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Everything posted by dorbie

  1. When the finger points at the moon the fool points at the finger. We're fighting an enemy who's stated policy and actions target civilians extensively. In the midst of this we have a few isolated incidents being over-reported and even exaggerated and several ARE being prosecuted. If you give a shit about Iraqi civilians instead of faking it for political fodder you better pray we don't leave too soon because there will ensue a blood bath that will make the current situation look like a picnic. I find it just amazing that the Independent which has worked tirelessly to get us out of Iraq and abandon the civilians there to murder and mayhem gets all weepy about some isolated incidents even as the enemy bombs of those they'd have us hand the country over to murder hundreds in the street, and that's just a pale foreshadowing of what they would do. God save the Iraqis from these naive pencil pushing Boy Scouts.
  2. What's the initial relative velocity? If you're travelling towards a tower it's blue shifted as you pass it changes to red shifted. If you accelerate towards a tower it becomes more and more blue shifted. If you start off travelling away from a tower and accelerate towards it it will transition from a red shift to a blue shift. If you accelerated towards the background radiation you could never catch it, the event is in the past. As you traveled faster and faster it would be less red shifted in front and more red shift behind. There are lensing effects too. The light from stars to your side would appear to arrive from nearer the front of your vehicle as you intercept the photons that left diagonally in the star's frame of reference. Stars behind would spread apart and dim due to this same effect. Everything on the visible sphere would appear to be sucked in towards a point in the direction of travel.
  3. what would this free plasma look like? You're made of what the plasma became, it was just a particle soup, expanding extremely quickly. The light it emitted and was freed to travel in straight lines when it became transparent is the BG microwave radiation, we were the plasma and right now at this instant everywhere in the universe has similarly condensed matter. What we see all around us is the photon flux from everything that happened between then and now, with the oldest light that emitted from the expanding particle soup.
  4. The BG radiation is indeed the receding 'visible' surface of the aftermath of the big bang and is as far back as we can see ever, it will continue to fade and become lower frequency. The speed of the cosmic background radiation however remains the speed of light in all frames of reference, it is extremely red shifted into the microwave (not that this says anything directly about their initial frequency) because for us to encounter that emission after all these billions of years we had to be travelling away from their points of origin at incredible velocity. So it has not slowed, nor do I like to think of them as altering frequency, at every point in the universe the hypersphere of background radiation is forever encountering locations and frames of reference that are farther away and therefore faster receding relative to their initial journey. In those ever receeding frames of reference the radiation appears lower frequency. However you choose to think of it, it's definitely not slower. They are also dimmer thanks to the massive expanding surface area of the clearing sphere around us as the universe expands and ages (or alternatively the increasing volume for the radiation to occupy, either works), rather than the dopler shift. The BG radiation hypersphere is a beautiful thing to conceptualize, it's one of those stunning discoveries of physics that should filll anyone with awe.
  5. Time to pinch your nose and get over this silly notion of hypocrisy. This is nuclear geopolitics, not a dispute between siblings over candy. The outcome is likely to be a nuke equipped Iran. As for the rest, several EU nations have nukes (including some delivery systems sold by the USA) the rest wouldn't take them if you offered, and that goes for Australia and NZ, they even object to visiting US warships that might have them on board, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make there.
  6. She's fair game, she's threatening to run for office and using that thread to try to influence a sitting leader to impeach the President, and she's been campaigning politically with great vigor for years now. Just where do you get off claiming she has some pitty shield after all the radical political accusations she's fostered and promulgated including this? Her dead son is not a political immunity shield. She's an extremely inconsistent freak-show who has exploited her son's death in furtherance of a political campaign. That's her prerogative but it's everyone else's to subject her to some well deserved scrutiny and critique. If she can't stand the heat she should get out of the kitchen, which she did, then she didn't then she....? Despite my distaste for both actors in this pantomime and the satisfaction of seeing the left eat itself for a change, I hope she doesn't run, IMHO she'll make a poor candidate against Pelosi, she's been a useful puppet of the left and an inevitable drubbing in the polls would not be in her best interests, the woman has issues and that wouldn't help one bit.
  7. Beat me to it. Look at the housing market out in Denver and look how bad it is getting out there. Bad for whom? In what sense is a decline in property values (after a foolishly speculative increase under multiple administrations for years) an economic problem to be laid at any specific administration's feet? People have been buying property for a decade or more assuming it would rise in value inexorably. That "wealth" was created from nothing. Property value is a magic number picked from thin air based on nothing but future expectations and the ability to secure a loan from a lender, who themselves don't have cash or equivalents to cover all their debt. Instead of saving for the future people have been betting it all on their home, and were happy to do so as long as it kept going up at obviously unsustainable levels. Couple that with a rise in investment property speculation as money moved from under-performing stock investments a few years ago and you have an unholy alliance. It's about bloody time it started correcting, I view the whole property market and the rise in rents & mortgages as a massive social disaster that is completely unnecessary, and it's global too. But this is partly cyclical, we've seen this before in the 80s, as market declines go this is extremely gentle. We're not at the bottom yet and a bloody good thing too if you ask me. What a foolish way to choose to live.
  8. Yup, but it only mattered on sports day. We had house like Shewalton & Dunlop, and they weren't really used for anything, you got a different color badge for sports day once a year. I think everyone in a class would be in the same house, I can't really remember if we called them houses either, I don't think so. P.S. the kids didn't really give a shit about which 'house' they were in.
  9. Hmm Same People Same Country Same religious fanaticism Same dislike of foreigners in their country. Only the name has changed....but you knew that already Wrong, there are many people in the region some of whom the Taliban have oppressed in Afghanistan including the warlords who emerged during & after Soviet occupation who are not Taliban but have equal claim to that heritage.
  10. Calling For Help, Hope this mail meets you well, please permit me to introduce my self to you, my name is Joyce Anthony,I am 22 years old, the only child of Late Mr. Anthon,y who was a famous cocoa merchant based here in Abidjan , the Economic capital of Ivory Coast ( Cote D'ivoire). I am seeking for your assistance to help me transfer the sum of ( $10,500,000.00 ) Ten Million Five hundred Thousand United State of American Dollars that I inherited from my late father to your bank account . I am willing to offer you 10% of the total fund as a mode of compensation after the transfer for your time and effort. All the necessary documents concerning this fund is intact. please get back to me asap through my private email address ([email protected]) more details concerning this fund and I will equally send you my photos so that you will see and know whom I am. Waiting for your cooperation. Yours Faithfully, Joyce Anthony.
  11. Are you opposed to nuclear proliferation?
  12. Nonsense, my OP raised a serious issue as the UN calls a speed up a slow down. And when I called you on your trolling the moderator rushed to support you by attacking the forum he camps in moderating.
  13. never said I would, you're the joker who lamely fell back on calling a forum you moderate a joke to defend a troll when I asked him to take his incessant partisan troll to another thread. There's only so many times you can appreciate the same post made a thousand times regardless of the topic.
  14. POT! You are confused and in the wrong thread, take your partisan bullshit to a less serious topic. POT! The logic you are using is the same as the logic used in gun crime threads and in debt and deficit threads. We have 10,000 nukes along with delivery systems. Criticizing Iran is a serious case of throwing stones from a glass house. You keep yelling POT but it is a dishonest accusation and you know it. At least you address the topic this time. Your observations on the fairness of all things will be a great consolation to those within range of Iran's nukes and who have been and will continue to be subject to her surrogate jihadist terrorists.
  15. The topic is serious even if you aren't and I understand that you enjoy kallend polluting every thread like a demented parrot who's swallowed a Demogratic manifesto but it detracts from the variety of the threads at the very least. I already know you agree with the resident troll's partisan position, that he insists on polluting EVERY thread with the same non sequiturs then yells POT might in your view make a joke of this forum but it doesn't diminish the seriousness of what's being discussed.
  16. The expansion is in the number of centrifuge cascades. These cascades directly affect the rate of enrichment. More cascades = greater rate of fuel enrichment.
  17. POT! You are confused and in the wrong thread, take your partisan bullshit to a less serious topic.
  18. No they are very meaningful. This is AN ACCELERATING RATE of enrichment. By all means say enrichment continues to accelerate at a lesser pace, but this is not a slow down. Calling this a slow down is a blatant lie. If I accelerate towards you in a car and hit you then tell the cops that I slowed down but I just couldn't stop in time that is a lie. Iran is still growing it's fuel enrichment capacity and needless to say that is an intentional act, not an accident.
  19. it's funny - that's exactly what came to mind when reading the opening post. Outside of calculus and physics discussions, where else do people talk about slowing down the rate of increase as a great accomplishment? Greenhouse Gas emissions w.r.t. global warming. Politicians do this all the time. Lies damned lies and statistics.
  20. Actually, the story says the 'kids' kicked first, scoring a nice hit on the family jewels. Ignoring the recent surgery, that sort of action leaves you open to some retaliatory pain. But you're right - the story does beg the question of what's not being said. The man who pleaded guilty claims that he was hit first, but the kids were not charged with assault which they would have been if there were evidence or testimony to that effect. The devil is in the details here and I think it's impossible to judge based on the article, the gaps in the story are pegging my bullshit meter though.
  21. There are more people in Afghanistan than the Taliban. If & when we depart they will all have the opportunity to assert their influence hopefully within a stable civil framework they've built. Afghanistan wasn't always the shit-hole the Taliban made it and it needn't return to that despair.