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Everything posted by superman0710

  1. can't wait. weather's shaping up to be good and i'm looking forward to hitting the DZ. i'm looking forward to learning a lot from you guys and attending boogies and whatnot with you. catch ya all around!
  2. now that i'm done emphasizing the fact that trolling is not enforced nearly as much as it should be. I'll stop my little show and revert back to my old posting self. but mods beware. my father and brother are both agents for the government, my godfather a police officer retired. I've been surrounded by law enforcement my whole life, it's what I am. Patrol for trollers properly, because i WILL NOT tolerate anyone parading the death of 4 officers (or any death in the LE community) as something to be celebrated and will gladly take another banning to put any person that does in their place. (unless, of course, you intervene properly as you should, dictated by the forum rules). that is all. blue skies.
  3. welcome aboard dude, i only have 2 jumps under my belt and i can't wait for more, lucky you with 21 blue skies
  4. Hate to break it to you but the owner of the site isn't American. This ain't no damn democracy here. as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). funny because you're taking a lot of liberty in disobeying your own rules.
  5. This is taken from Forum Rules i'm already banned, what the shit does this matter? and if you're regarding to my sigline. it's not a gripe about any thread or post. i don't like remster's modding style, and i've made a sig to notify anyone who clicks of it. welcome to america, where we can critique the actions of others. (as so many of you have done to me ) edit: allow me to further retort: "Personal attacks and hate posts will not be tolerated in any forum. Personal attacks on another user are a great way to earn some time off, as is posting inflammatory material specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling). If you are unclear about what a 'troll' is, a description can be found here." funny because the guy who posted that comment is not banned...not even reprimanded.... i'm waiting for the next lame justification the mods will bring.
  6. now i've been banned from the incidents forum because of my sigline, omg i'm dying of laughter here. now you can't complain about a person's modding's a personal attack. bwhahaahahahah. did i miss the sensitivity training seminar?
  7. No one forces anyone to read anything. Not so hard to understand... right. let me put on my selective reading glasses. you know the one's that tell me "WARNING: mindless post up ahead, could cause upsetedness!!!" yeah...let me go ahead and slip those on. maybe i should read with a psychic next to me who will warn me of potentially upsetting posts up ahead.... genius.
  8. really? it is? where in the BF thread does it state that we can't discuss what happened in the other thread? he justified the banning by saying that i carried over the personal attack to the bonfire forum. really? i don't recall threatening that individual again. funny thing is i wasn't upset about being banned from SC. it was deserved ACCORDING TO THE RULES the bonfire banning was arbitrary, almost nazilike
  9. i'm not even gonna begin to pursue this issue. becuase apparently, we're not allowed to talk about things here. that gets you banned. just like discussing an incident gets me banned from BF. he may be laid back, but his logic sucks.
  10. no one forces these asshats to post. but either way we end up reading it. it's just silly to allow blatant mindless material that will definitely be upsetting to be posted and then get mad when someone replies aggresively. stop the trollers, stop the personal attacks. not so hard to understand.
  11. safety > exit > essay on exit order.
  12. period. it's unfair to have a troll post something that they know will start a flame war and have only the people doing the flaming banned. [/thread]
  13. Why is it that someone who is not against declawing cannot talk about things from the cats perspective, but those who oppose it can? None of you are cats, wither, so how do you know the psychological trauma caused by this? I have read every link in this thread as well as the recone one. All of them spout terrible looking statistics that are meaningless. You cannot tell me that 15% of declawed cats develop an aversiln to using the litter box sometime in the five years following surgery without having a control group, of the same age cats, and telling me how many of them develop a litter box aversion. There are also blanket statements about all the terrible things that happen....a cat become withdrawn because he cannot defend himself. How do you know that is the reason? Did he tell you that? Yes, the surgery is painful. Yes, it removes their fingers to the first digit. No, this does not cause them to be permanently handicapped. People live perfectly normal lives after losing fingers or toes.....they are not handicapped. Plus....cats do their sensing through the pad of their foot....we use our finger tips. Declawing does not damage the pad. In my life I have had about 15 cats, two of whom were/are not declawed. One because she went outside. One because we just haven't done it yet to our kitten. I have never seen (of those other 13) one cat with issues stemming from having their claws removed. They have still been able to run, jump, climb, play, use the litter box, etc. No amount of your blanket statements or links to terribly non-scientific websites has convinced me there is a problem at all. another amen to that.
  14. you get a 10 on the randomness-meter though.
  15. quite a common one. and i threatened to knock his ass out. not kill him. i DARE you to knock on your local police office door and tell them you're glad those officers are dead and see what they do to you. better yet, tell them when they're out of uniform. i dare you.
  16. there's not a single person here that i've been in bad spirits with. the cat lovers climbed down my throat but it was a civilized argument and i always listen to other people's point of view. a blatant shot at LEO's because you're ignorant and don't wish to obey the law should have just as little tolerance as the retort i offered. internet or not
  17. ironically enough my response was just that. words. i find it funny how a person can express glee at the death of 4 officers who died in the line of duty, but my response is subject to reprecussions.
  18. bwahahahahahahahahahaha **breathe** bwahahahahahahahahahaha **breathe** bwahahahahahahahahahaha **breathe** bwahahahahahahahahahaha **breathe** here's the equivalent of what this guy said, so it really hits home... the guy said he's glad 4 officers are dead. to me, that's the equivalent of me telling you: "i'd be glad if you die on your next dive" now i really don't, but you see how serious this just got. have a little respect for other people's profession and for the people who give their life in the line of duty to protect your lives.
  19. Wrong forum for this, but I agree... well since i'm banned from SC....
  20. i reaaally wish this place had an ignore list.
  21. yeah, on an asshat who praised the guys who killed 4 law enforcement officers in canada. anyone who wishes death on any LEO deserves the same fate.