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Posts posted by avenfoto

  1. so did your wife die? or is this all just a hypothetical {ie: fake} situation...

    werent you recently scared out of the sport, and selling your gear?

    just wondering. dont care really. at least you actually made a jump or two..

  2. a consideration, if the crane is left to rotate in the wind, the boom end is generally downwind... if that puts the weighted end over the street, you are probsbly jumping into a headwind... not the end of the world, as long as the winds are decent, but take it into consideratio0n while assesing your shit..

  3. that fucking blows. i was actually of all things about to post a public thank you to you guys, as i had a blast on the gs1 again this weekend..

    so there it is.. a sincere thank you from me to you both, and if youe ever in the area, endless beers are yours.

    vibes to you. and a hearty hear hear. there are some of us out here who appreciate a little old school spirit from time to time..

  4. I too, would like to go on the record as having had one of *the best* tunnel experiences of my life at svnh. The owners and staff all "get it".
    No pretenses, no facades, straight from the hip some of the coolest tunnelrats ive ever met. A heartfelt thank you to Rob and Laurie, the two best hosts in NH. A special thanks (and congratulations) to Shawn (on your new rating) and Alex for pulling through in the clutch;), and a hearty cheers to Selwyn, Nick, Vick, Bren ,and Brian. It was great to meet and fly with you all, perhaps we will see each other again soon.
    Thanks and good vibes to all. -b

  5. object 1500+ tower, jumper 300+ jumps..
    gargoyle,bjack,42vented pc

    experienced and current jumper, gainer exit stop rotation, start frontflips,
    on his back 1/2way through 5th front rotation pc leaves boc, jumper unaware continues rot. reaches linestretch in a headdown position, gets fucking slammed, flys away onheading lands w/minor neck irritation..

    cause?*opinion after vid review* overly sized pud and vents on pc... each succesive front rotation was increasing in speed, almost to the point of out of control, eventually airspeed combined w/rotation and vents on pc partially inflated pc , pulling from boc while jumper on back..

    prevention? vid of pin check shows pud a bit larger than necessary, with most of vented portion outside boc... dont do that. especially with (almost) terminal aerials...

    this could have been ugly, really easily.. be careful kids...

  6. Quote

    have put 6 wraps on a sliderup packjob

    where? on top of your slider?

    same as standard tailgate? that would probably work fine most times, just like everything else, but thats pretty high up the lines, way inside... what if you underdelay?

    ive found that a regular packjob, vented canopy,
    36"pc, a bight of slidermesh double wrapped to an inside c, no exposed nose , and 4wraps of halfinch masking tape just below the cascades on the steering lines only,

    seems to provide peachy positive parachute performance at terminal.

  7. oil as an energy source is so outdated and polluting its f'ing retarded. it is TWO THOUSAND SIX people.

    weve been driving internal combustion driven autos for what 60ish years now?

    where is my solar powered flying machine?

    we can put habitats in a -200 degree vaccum, orbiting the earth, build bombs that can vaoprize entire metropolises, make jetliners FLY, even engineered an inflatable, compactable, nylon wing for sport, but cant find a way to get around without emitting gases and consuming resources destroying the one and only planet we have all at the same time.

    pathetic really.[:/]

  8. no, im aware of the rules and legal ramifications, and have looked into liscencing fees and so on...

    what im getting at, is the majority of the dvds out there (in the sky/base market) (without naming specific films) are using major labels/artists/tunes ..

    i would venture that the majority are NOT liscensed..

  9. pretty nice stuff in there...

    if you were going for a "professional" look, you might consider removing the couples shots, and the "this is me infront of the xxxx"

    just my opinon. keep up the nice work. youve come a long way since the hogflop/grandtheftauto days..;)

    (which btw is scheduled for oct 26-29this year)