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Posts posted by avenfoto

  1. i would like to be, but have prior engagements involving 500+ mph, huge parabolas, and a total lack of newtons influence...

    have fun dont die

  2. dont rip on skychimp... hes new meat, and going through what i went through a few years ago,and i was simply attempting to break through his "new jumper naievity" for lack of a better term..

    chimp, are you the one who bought all the windblades? id take 'em bak if i were you..

    i know that carpet i brought out will be im my living room by this weekend.

  3. Quote

    Not at all. I do not support traitors who leak classified information hiding behind the first ammendment

    so you are for the prosecution of dick cheney..no wait.. it was gwb who allowed the plame bit to leak out...

    and this was after he promised to "get" whoever leaked that info... knowing it was himself...

    so it was bs, and he knew it..thats known as lying

  4. now now now guys, letes not make too much sense here... we need to generalize more, and get all worked up... not make sensible posts, with data to back them up... four more years of war is peace please...

    gwb deserves to be in prison... cheney and lay too..

    fuck 'em

  5. so... hate to say "i told you so" but....

    yesterday we set up a load of funjumpers, all hwo have been jumping this dz off/on for 3 years now, including the original owner of the dz/....

    alan and karen are gone, as they just had a new baby... (who knew? congrats..)

    so i knew there was a problem when patty nardi answered the fone... but everything seemed on the up and up... until 10 minutes before wheels up, when she announced that fun jumper loads, will only be going to 10k...for 25$ a slot

    so.. were right back where we started... so let me reiterate... FUCK SKYDIVE JACKSONVILLE
    the nardis have continually offended and pissed off thier clientele, while marketing this trailer and 206 dropzone as "the highest jump in ne fl.."
    fucking LAME... there is another dz 50 mi south that goes to 14k.. everyload.. for 18$..in a turbine

  6. well fantastic... so im sitting at work, where my monitor is connected to a slideshow projector, and my boss walks in, while there is an image of a cross-dressing dane, 5feet tall across my office wall...:$

    dont i feel like a wierd-ass..

    anyway, sounds like youre doing fine,..stay safe

  7. Quote

    Yeah I'm sorry I don't have mommy and daddy to pay for all my jumps. I had to take a few years off to go to school and get a good job.

    ... what exactly are you insinuating? wait i have an idea..its a mat, with a bunch of conclusions on it...that you can jump to..
    ill make a million dollars..


    Wait. What does skydiving have to do with life knowledge?

    Oh right. Nothing.

    and this is where you are drastically wrong. if learning to fly honestly hasnt changed yuor perspective on life, or influenced your "life knowledge" then you truly are a lost soul..

    howevr, if this was all a ruse on your part, accept my apology, otherwise you shall be banned to the looney bin..so to speak

    have a nice day

  8. yeah, lightroom is supposed to compete directly with aperature... and seeing as how its an adobe product, id probably hold out on both to see what materializes...

    but i did get some hands on experience w/aperature at pma, and it was pretty freakin schweet... granted it was running on a turbocharged gfive w/side by side thirty inch cinema displays, but hey...