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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. Be nice to her. She's gestating, and has been in a pissy mood for quite some time now. I'm not sure I know exactly what "gestating" means in this instance. It means that it's only a few days before Frenchy's fourth love child is born. (that's a joke by the way!) I wasn't trying to harsh on you, I actually agree with you. In my "dating terms", if there is such a thing, I am not attracted to someone who whores themselves out. I try to discourage my friends, or rather protect my drunken sky buds, from whoring themselves out. However, outside of my immediate circle, I don't give a damn what goes on. I'm not going to tell the 400 lb. cross-dressing figure skater that they are unnacceptable. (But I will throw up in my mouth a little). Okay, I'll shut up and go away now. Well, the unacceptability is between the partners involved. I guess I figured that went without saying. HOwever, I do have "friends" that are whores, of both sexes and I don't tend to spend much time or effort on them. |>.
  2. ::Gets everyone's attention and points to GFD.. "look kids, crazy people!":: |>.
  3. I didn't look, just wanted to say... Damnit Billy, what's wrong with you?! |>.
  4. Since you insist on bringing this thread back up, perhaps you can share what's eating you? Then maybe a discussion will be possible instead of just a cyber session, yes? |>.
  5. Be nice to her. She's gestating, and has been in a pissy mood for quite some time now. I'm not sure I know exactly what "gestating" means in this instance. |>.
  6. Whether you agree with it or not, who is to say whether or not someone else's behavior is acceptable or unnacceptable?? That just seams like you are imposing your opinions on someone else. I don't think it's cool. In fact, I find it rather unnatractive. I wouldn't date a man whore. (A sheep whore, maybe. ) But I still don't think it's right to impose on others. My belief: To each their own. .
  7. Just because you've tolerated before doesn't mean you have to tolerate now or in the future. |>.
  8. IMO, this is unnacceptable for men or women. However, it is the partner that sets that line. If you let a partner get away with cheating, he will do it again. If many female partners let many men get away with cheating, they will do it again, and other men will envy the fact that they've done so. Course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. |>.
  9. gmittar


    Gimme their number, I'll record it for ya |>.
  10. gmittar


    You ok there? |>.
  11. Well, I aint shy, but the thought of putting my bare ass on the internet to circulate just rings all kinds of claxons in my head, damn air raid sirens going off just thinking about it |>.
  12. Between boxers and briefs. Gotta keep the boys from swingin too much. |>.
  13. Hi Sprite When I was around more, I tried not to punch Adam too much, it led to fewer invitations to crash at his house. Course, I think most people would wanna be punched by you |>.
  14. Because it's more fun that way, duh! |>.
  15. I stalked for a couple hours and then just went on AIM. Finding all those posts is tiring |>.
  16. I do! Athough I haven't seen him in a while due to a school forced hiatus from jumping. Hopefully that has been beated into submission Thanks. |>.
  17. The sig is a classic. Rent Fight club! |>.
  18. I thought it was HILARIOUS. Well, the second one was, the first was just good clean fun |>.
  19. Unfortunately, you will eventually mourn. Best to do it and get it over with. I feel for ya. |>.