterprises. Oh well. For trump and Mr. Cohen they both have this in common now:
  5. This a particularly interesting concept of law. "Cohen signed the now-infamous nondisclosure agreement with Daniels on behalf of “EC LLC,” which is basically himself. He allegedly never conferred with Trump or got his consent for paying $130,000 in hush money. Moreover, Cohen has talked about securing $20 million in penalties from Daniels for himself, not for Trump." A member of the Bar will pay for an insurance plan for the criminal conduct of a client with another party. Without that clients knowledge. The benefits of such a plan will flow entirely to the lawyer who pays the premium. For which the principal, the client, (for Rushmc that means trump)! Not only knows nothing about. But seems disinclined to learn about. Welcome to new case law, in trumpworld. And for those who are thinking ahead a bit. Remember Steve Bannon. "“You realise where this is going,” he is quoted as saying. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.” So how badly does Cohen want to go to jail. Or does the lawyer "pardon" come into play. For those who need the RICO act explained. Here is an excellent abet lengthy read:
  6. "FirstEnergy Corp. said it will close three nuclear power plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania, citing tough market conditions and insufficient government policies to support them. FirstEnergy Solutions, the FirstEnergy unit responsible for competitive generation, said it plans to close the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor, Ohio, in 2020; the Beaver Valley Power Station in Shippingport, Pa., in 2021; and the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Perry, Ohio, in 2021." Gee stranded nuclear and coal power plants because of cheap renewables. Perhaps the voters in trump country around these power plants can focus thoughts on clean energy.
  7. Something dosn't ring true about this story. Fox is going to have to put Sean Hannity on the case. I find it hard to believe that a Fox broadcast employee would ask tough questions of an administration appointee.
  8. Someone need to poll trump supporters to see if any actually believe either trump or his lawyer with regards to the NDA.
  9. Its no wonder that evangelicals wrap their arms around him. Trump Claimed EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Spent More On Security Because Of Death Threats. But He May Not Have Received Any We have a new frontrunner for America's Next Top Swampmonster At Fox News EPA says 'unprecedented' number of death threats against Pruitt
  10. Its not necessarily about being right or wrong. Debate is how you frame a point of view together with the weight of fact behind your position. Just look at revolving doors of WH spokespeople. Who intermix one percent of fact with lies and misinformation. Which seems to reach receptive ears in about 40% of the population! You're right about powerful lobby groups with disproportionate leverage over public policy.
  11. Hey, fully 50% of Americans have IQ < 100 As would be the case in any country. It's a median score; not an average. Oooh, I never thought of that! Actually there are minor differences between nations: Well minor, or none. Why People Keep Misunderstanding the 'Connection' Between Race and IQ
  12. Really!!! Tactical Life magazine? Do you really want to be out with the shotgun depicted in the attachment? There are clubs nearby where you can learn wingshooting. Google "skeet" and "trap". Or better yet "sporting clays". They can help you out. The NRA can put you in touch with shooting clubs where marksmanship is emphasized. Shooting steel at 500 yards where every miss counts for more than the size of your magazine. Perhaps the exaggerated size of of your magazine makes up of the lack of size of something else? .....i.e.... marksmanship!
  13. Ok, I wasn't aware of that vote. They only voted with him on everything else. Gee, it's too bad there is nowhere one can go to look at how the House & Senate voted on issues. This is where the rubber meets the road for the US constitution. What has received little attention are more,or less, independent republicans. Slamming Putin call, McCain goes after Trump for 'congratulating dictators on winning sham elections'
  14. Lobbyist couple had to change the locks on Pruitt Scott Pruitt was only supposed to be living in the Capitol Hill condominium that has become a focal point of his latest ethics controversy for six weeks last year while he got settled in Washington – but the new Environmental Protection Agency administrator didn’t leave when his lease ended. Instead, he asked the lobbyist couple who became his disgruntled landlords to revise his lease several times, according to two people with knowledge of the situation. The couple, Vicki and Steve Hart, became so frustrated by their lingering tenant that they eventually pushed him out and changed their locks. After trying to nudge Pruitt out of their home over the course of several months, the Harts finally told Pruitt in July that they had plans to rent his room to another tenant. “The original arrangement was that he would be there living out of a suitcase … and it just kept going and going,” said one of the people with knowledge of the arrangement. The condo, in which Pruitt rented a bedroom for $50 a night, has attracted the attention of the EPA’s inspector general, which said Thursday it was considering opening an investigation. The agency is already reviewing Pruitt’s taxpayer-funded first-class travel, his use of a special hiring authority to grant raises to aides and his spending on a soundproof phone booth for his office." EPA chief Scott Pruitt reportedly cost taxpayers millions of dollars due to his extensive use of a security detail. EPA documents and sources revealed that the agency spent millions on a 20-person, full-time security detail for Pruitt, according to a new analysis by the Associated Press.
  15. Of course, intellectual property rights was a very big part of the TPP. Which Trump pulled us out of. Because, why go with negotiation and diplomacy when you can have a war (trade war in this case) to convince the "base" you're a tough guy? Don You're right but more than that trump dosn't understand trade. Wen you put walls around your industry they become fat and lazy. Why compete when your market is protected from competition. TPP went on without America. Under Trump, U.S. Companies Face a Rough Road on Trade Instead of protecting US companies access to markets and protection for patent rights...the US got nothing. In addition trump and his supporters seem to believe that the US negotiators can out-negotiate the Chinese, the Mexicans, etc. That starting negotiations by setting out outrageous negotiation positions from the start. That a better end net deal is obtained. "Trump’s legendary deal-making skills haven’t exactly helped—in March, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was forced to gently explain to Trump, “without exposing [his] ignorance,” that Germany, as a member of that thing called the European Union, is unable to strike its own agreement with the U.S. (The tutorial reportedly went over Trump’s head.) Thus far, no additional agreements appear to be forthcoming . . . when asked on Tuesday for an update on any pending deals, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn had a whole lot of nothing to share:.. So where has Trump’s bluster gotten the U.S.? Not only has T.P.P. moved on without us, but Japan is now positioning itself as a free-trade champion that’s more than happy to take on a vacant leadership role. “Now in some parts of the world, there is a move toward protectionism, and I think the T.P.P.-11 is a major engine to overcome such a phenomenon,” Japanese Economy Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said on Tuesday, calling the deal “epoch-making for Japan, as well as for the future of the Asia-Pacific region.”
  16. That shooter was not a man, did not us an AR15, was not a Trump supporter, she was left wing and, if all the above criteria were met, so few people were shot. Short story? The left and its media could not use that story to push the gun ban agenda. I apologize to everyone but yourself. I've been baited again and as always you're wrong. Completely wrong. "Aghdam also left a trail of..general criticisms of institutions she regarded as responsible for “destroying family values" Above from: People Are Molding Their Responses to Nasim Aghdam to Fit the Shape of Their Bigotry "Family Values" seems to be a NRA/republican agenda item.
  17. And Cohen could face disbarment over the process. And if he’s facing the loss of his livelihood, will he still feel that famous loyalty to Trump? Or will he return the favour and throw Trump under the bus by proving that he did know all about it? This is so much fun. Depends how much hush money Trump pays him. For trump there is always option #3
  18. Only when it is a D president and the R's control Congress. Today, I doubt that they would impeach him. Jerry Baumchen I would hate to see any President impeached. It doesn't seem all that different from a coup with members of the government overruling the vote. And I felt the same way when it was Clinton's head on the block. Then you will especially enjoy this concept:
  19. Not only was he renting it for $50 a day, he was late making the payments. Perhaps thinking that the owners would tell him to just forget it. trump appointees, a new definition of entitlement every day.
  20. The BEST people get suspended, demoted and transferred. If they are so naive to imagine the trump swamp will be drained.
  21. Criticizing the president about the national debt isn't a winning strategy. Campaigning on what he spent it on could be. President Trump has led the Republican Party in surprising directions – away from a balanced federal budget being only the latest. A recent poll indicates that's not a concern to most voters. The tea party is over. Now the tea is spiked with bourbon. trump put a knife in the back of the tea party because deficits are nothing but a obscure unimportant issue.
  22. You have a very fundamental misunderstanding about how trade works. Start by understanding this: "For the Chinese steel manufacturers, however, the news was inconsequential. Although China is the world's largest steel exporter, it is only the 11th-largest source country to the U.S., accounting for just 2 percent of total U.S. imports last year." There are some major factors that influence corp. decision making with regards to locating head offices and manufacturing. Taxes: Access to capital markets: Rule of Law and Governance: The above list doesn't include the US because its 18th Education of workers: US ranks 14th. etc. trump is right about one factor. Theft of intellectual property. Which is discounted by all the statements he makes around trade that is wrong. Or just a plain lie to pander to his base. But before ANYONE jumps to the remedy in the above story they need to understand the first quoted Industryweek story. About how trump is wrong on the trade war campaign.
  23. You're just being silly now. trump has all sorts of top quality people working for him that he can plug into government jobs. "Six years after George Gjieli left federal prison, where he’d been sent for trying to break out a triple murderer, Donald Trump gave him a job running Trump Tower, where the billionaire businessman lived and worked. For a decade the Albanian immigrant, whom federal prosecutors had described as having “utter disdain for the laws of our country,” was the live-in residential superintendent of Trump’s most prized Manhattan high-rise. Meanwhile, he was accused in court papers of coordinating a cash-for-jobs racket inside the building, an Associated Press review has found. Trump’s decision to entrust responsibility of his namesake Fifth Avenue skyscraper to Gjieli adds to a growing public accounting of men with questionable backgrounds whom Trump has hired or partnered with. The AP and others have reported they include a Mafia-linked government informant whom Trump named as a senior adviser and a convicted cocaine dealer whom Trump supported in a letter to a federal judge."
  24. Phil1111


    For those who have not seen the story: "In an interview with NPR, Koenig said he "relied on the expertise of those who understand the issue — the industry, coal companies and attorneys."" Holy fuck. Let's hire the foxes to guard the hen house while we're at it As if the workers themselves know nothing about the equation. Which begs the questions. Should one feel sympathy for coal country which voted for trump? Obviously there are those that didn't vote trump. Those disposable workers who health and welfare is but oil for the coal industry machinery. Those that can be cast aside in a little shack down a side road. Deep in Appalachia country to die as a sacrifice to coal profits and well paying jobs.
  25. and the parents of everyone involved.