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Posts posted by avenfoto

  1. just a quick note to all before the weekend, if you paid for pictures, they are in the mail as of yesterday... if they are distributed in any form whatsoever, please contact me first, no worries, i just want credit.

    thanks to all, it was obvious everyone had a great time...
    'till next year.. -b

  2. im in for the poker match. and the zoomie comp. and accuracy. and the hog flop, and the moonshine, and the freefly, and the wingsuit, and the rdub, and the beer drinking, and the fourtwenty, and the rocket van, and the cara-van, and the slackline, and the hop skotch and the patty-cake and the abc's

    so go ahead and put me on all thos\e lists too...

  3. Quote

    The biggest lessons missed are the very first ones we learned. Don't be over confident, and don't gulp down BASE jumps like they were skydives.

    now aint that the goddamn truth.

  4. agreed, however, there ARE benefits and transferable skills... especially for low-time skydivers..

    the pros are already concious of thier bodyposition.. thats why they are pros..
    1980's technology tunnel isnt going to be anywhere near the same as a 2006 super-tech skyventre..that should be obvious.. but to say its worthless.. is wrong..

    and fwiw, i have seen "world class" fliers who can freefly svnh at 150+ totally unable to get off the net at 85...

  5. Quote

    However if you want to learn advanced FS techniques then you probably want a tunnel where you can fly in your normal suit, so the moves are as similar as possible to your skydiving.

    i disagree. brett, if you can learn to fly the aerodium, or any other propdriven "pusher" airstream, you will be able to fly anything.

    skydivers say "this or that tunnel sucks, because it wasnt fast enough" or "the air wasnt smooth enough" but the real reason they dont have fun is because they are incapable.

    you have to forget the "arch hard, relax" buisness..

    "stable" on prop wash wont actuallly be stable at all, you will have to constantly make small adjustments based on where the air "is" at any given time..

    watch some experienced fliers in that style tunnel, you will see what i mean..arms and legs constantly in motion..

    you sais it yourself in the beginning " i felt like i had to push on the air collum to stay up"

    i have a good friend who can fly 75mph in a normal suit..

    that, my friend, is called creating lift. it will make you learn to maximize usable surface area, and more concious of body position.. naturally this will make you a better all around bodyflier, both in the sky and in the collum.

    good luck, have fun..

    ps. the funnest tunnel i have flown so far was a 6foot wide collum, driven by a dc-3 prop connected to a diesel motor on the back of a semi truck.. a real hack-job. if you can fly that, you can fly anything.

    fwiw ive flown sv orlando, sv newhampshire, l1, flyaway lasvegas, and that semi truck rig..

  6. why is it?

    why did i jump a vector?
    why didnt i go hand held?
    why am i on my back, looking at the steel?

    that im stuck in this fucking tree?
    that my legs are broken?
    that i just frapped in?

    why am i dead?
    and why is it so goddammned hot?

    i mean, i've done a hundred skydives, what could possibly go wrong..

  7. Quote

    Tom Aiello, one of the gurus of BASE, puts it like this: “If you are not ready to die BASE jumping, you are not ready to go BASE jumping.”

    is this a miscommunication of some sort?

    for the record im am not ready to die period. but then again, very few truly are.

  8. Quote

    o, if you ever experience a horseshoe malfunction of your reserve, don't just lie there and wait to hit the ground, sit up until you feel the reserve bridle hit you in the back of the head, reach back and pull on it until the free bag is out of the container, and then let go.

    :o voice of experience? that is some hardcore oldschool shit. tons of respect. never give up

  9. well if were all such badass swoopers then we shouldnt have any problem hitting the tuffet right? i mean, it dosent matter how fast you can go through the gates if you cant shut'er down before you hit the building..

    accuracy comp. im organizing, as of now. so someone make an alphabetical, properly organized gramatticaly correct list, that also takes up 4 pages of posts..

    we can do it saturday morning, ill even buy the first ticket..

  10. Quote

    To me it matters though

    have you ever actually made a base jump? honest question

    im going to go out on a limb and say no... based mostly on the "i dont care..experienced" bit..

    that is so anti-base its obscene.:|

  11. Quote

    I had to do an analysis for my Machine Design, Mechanical Engineering course this summer. The kid who was to write the report since I did all of the Engineering analysis, spelled "Chainsaw" "Chinsaw" atleast 50 times throuhou....

    oh wow thats fantastic thank you for sharing that

  12. well you did have to look to the internet for acceptance/reassurance first anyway, so maybe its not for you...

    the point i was attempting to make is that the prodigy is a simple suit to fly and shut down, but youre thinking way to much about it.. just do it, if it dosent work out, RELAX.if it still dosent work out,go to box, fall straight down, deploy

    if i add another zero to my jumps profile, would that change your mind? food for thought.

  13. do it, it will be fine. if you get sketched out/unstable whatever, let go of the grippers, collapse leg wing fall in box and deploy normally. piece of cake.

    no need for in air practice touches, just let go of grippers, collapse leg wing, fall in box and deploy normally.

    see a pattern here?