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Everything posted by Stuuu

  1. I've jumped Longmont's king air as well and the exit speed is fast. Saw Boyd do a nice gainer out of the door in his ghost, looked fun and efficient. One flight out of that king air with my old GTi I hit my elbow on the horizontal stabilizer. All I have to say is it is not pleasant. High speed exits out of King Air's is frightening!
  2. count the bozeman wingsuiter in!! At least 3 possible 4. Can't wait to get some nice formations going over the prairie this year.
  3. Ya so all BS aside- my question is- will there be any wingsuiting going on that weekend? Balloon jumps ect.? I chatted with Baxter, he is not attending, and sky and about three others from Ogden will not be there! If you are posting a wingsuit weekend I would hope that some wingsuiters will be showing up. Otherwise I will save the gas and come down some other weekend.
  4. Won't Miss it- Count me in! 12-way it sounds like so far. What is Utah's record for Wingsuit formation? Stu
  5. That suits looks like it fits well. Looks awesome in the air!! Glad you are keeping it flying. Chalk another new wingsuiter on the belt of that suit
  6. I do believe some BEER might be owed now!!!
  7. Find a GTi if you can- better suit with more range than a classic. GTi will last longer and be more fun in the long run.
  8. Thanks for such a good time this last weekend! It was great to see so many wingsuiters come out so focused on learning and improving skills. I sure know that I did. I look forward to flying with all you guys and gal in the future. Thanks to Ed and the crew for setting the event up, I can only see it growing bigger and bigger in the future. I will see you all next year. Avery- thanks for everything (dinner, ect...) See everyone in the future! Stu
  9. any wingsuiters going to Rocky Point? I know of 3! Hopefully we can get some flocks going.
  10. 3 birdies from Bozeman are headed up on Friday afternoon! We will be bring up our wingsuits so hell ya lets get some flocking going!
  11. what are you looking to get out of the canopy? Performance landings or reliable opennings? Spectre is a great canopy for both! I have flown a falcon for 150 wingsuit flights and have had great results when it comes to opennings and heading performance but it is lacking in the performance landing area! I would also have to recommend a spectre.
  12. there should be at least 3 birds coming up from Bozeman on the first weekend- proble Saturday through Monday or Tuesday- the 28th-31st. hopefully we can get some good flocks going! Stu
  13. your just jealous you skinny mofo
  14. 15 6way flocks, ~60 3way flocks
  15. I will post a pic of the wingsuiters that I fly with, I am the black Gti and the other pilot I fly with is in the orange V1. This will help out with seeing the size difference between fliers
  16. we can fly together, but it is always the other pilot doing all the work! I would like to take a more active part in making the flock easier for everyone, instead of being that guy that always is the low man just keeping flight heading. More importantly I want to get my skill level up so that my range of flight is greater.
  17. My vertical speeds are around 60mph, the flock always seems in the mid to upper 40's
  18. I am 6'1 210lbs- the other pilot that I primarily fly with is 5'10 180lbs, he flies a V1 compared to my Gti, I always seem to be out flown and always sinking out
  19. Thanks for the video link- I can see some areas that I should work on- so how does one stay up with the flock while maintaining forward speed? Most of the wingsuit pilots that I fly with have V1, so it seems as though I am at a disadvantage with the smaller wing. Can I maintain full flight while achieving enough lift to stay relative with the other wingsuits?
  20. flying a Gti w/ wingtip grippers.
  21. I have been having trouble sinking out on flocking formations and was wondering what body position can be used to cup more air to come back up to the flock. Any suggestions?
  22. so maybe upside down and backwards with the lens cover on will be the best!
  23. I am mounting my helmet with a sony hc96 for wingsuiting and was wondering about how to aim the lens so to capture the most during flight. Any suggestions?