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Everything posted by rsmn17

  1. How long did u use a full face for after? I'm still a student, so I don't think I can use one but I don't plan on jumping again until around march or april. My doctor said I only had to wait two weeks but I don't trust that they really know. Have you heard that it's always a risk once you get it done, or is it just for a few months?
  2. It happened kinda fast...that and I was very very drunk!
  3. "did ya get video? Rememmber if its not on video, it never happened" No video but my friends got a few pics of it
  4. Getting mine done Jan 10. How long did you wait before jumping? I'm so scared my goggles will fall off and the flap will separate from my eye!
  5. So my friend rented out a club tonight for her birthday party and she had a few male strippers there. This one stripper pulls me out of the audience and brings me up front and we started dancing. Then he whispers in my ear, "ok, I'm gonna put you down on the floor now...just go with it." So he throws me down, face down on the floor. I'm thinking ok, this is weird, and out of the corner of my eye, I'm watching my friends going crazy, and I see him pull out a can of whipped cream. Then before I know what's happening, he pulls my pants down, puts the whipped cream in my ass crack and licks it off!!! So, I'm wondering, is this normal for a stripper to do???
  6. rsmn17


    Awesome! Party on..u earned it
  7. For that you need a masters, which I'm going for in about a year. It takes another 4 years but I'll probably take longer...i'm in no rush!
  8. Haha! Yes they do...they're professional pics being mailed to me...the other's are ones my friends took and they're kinda dumb i guess because they can't put them on the computer!
  9. Actually I do But I don't have them developed yet....the white hat and everything
  10. I just graduated from nursing school today! I'm so happy
  11. Of course she's not the only one to blame! I think everyone knows what news stations want...a good story. I'm only saying that she should admit that it wasn't a complete malfunction. But I'm starting to see this whole thing is pointless so I'm done now. Best wishes to Shayna and her familiy.
  12. And believe me I understand that they love me and are worried. And I wouldn't care if I didn't love them. It's not all about being called crazy. I don't want them to hear stuff like this. When people who don't skydive hear stories like this, they jump to conclusions and it causes them to worry a whole lot more.
  13. I don't consider a kid as an age. I consider a kid as someone who has no responsibility and someone who doesn't have the ability to make educated decisions or take responsibility for their actions. I won't give you a list of the reasons why I'm not a kid, but I will say that age has nothing to do with it. There are people in this world that are 35 years old and more of a kid than a 17 year old. So while Shayna may be, not all 21 year olds are, and writing something like that is as insulting as saying that all skydivers are "crazy". If she really thought that she was completely safe and nothing could happen to her, I think being a "kid" is the least of her problems. Again, nothing bad against her, but there's no reason for you to make judgements about people in an age group. And I think the whole point of this thread was the fact that the story reported was not the truth and that it was giving this sport a very bad rep to people who don't jump.
  14. I'm not an experienced skydiver, just a student, and I'm 22. I'm not reckless! I also don't consider myself a "kid". I don't jump because I have a death wish. I know what can happen in this sport and the fact that someone is 21 and skydives doesn't make them reckless. It's really a shame what happened but I don't think anyone is mad because she told her story or because she made a mistake which is very easy to do as a student...people are mad because she's making it sound like complete equipment failure. I think a lot of us have family that already thinks we're crazy and hearing on the news that a skydiver's main AND reserve "failed to open" doesn't help the situation. I don't want anymore phone calls from family telling me I'm crazy because of a news report that puts an interesting spin on the truth. I hope Shayna recovers fully and if she does decide to jump again, I'm sure she won't make the same mistake. I just think she should be more truthful about what really happened.
  15. My dad called me today...went something like this, "Lisa...we need to talk. Some girl's parachute didn't open, her reserve didn't open either and she smashed into the ground. This is going to happen to you if you don't quit! I'm calling your grandparents and telling them what happened!" Me: "if her chute didn't open and she lived, then why are you worried??" CNN sucks!
  16. That's terrible! I'm a nursing student graduating this month and I would NEVER do or say anything like that! I've had lots of patients who have been hurt and I think to myself, "why did u do that"? But I would NEVER say anything to them about it or treat them any differently. IMO, people like this should look for a different job!
  17. Congrats!! I'm's taking me forever to get there
  18. The first thing I asked my doctor was, "you're going to give me valium first...right?" I think I might need two
  19. good luck!! I know I'm going to be freaking out knowing they're cutting my eye...eeewww! But on the bright side it'll give me a chance to practice relaxing for next time I go to jump
  20. the staff was more interested in my skydiving than explaining the procedure!!! I guess this is normal for people who don't meet "crazy people" every day, but come on! I kept asking questions and they answered them all but it took soooo long because they kept asking me questions about skydiving. I only told them because I wanted to know when I can jump again. Don't think I'll ever bring that subject up again. I'm going on 12/29!! Wish me luck!
  21. A jumpsuit with an inflatable butt so when I land on it it doesn't hurt so much!
  22. Sounds like me. I know the radios are one way but for some reason I always talk back to them! I guess it's comforting to just pretend someone can hear you
  23. I'm a student on a 170. When I buy a rig I think I want to buy new one but not sure if it makes any sense. Would it be hard to sell when I'm ready to downsize? And does the size of your current container matter when you're downsizing??
  24. I'm pretty sure he's not asking what altitude he should pull at in general, but if he should pull higher than usual to get a feel for the canopy and how many jumps he should pull high on