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Everything posted by Misternatural

  1. I thank our esteemed guest Dr. Bordson for answering our mostly sexually depraved questions. The good doctor is available for advice on DZ .com considering she has a real job actually fixing people. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  2. It's late, and I'm drunk- and Dr. Bordson is asleep or having sex somewhere in the studio. But the show continues; nipple nibbler in NY writes: Dr. Bordson, Is breast milk just for babies - or for big hairy men too? Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  3. >unless an equitable barter arrangement can be established. You read it people, in Skydiving that means- Beer, which many of us will be swimming in - just about a half hour from now. *Hic. Salud! Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  4. Well,anyway, Never mind terrorists, After being stuck on a beer fart stinking plane and paying 5 dollars for a bottom shelf scotch in a plastic cup- who wouldn't want to smack up the person behind you who has been kicking your left ass cushion for three straight hours. "those eagle eggs are fake...they have no nutrients!"Nacho libre Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  5. Holy fourth quarter goal line, third down conversion!! I just realized how much these answers are gonna cost us, I mean.. Sweet mother of nachos!!!!..It's Superbowl Sunday. This is Pro Bono right? If not please send the bill to DZ.com. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  6. Knights of Columbus!!! Who's screening these calls?? Ah... here is a question via E mail Dr. Bordson, Is it better to eat fiberous foods at the beginning or at the end of a meal to "keep the train running on time"? signed by-No exit strategy in Chicago. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  7. Todays guest is Dr. K Bordson Professor of Medicology at DZ University. Ask the doctor a question, get a medicallish answer. -and here is our first caller: Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  8. >who gets to sue who? Isn't that covered in the Blue Sky Tactics DVD? Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  9. You're definitely one of the funniest of the freekin' funnyladies on this funky forum - fffershur -enjoy
  10. >and that is as the SPANKEE... Only if you wear them boots you got in the closet..yeah I'm talkin 'bout those shiney bad girls- go get 'em. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  11. you havn't been bad enough have you? Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  12. Thats right sister, I'm talkin' to you. Always posting around, making fun of the "prepubicans" and their ugly region. Yer a funny lady all right- Someday someone is gonna fly over there and funnel your frikkin four way for ya. Who else has somebody here that needs a heiney slappin' step right up. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  13. >not so much for the less well endowed leaders who have followed him. dayaam, you are such a bad girl. Anyway, the hydrocarbon law is an interesting development, let the bidding begin- at least other nations can get a piece too. Maybe they'll want to join the coalition after they get a taste. Biodiesel now, lower fuel prices later. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  14. >Isn't that a text book definition of insanity? I submit that this is not so much insanity, because that would mean that none of the military objectives of the past few years were executed with any reason or forethought. Here is my argument; in the initial phases of the "War on terror" The president was presented with the idea of invading Iraq, here is a chronology http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/iraq/etc/cron.html The president bought into the ideology of the national security strategy(NSS 2002) which states that America will use its MILITARY and ECONOMIC power to encourage free and open societies. In my mind, (and i am trying very hard to be objective) thats how you build an empire; exercising military and economic force in foreign lands to gain control of them. Why would a country do this? maybe to gain access to valuable resources? I am not saying that freeing the Iraqi people wasn't good enough incentive to kick the hornets nest, I am saying that oil and the installation of a strategic military presence in the center of the oil rich Middle East might be the underlying reason. war strategy crazy? maybe, crazy like a fox. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  15. >The weak willed American and world public has no stomach for a proper counterinsurgency operation. I think the public has no stomach for clips of torn and burned bodies dragged through the streets with intestines and livers collecting dirt as they trail behind bouncing down the road. Don't you think it's odd that in this age of supercomputers the space age and advanced psychology that the U.S does not have the capability and trained personnel to infiltrate and get into the minds of these combatants, resulting in a relatively bloodless counterinsurgent operation. it's almost as though they WANT to have warfare in the Middle East as a reason to set up base near their oil fields. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  16. >Just because you obviously despise Bush, you want him to apologize to one of the most corrupt, inept, and useless organizations on earth. No in fact I don't despise Bush. Sadly I think he is one of the most steadfast presidents in history, He really believes in what he is doing and he is committed to it. Unfortunately I think he is misguided by the puppeteers that surround him. I think it is especially sad that we had a president who had so much power and opportunity to make so many positive changes but squandered them pursuing other peoples fucked up hidden agenda. Thats the real tragedy. My point about the U.N. was not to humiliate the Prez. but to rebuild what was lost in the coalition which we need to take a predominantly American face away from this turmoil. let me add that I don't agree with his belief system, religion, or domestic policy lest I be labeled as a supporter. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  17. I spent the morning watching Meet the press, Face the nation, and Fox news. I focus on the Cheney interview; I am convinced that this man is the driving force behind our foreign and domestic policy, that he is the writer, producer and director-Bush just does the acting. He has no regard for the Congress, or Democracy in that he believes that his policy and that of the Bush administration is immune from criticism,or accountability. He has brilliantly used "Terrorism" as the seasoning to cram otherwise totally un-palatable foreign policy down our throats. Try this exercise the next time you hear Cheney talk;every time he uses the phrase "War on terror" replace the word "terror" with the word "Oil"- then it makes sense. He dumbs down this complicated foreign policy for us by using the words "Winning" and "Victory" In Iraq, because this effectively is what he must think his electoral base can only understand. Frankly this tactic should be intensely insulting to ALL AMERICANS. It's not just Cheney many politicians in Washington mimic this behavior because of the Caviat of Democracy which is; That you have to sell your ideas to, and get approval from the public in order to get re elected. Too bad for Mr. Cheney this isn't a dictatorship where the Govt can do whatever it wants in its own self interest. He asks for an alternative plan to a surge; Instead of "surge" how about "Surgery" to use a metaphor, Iraq is a patient on life support. Should we go in there with blunt clevers and chop off infected parts. which will kill the patient ultimately. or treat the infection. Here are some ideas; To diminish an overt American military presence use a micro foreign policy approach of negotiation on a tribal level.To reduce sectarian reprisals. Deploy a COVERT force of counter insurgency operatives who systematically use informants, incentives (call them bribes if you want),and specifically targeted propaganda to help isolate the insurgents. (it worked in Afghanistan) Focus on securing the borders and disrupting the insurgents supply chain (I realize this is the most difficult objective) Systematically neutralize the insurgent strongholds with the militias (once they have incentive) and the Iraqi army BACKED if needed by COALITION forces. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  18. Those are insightful articles for those who takes the time to read them. In a nutshell: ye who controls (not necessarily produces) oil- controls the future. It is one of the reasons why it is wise to promote the production of alternative fuels and development of safe,non petroleum fuel sources, worldwide. And for the devious viewers; Don't get any Ideas from here about dosing unsuspecting people with LSD.-thats cruel, trips can turn bad even when you are expecting them. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  19. Friggin Geneva Convention. Is it really chem warfare if people just hallucinate for an extended time? Think of the tricks that could be played during their "experience" -aint that some freaky shit. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  20. >Force-feed bong-hits to everyone in the Middle East until they mellow the fuck out. Somehow I knew you'd come over here and turn this into a cornucopia of foolishness, for the love of crap! don't you realize the severity of this matter. OK, what about pulling the troops back and spraying a fine mist of LSD over Baghdad. and while were at it- over Washington too. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  21. that woman has had some funkadelic sculptures for hair. Remember back when it looked like she had two eggplants taped to the back of her head? Daayam. Anyway sitting in front of a battery of sputtering wrinkly jowel faced senators- while they blast you with pointed questions and criticism for three hours can't be fun. Speaking of a guy with no hair, I listened to Dep Nat sec advisor to Bush - J.D. Crouch today in an inteview with Charlie Rose; I have to admit that there was a few seconds where the guy actually made sense, that the military strategy could work . But i snapped out of it. The plan is heavily reliant on the allegiance of Maliki to the U.S. (even though he plays many sides to survive politically) Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  22. yes well thankyou for your opinions, but I am looking for not necessarily classified information from U.S. soldiers regarding the relationship between the sects and the insurgents which I think is the key to unraveling support for the insurgency. Once the insurgents are isolated and have no support or credibility they will loose their place in Iraq. likewise the non combatant residents of Iraq might stop hiding them. Everybody wants something, what do the Sunnis and Shia want? Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  23. What you speak of is the real think tank liquid.The word on the street- this is what the politicians should be listening to. Not the crap rhetoric and political posturing in Washington. Question me this; What would be a good strategy to convince Al Sadr and the militias that the insugency is the real enemy of a viable, bearable, and prosperous future for themselves and their country? Do The Militants even have a concept of stability? obviously like most factions, I assume they just want control. Do they even give a shit about a better life or are they focused only on martyrdom the afterlife or the spread of Islam? What do the Militants want which could be used as a bargaining chip besides blood? I ask because sitting here in my warm house with good food and little or no violence outside, like most Americans I need information from the street to pressure the politicians with. good luck... stay low...Thanks for doing the job.. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  24. well if you like that one then here's another pipe dream; A campaign to convince the Iraqis (the ones shooting at Americans- not the friendly street merchants) that the insurgents are the real enemy of their future reconstruction. or how bout this one; The Bush administration takes the elevator in the ivory tower down a few floors, opens up a window and sees the protest in the streets. then says; "Oh I get it now Condaleeeeza, this is a Democracy, I- I have to listen to the people." BTW Condi did pretty well under fire in front of the committee's grilling yesterday, her hair held up too. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415
  25. Many would argue that as long as we are nannying them along they have no reason to take matters into their own hands. This may work as long as the U.S. is prepared to watch the carnage of a full on civil war,and take the blame for it. >Well, I hate to say it, but right now the Israeli/Palestinian conflict looks like it would be preferable to what's happening in Iraq now. Just compare the number of dead. Yes, and thats what it will come down to, the lesser of grim scenarios; insurgencies exist in many places around the world namely Bosnia and Columbia, it's not great, but it's politically tolerable. But how about this; First stop the rhetoric about "Victory" it's not about that anymore & it just fuels the insurgency.The U.S. and coalition forces deposed a dictator and removed a brutal regime- be happy with that. Then a formal apology by Bush at the U.N. for brushing them aside through all this. Next,a diplomatic-political surge lead by some neutral faction (The U.N.,a mutually respected muslim leader or some other organization) to negotiate a cease fire between the sects with a promise of the simultaneous pulling back of American troops in the streets. Get Sunni and Shiite leaders to state what it would take for each to disarm. Find a political incentive to maintain the cease fire. Get the coalition back together Once the cease fire is effective the insurgent strong holds should stand out. Deal with them then. The new Iraq can only grow if there is a secure environment without a dominant American presence. Thats going to be a real trick. Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires. D S #3.1415