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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. His message seems to be working: Rudy Giuliani booed at Yankee Stadium when announcer wishes him happy birthday
  2. Only in America. There are many morally corrupt Imams in the world but AFAIK none has reached the crass levels of self aggrandizement as tele-evangelicals. But then they all support trump!
  3. It should disturb anyone who thinks. The State Department has been eviscerated. Trump wanted to 'drain the swamp.' Well, a large part of what he 'drained' is the experienced and qualified diplomats from State. Top DPRK expert, gone. Top nuke expert, gone. So you get Bolton shooting his mouth off, Pence echoing it, both of which are scary as all hell to KJU & the DPRK. I thought it was unlikely KJU would be willing to totally give up the nukes he already has. After the comments comparing Libya to the DPRK, I think the chances have approached the proverbial 'whelk in a supernova'. Add on the abandonment of the deal with Iran (and six other countries), a deal that was negotiated over a period of years, and a deal that the Iranians seem to have kept their side of, and we see what happens when a 'successful businessman' tries international relations. The US has pretty much abdicated it's position as 'world's policeman' and become a joke. In Agreement VVVVVVVVVV Trump’s Imploding World Order .” In a commencement speech at the Naval Academy on Friday, Trump touted the success of an agenda that rejects past policies and promotes stand-alone U.S. supremacy in the world. “We are not going to apologize for America—we are going to stand up for America. No more apologies,” Trump said. “They are respecting us again. Yes, America is back.” He told cadets at the Annapolis stadium, “Winning is such a great feeling, isn’t it? Nothing like winning. You got to win.”... “Trump has little interest in working with allies,”
  4. Ha! That's a good one. Tell me another. ^^^ Yeah! Start a war to avoid a war. IMO South Korea, Pompeo, and NK can continue discussions. It will take some effort to get over the whole Libya model. How Kim-Trump tensions escalated: The more the U.S. said ‘Libya,’ the angrier North Korea got For the uninitiated. The Libya model is give up your nuclear weapons program and then seven years later. NATO will come by to destroy your military, so armed mobs can catch you hiding in a water culvert and kill you. The Ukrainian model also comes to mind. "The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1] The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan."
  5. Yeah well, this is all on Kim Jong Un and his stooges. Getting all snippy... Ever think of the possibility that Trump weaseled the three Korean American prisoners out of North Korea? That's a slap to KJU's face. Hell, Trump even trolled KJU in this official letter. Below is the NK letter to trump. "At an interview with Fox News on May 21, US Vice-President Pence made unbridled and impudent remarks that North Korea might end like Libya, military option for North Korea never came off the table, the US needs complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation, and so on. As a person involved in the US affairs, I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out from the mouth of the US vice-president. If he is vice-president of "single superpower" as is in name, it will be proper for him to know even a little bit about the current state of global affairs and to sense to a certain degree the trends in dialogue and the climate of détente. We could surmise more than enough what a political dummy he is as he is trying to compare the DPRK, a nuclear weapon state, to Libya that had simply installed a few items of equipment and fiddled around with them. Soon after the White House National Security Adviser Bolton made the reckless remarks, Vice-President Pence has again spat out nonsense that the DPRK would follow in Libya's footstep. It is to be underlined, however, that in order not to follow in Libya's footstep, we paid a heavy price to build up our powerful and reliable strength that can defend ourselves and safeguard peace and security in the Korean peninsula and the region. In view of the remarks of the US high-ranking politicians who have not yet woken up to this stark reality and compare the DPRK to Libya that met a tragic fate, I come to think that they know too little about us. To borrow their words, we can also make the US taste an appalling tragedy it has neither experienced nor even imagined up to now. Before making such reckless threatening remarks without knowing exactly who he is facing, Pence should have seriously considered the terrible consequences of his words. It is the US who has asked for dialogue, but now it is misleading the public opinion as if we have invited them to sit with us. I only wonder what is the ulterior motive behind its move and what is it the US has calculated to gain from that. We will neither beg the US for dialogue nor take the trouble to persuade them if they do not want to sit together with us. Whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behavior of the United States. In case the US offends against our goodwill and clings to unlawful and outrageous acts, I will put forward a suggestion to our supreme leadership for reconsidering the DPRK-US summit." Perhaps the big mouths of trump, Pence should be part of a reflection as to who said what. Making threats, trump's idea of a prudent "art of the non-deal". According to trump his son in law was going to solve middle east peace. How's that going? According to trump a Nobel Peace prize was on the agenda. Has the committee received the trump nomination yet?
  6. Why should he? Well, he told us that avoiding STDs was his own personal Vietnam and that in doing so he was as heroic as any soldier, so like any good soldier he should have studied the enemy. Quote from trump, in the story: "“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.” and Unprotected sex with a porn star. You know, funny thing about that.... Just how much stock can you put in a porn star's word, or that of her shyster lawyer's word (who incidentally, just had a $10 million judgement slapped on his law firm in bankruptcy court) Straight from the whore's, oops, horse's mouth, or hands as it were: The whole thing smells like a Democratic witch hunt. There are 130,000 reasons why thats all BS. and President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far Voters believe Stormy over Trump But lets face it. For trump voters all that matters is: Men Like Trump More After Stormy Daniels Accusations, Poll Shows But what really matters is: Women and young voters will decide the 2018 elections. If they actually vote.
  7. Why should he? Well, he told us that avoiding STDs was his own personal Vietnam and that in doing so he was as heroic as any soldier, so like any good soldier he should have studied the enemy. Quote from trump, in the story: "“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.” and Unprotected sex with a porn star.
  8. Cohen’s business partner strikes plea deal: report A longtime business associate of President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen has reportedly agreed to cooperate with government prosecutors as part of a plea deal. ... In return, Freidman got five years of probation for pleading guilty Tuesday to a single count of evading $50,000 worth of taxes. Freidman, who was reportedly disbarred earlier this month, had faced four counts of criminal tax fraud and one of grand larceny, each carrying a possible sentence of up to 25 years." No wonder trump, Fox News, Nunes and the trump base are all in a tizzy.
  9. Excellent post. Santa Fe High School had armed cops and active shooter drills. Yet 10 people died The NRA, trump and republicans have come up with new lists of the causes: Doors, backpacks and Ritalin: what Republicans have blamed school shootings on You should start some new cognitive reflections on the new causes of US gun violence because FOX, trump, Marc, etc. Will get their new talking points soon.
  10. Phil1111


    Um, no. I'll have to concede that the prospect of the decreased crime rates associated with immigrant populations is worrisome. Those FACTS have been quoted again and again. In these forums and others. Including the net positive effects of immigration to GDP. Unfortunately the misinformed,those who are so predisposed to tribal politics, etc. Will likely never change their minds. The current republican administration and FOX news count upon that for their survival. So the dialog that every immigrant from central America is a MS-13 gang member. That they are all rapists, murderers and thieves. Is seized upon by trump and repeated ad nauseam on his teleprompter, FOX. Then parroted by his supporters.
  11. Phil1111


    US births hit a 30-year low, despite good economy The US isn’t fertile enough to sustain itself without immigrants "The report also highlighted differences between ethnic groups in the US. Preterm birth rates are much higher in black women compared to their white peers, for example. And while nearly 83 per cent of white women received prenatal care in their first trimester, only 52 percent of non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian and North Pacific Islanders did. It is difficult to know whether these differences might be down to socioeconomic status or other factors, says Doody." Don't worry Marc. When you and Ron are in a nursing home. I'm sure that the Black or Brown nurse will disregard your thinking. That they will still look after you.
  12. Phil1111


    So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying? Not all immigrants are bad. But those are the worst. Trump was clearly referring to them in his comments, but like I said, the libtard media jumped on it and reported it without the context. Oh and fuck the KKK. I've said before I don't like them. They have no place in society, and neither does MS-13. Build the damn wall. It's working pretty good for Israel. You do know that MS-13 is an American gang? Born in LA. The gang may have been but the members weren't. I don't care where they were when they named it. "In the early 2000s, at its height, MS-13 reached about 10,000 members nationwide. But even then, the gang’s influence was disproportionate to its size, representing a small portion of America’s 1.4 million gang members. ... It also seems to make up only a fraction of deported criminals. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s division that focuses on gangs, Homeland Security Investigations, deported 114,434 individuals last year, according to data given to CNN. MS-13 made up only 429 of those..... Except, there’s no data to support such claims. Insight Crime, an organized-crime investigative nonprofit, explained “there is no evidence that the migratory patterns of gang members are different than those of any other group of migrants, or that they are moving in accordance with a grand plan forged by the MS13’s Salvadoran leadership to revitalize the organization.” Quite simply, Insight wrote, “there is no study by federal agencies or academic institutions that proves that there is a significant number of gang members among these minors.” This is backed up by the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, where Customs and Border Protection Acting Chief Carla Provost said that of the 250,000 unaccompanied minors apprehended since 2011, only 56 were suspected or confirmed of being affiliated with MS-13." Why let the facts interfere with trump's fairy tale, or a Fox news story with an agenda.
  14. Phil1111


    So you support letting MS-13 in. Is that what you're implying? Not all immigrants are bad. But those are the worst. Trump was clearly referring to them in his comments, but like I said, the libtard media jumped on it and reported it without the context. Oh and fuck the KKK. I've said before I don't like them. They have no place in society, and neither does MS-13. Build the damn wall. It's working pretty good for Israel. You do know that MS-13 is an American gang? Born in LA.
  15. Because that would break with decades of Trump tradition! Good one. Mueller was ready for trump's interview/testimony in November of 2017. Thats when the discussions between Mueller and trump's 2nd?? set of lawyers began.
  16. Science Available vaccines protect against either two, four, or nine types of HPV.[1][2] All vaccines protect against at least HPV type 16 and 18 that cause the greatest risk of cervical cancer.[1] It is estimated that they may prevent 70% of cervical cancer, 80% of anal cancer, 60% of vaginal cancer, 40% of vulvar cancer, and possibly some mouth cancer.[3][4][5] They additionally prevent some genital warts with the vaccines against 4 and 9 HPV types providing greater protection.[1] Non-science So you want to have unprotected sex with porn stars,eh? Perhaps this is the real reason:
  17. THIS Vaccines and the Trump Administration Writing recently in the New York Times, infectious disease physician Peter Hotez warned: “It’s looking as if 2017 could become the year when the anti-vaccination movement gains ascendancy in the United States and we begin to see a reversal of several decades in steady public health gains. The first blow will be measles outbreaks in America.” These fears have everything to do with the new administration in Washington, DC. During the campaign, Donald Trump met with discredited British physician Andrew Wakefield, who first alleged a connection between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism in a now-retracted Lancet article. Then, in a September 2015 primary debate, Trump himself suggested that vaccines cause autism. In January, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, known for his engagement with vaccine conspiracies, emerged from a meeting with the President-elect to claim that he will lead a new vaccine safety commission. Trump claims vaccines and autism are linked but his own experts vehemently disagree The president has tweeted more than 20 times claiming – falsely – there is a link between vaccines and autism Yet his understanding of the issues has failed to ascertain the difference between HIV and HPV. For which he asked the same person, the same question, on different occasions. JAMA is the Journal of the American medical Association
  18. I have a friend in, I think Sheffield, if it's outside of London I have trouble remembering) and he posted in disgust the way the wedding trumps everything. No ill will towards the Royal Couple, just the way the news is being prioritized. I don't share his surprise. The forthcoming wedding has what to do with the 22nd mass shooting 2018 in the US? Perhaps as the *....way the wedding trumps everything.*??? In the US, children killing children with AR-15's, bombs, etc. is not newsworthy enough anymore. If covered, a short break to report number killed, injured, etc. Then back to other sound bites that appeal to a broader tribal interest.
  19. There is something so satisfying about a lion fish killing you-tube video. Especially where the divers fill those zoo-keepers. Until where 40-50 used to be, none can be found.
  20. Trump offers 'protections' if Kim surrenders nukes Trump warns Kim Jong-un he could end up like Libya's Gaddafi unless he makes nuclear deal Bolton’s bargain: a Libya deal for North Korea? "In 2003, as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Bolton was part of the Bush administration that successfully negotiated a denuclearisation deal with Libya.... The fate of Muammar Gaddafi – overthrown in an uprising and killed nearly seven months into a NATO-led military operation – as well as the recent tearing up of the Iran deal by the US may do little to assure the North Koreans. At the same time, Kim Jong-un’s negotiating hand is much stronger than Gaddafi’s because of North Korea’s existing nuclear inventory, which is far ahead of what Libya possessed in 2003." Trump Should Do His Nuke Deal Homework
  21. Are you serious? You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in DC who has been more thoroughly investigated. You're right about her never being charged with anything, though. That's what doesn't happen when investigations provide no evidence of criminal conduct. One of trump's election promises was to fully investigate, to prosecute and to "lock her up". He has his own dept of Whats holding him back? EVIDENCE. But the narrative of trump, FOX news and the tribe. Remains the same. A boogieman, a scapegoat is always necessary. nolhtairt has not been watching enough FOX, shame,shame! Mueller is the new scapegoat. He and the FBI are the new enemies of change. Come midterms, there will be a new chant for the masses. Mueller, Mueller, end the witch-hunt. Mueller, Mueller, end the witch-hunt. In addition because of the deep state corruption of the FBI(a DEM. deep state). trump has be forced to refuse to testify because he has to complete his work to make America Great Again.
  22. Phil1111


    Rex Tillerson Seemed to Be Taking a Swipe at President Trump in His Commencement Speech
  23. Israel...Egypt peace Israel...Jordan peace Israel...Lebanon peace US...Japan peace and close allies. US...Germany peace and close allies. Don't count on Palestines having peace with Jewish state Israel. They want the impossible. Your narrative is .....noninclusive of history. It's now clear: the Oslo peace accords were wrecked by Netanyahu's bad faith The author: Avraham "Avi" Shlaim FBA (born 31 October 1945) is a historian, Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford and fellow of the British Academy. He is one of Israel's New Historians,[1] a group of Israeli scholars who put forward critical interpretations of the history of Zionism and Israel.[2] I personally like Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, but he is allot like trump. He has a limited motivation for compromise. Every once in a while miracles happen. Like when I posted agreement with Marc(aka Rushmc) last week. Here is an article by someone I'm sure Marc, Ron see eye to eye with and whose premise I agree with. Pat Buchanan: Israel’s and Bibi’s Troubled Hour of Power
  24. The deep state is a fictitious construct invented to help Trump's supporters rationalize that support in the face of reality. My take on it is that the "deep state" is all the people in government that still have integrity and recognize that Trumpism is a fleeting phase and an accident of history. There is usually a scientific answer for human behavior. A deep state is but a part of the total psychological profile. The Scientific American article is quite long. But a reader of the entire article will have a far better understanding of the trump appeal. Its sustainability to date. Its extraordinary to have what is essentially full employment. Yet 60% disapproval ratings for trump.
  25. Israel...Egypt peace Israel...Jordan peace Israel...Lebanon peace US...Japan peace and close allies. US...Germany peace and close allies.