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Everything posted by Channman

  1. She rolled her eyes...canceled out any other statement she made from that point on.
  2. It was not my intention to somehow say credibility is not important. I was giving examples of actual quotes by media that where giving the same talking point on the nightly news. They where coordinating with each other and the DNC to convey a naritive wholly made up.
  3. The stock market is doing quite well....Huge and Bigly are two words that come to mind.
  4. Well let me state my point more clearly...I do believe Russian meddling is and was occurring. However the collusion of officials from a campaign are mostly fabricated. It's more about the seriousness of the charge even if a lie than actual facts. It is this lie, of collusions that the DNC have hung their hats on and after more than 9 months and millions of dollars later they still have shit to show for it. As for a special prosecutor the Dems are demanding...I guess they have lost faith in themselves if they truly possess such a thing, in their ability as law makers to exercise their constitutional duties. With a committee established in the Senate, House and the FBI they can't seem to do their F'ing jobs to investigate claims that someone and or individuals did something illegal or wrong. It is evident that the Media is the primary propaganda arm for the Democratic party. Damn, they don't even hide it. They coordinate their efforts in talking points that the Dem / DNC pickup in their daily emails: EXAMPLE from last Thursday... Chris Cuomo, "Trump White House is facing a major credibility crisis!" David Chalian: with a loud voice..."What we have here now is a White House in a crisis of credibility!" Josh Earnest: "...a self-inflicted crisis, and there is a yawning credibility gap." Athena Jones: "this suggests a real crisis of credibility." Brooke Baldwin: "It's a crisis of credibility here." David Muir: "What about credibility here?" The Chucky Schumer is on with CNN Sunday morning...Jake Tapper sets him up with a prearrange question just to ensure he is ready for it. Its just like clock work Chuck spills it out right from his pre-typed talking points he received and discussed through-out his party.... Schumer: "there's a crisis of credibility with the president" So simply is a fabricated story nothing more. Just need to open your eyes and ears and maybe you might see the lie before you, its not the Russians or collusion, but a scheme with the hopes of taking down a President.
  5. Well, since the Russian meddling is nothing more than a made up story, the investigation of meddling and the investigation, investigating the meddling and the investigation of the investigation will still lead to No Where. The DNC, the Democratic Party have no bench, no ideas, no other place to go except story telling. The Main Stream media is all they got and that for now seems to be working.
  6. Never have listened to his program. Maddow has a talking style that to me sounds like finger nails on a chalk board. But again, you caught me going low...WITCH was not necessary to make a point. As I'm approaching my self imposed maximum number of times I can post on this blog I will be ending any future Channman comments on this site. Just a little more than 2 dozen more to go. You are always welcome to bring me down to Earth as required. Cheers
  7. Ever try listening to this WITCH?
  8. As usual, your trusting in a news organization that repeatedly lied to you over the course of the election that Hillary was going to win in a Landslide and the world would rejoice that the smartest women in the world would become the 45th president. But now it seems some of her closest supporters are in the process of releasing a book in regards to her campaign and how or shall we use their words, "Witch" she was to her staff. Look you have a partisan view...and you might think I'm closed minded...and I am, but I can afford to be, because I'm Right
  9. I suppose as technology progresses it's natural to look for more efficient methods to perform a task. It use to take years to build a railroad, but with technology the time has been substantially reduced. But it also opens up engineering/designer positions, technicians and fabrication to produce such machinery and mechanics to maintain it to computer programmers. So one has to evolve and seek additional training to keep up.
  10. CNN...the most trusted News source in America??? Hardly. The Russia thing is not so much talked about anymore...but I suppose we will see in a few months. But don't get all excited about Rice, she has a great deal to answer to and we will see how she attempts to weasel her way through the questioning. Trey Gowdy's questioning should be of get interest.
  11. Three letters, ACA. Two letters, NG Confirmed OK back to my Self Imposed Banning
  12. Thank you Wendy you have always been a studet
  13. American's are more polarized than ever before, much like here on DZ.COM. I find that on most occasions at the drop zone, everyone seems to get along and this crap is rarely ever spoken. I'm a conservative...not so tolerated in forum such as this, nor are liberals much tolerated in other forums. Maybe one day, many, many days down the road we will find a better method to address our differences and find common ground that both can live with. But as of now, its side is Hell bent on destroying the lives of those on the other side. I've been guilty of this on several occasion here in the forum. Yea I would like my values to be represented and those values I feel are destructive be suppressed. I feel in my heart my values are main stream, but then I also know incredibly loving individuals that hold I different set of values that might not align with mine entirely and yet we get along just fine. Maybe this is because I've developed a relationship, community or a bond that is tighter than the disagreement and thus we both are able to find a friendship that is stronger than our politics or beliefs without giving or surrendering those values to the other. Yes I'm very partisan...may be just human nature, but I guess in the end friendships and community are far better than battling over things that can escalate to Hatred. Its a struggle for me...but I'm aware of this tendency and hope to get better. So maybe we should let this thread fade into the sun set.
  14. You people crack me up. Months of protest, destruction of private property, arson, trashing your liberal institutions, safe spaces, petting zoos, hug in / cry in...and pushing a make believe story through your DNC propaganda machine and you still have shit to show for it. In the mean time policies from the Obama error are being up rooted, hundreds of thousands are returning to work and a new Supreme Court Justice confirmed by Friday. So keep lying to yourself cup cake, we will be in town for the foreseeable future.
  15. ***Why is that so important in the context of explosive revelations that Susan Rice, President Obama’s national-security adviser, confidant, and chief dissembler, called for the “unmasking” of Trump campaign and transition officials whose identities and communications were captured in the collection of U.S. intelligence on foreign targets? Because we’ve been told for weeks that any unmasking of people in Trump’s circle that may have occurred had two innocent explanations: (1) the FBI’s investigation of Russian meddling in the election and (2) the need to know, for purposes of understanding the communications of foreign intelligence targets, the identities of Americans incidentally intercepted or mentioned. The unmasking, Obama apologists insist, had nothing to do with targeting Trump or his people. That won’t wash. In general, it is the FBI that conducts investigations that bear on American citizens suspected of committing crimes or of acting as agents of foreign powers. In the matter of alleged Russian meddling, the investigative camp also includes the CIA and the NSA. All three agencies conducted a probe and issued a joint report in January. That was after Obama, despite having previously acknowledged that the Russian activity was inconsequential, suddenly made a great show of ordering an inquiry and issuing sanctions. She was part of the political weaponizing of national intelligence. (Much like the Obama admin did with the IRS and more is coming on that soon) And had there been ANY Russia connections that would have hurt Trump in the election, that info would have been leaked a long time ago. And a bit more on political weaponizing of Intel.
  16. She hasn't asked for it yet, nor has she been requested to appear and give testimony. Time will tell if she testifies, takes the 5th, or request inmunity. None of those things will happen. It's just a partisan wet dream you and yours are having. Wank on. Your panties are all twisted up much like your suspension lines. The story line / talking points are heading in a new direction with actual / verifiable documents, sign in logs that point to the previous administration. They will have the opportunity to give their statements and we will see where each individual goes...Home or a Cell.
  17. She hasn't asked for it yet, nor has she been requested to appear and give testimony. Time will tell if she testifies, takes the 5th, or request inmunity.
  18. Was Merick Garland not qualified? NO, because he was a leftist? You did ask
  19. We will see in the next year where this goes, which in my opinion will not go where the DNC would like it to go. If they had a bomb shell it would have exploded for all to see. If the DNC going to be pissed at anybody they should be pissed at Evelyn Farkas for spilling the beans and providing insight to the DNC plans to use the Russian interference in our elections as a method to show collusion between Trump aides and the Russians. Evelyn Farkas knew they were going to push the Russian involvement plan, she believes that they're going to get away with it and that they're going to be able to accuse the Trump team of collusion and she know all this in October 2016. October is when the New York Times first published its claim that there was longtime contacts, collusion, between Trump aides and the Russians. Hillary & Harry Reid come out with statements of evidence of collusion thus closing the circle that Evelyn Farkas was very much in the know as she was working for Hillary. Evelyn Farkas made the statement that "he'd be impeached pretty quickly or somebody else would have to take over government". How does she know this, because well laid plans developed over the months with a complicit Liberal media on standby where going to spring their trap. But as in any WAR...the other side has a say in the battle and Trump is not a weak knee pansy ass Republican that would have thrown up their hands and say I quit. Susan Rice and Evelyn Farkas will be brought before Congress to testify and Evelyn Farkas has already provided so much detail of the Intel gathering that she will need to have her attorney present when she pleads the 5th. If she opens her mouth she will put her freedom in jeopardy. Susan Rice is a known liar, and she's not very good at it. Her testimony should be interesting if she doesn't herself plead the 5th. All in All, this is shaping up to be extremely interesting and potentially extremely damaging to one side or the other.
  20. like I said no proof. you have lots of innuendo but nothing more. You are all waiting to cream yourselves. I think you will explode long before that happens Back out of Exile This just in...more in more is coming out and Susan Rice story, "I know nothing, I see nothing" is falling apart.
  21. I'm supposed to be Banned for the remainder of the day...but I did come across the article...we will see if there is anything there. So far nothing seems to be concrete other than unnamed sources and allegation of some supposed criminal act. Just noise for now...but I'm aware of this NEW development...another mis-direction???
  22. Actually John This story is exactly what you do not want it to be. Daily Caller Get over it cupcake....... Its a bit funny how this has the potential of blowing up in their face. Interesting how the Main Stream Media is not covering this story as they know it has the potential of bring down High Level operatives in Obama's administration. Gorsuch confirmation is just a few days away now and I'm thinking at least two more possible in the next 3.5 years. Harry Reid what a guy...his example will live into the future hopefully the Liberal Lift will remain in the wilderness for the foreseeable future. I was thinking how grand a plan it would be for California to succeed from the Union and lose those 55 electoral votes. Now I know that is wishful thinking, the Snow Flakes might believe it possible...but no way in Hell the Democratic party will allow it to ever happen. Well back to my Self Imposed Banning
  23. Still haven't seen one Democrat provide on piece of paper of evidence. Just a bunch of talking points that the intelligence community said this or that...but shit we still need time say maybe the next four years to find something. In the meantime, the DNC/Media are getting ready to have their ASSES handed back to them. Their best laid plans are beginning to unravel and they are clueless to the fact that they’re a bunch of DUMM ASSES, well maybe just ASSES. Just my .02 cents.
  24. Looking through Harry Reid's looks just fine.
  25. You can chose to live in make believe, but for some AMERICAN's we live in the real world. Dip Shit Rep. Adam B. Schiff spent some time on Sunday news programs, on with the Jake Tapper (summarized), “Do you have any evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign, Trump advisers and Russia? Can you definitively say there was collusion? Can you say that this resulted in Hillary losing the election?” Schiff: "I don’t think we can say anything definitively at this point. Uh, we are still at the very early stage of the investigation....blah, blah, blah. This freaking idiot some how reached a conclusion a few days earlier stating there was evidence of collusion. Confronted with damning information that reflects poorly on the previous administration and begins a new talking point...ahh, ahh Jake help me out here you bastard...we don't really have anything, shit ahh, hope Susan Rice has a good attorney.