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Everything posted by sharimcm

  1. Ok... Better late than never, right? Happy birthday Bob... It's belated now, but hey... I'm "vacationing" in Phoenix and just found a computer that worked. Hope you had a great one. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  2. sharimcm

    naming names

    I must have slept with C then... "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  3. If you decide to cut it, which I am indecisive, and you have more than 10" cut off, you can donate it to Locks of Love. Attached is a pic of me before I did my donation of 13 inches a couple of September's ago. I have always kept my hair long, and after I cut it all off, I freaked... Whatever the decision, you'll still be beautiful.
  4. 0:1:0 Got one last jump in at Aggieland before heading off to Phoenix. Will be in Eloy this weekend, so maybe I'll have more numbers then.
  5. All I'm going to say is... ALOT... I did a few of my AFF classes twice or three times after injuries or "just didn't feel like its." I had to do a refresher course a few times... Then I had to do Level 4 again because I was spinning out of control. I guess I should have not read this thread... "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  6. My high school sweetheart is an unemployed crack-head who has only been in jail 6 times since he was out of high school for numerous things such as possession and public intoxication. Glad I'm not with him anymore. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  7. I've introduced myself. I just haven't jumped ya... I mean, jumped with ya yet.. And now I'm moving to Arizona! Dammit, life is unfair at times. I do want to meet you in person before you leave!!! Walt I'm going to try to get around to everyone before I leave. I am flying out on the 31st and coming back on the 7th (I have interviews in PHX already), staying until the 12th (Aggieland Boogie 9th-11th), then DRIVING to PHX. I may stay longer if I don't have a job after next week. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  8. I've introduced myself. I just haven't jumped ya... I mean, jumped with ya yet.. And now I'm moving to Arizona! "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  9. Yeah, what she said! "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  10. My soon to be ex SO lies... As I flew to Georgia thinking everything was going to be OK because he was going to be at home taking care of the house, he decides he's going to fly to Florida. He just forgot to tell me that when we left for the airport in the morning. Then, after American Airlines lost my luggage, I find that the Delta flight he is coming in on was flying in from Atlanta, and not Orlando... Hmmm.... What an ass. I think I'm moving to Arizona! "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  11. I've talked it over with all parties involved. My aunt and uncle are overjoyed to have me come stay with them. I have another friend in Phoenix who is just giddy that the thought of moving even crossed my mind. If I leave Texas, it will be after the boogie in Aggieland. It would be a good time to say my "until next time" because it will never be a "goodbye". I have a plane ticket waiting for me... I'll be calling about a job in Phoenix in the morning. Wish me well, and thanks for all your prayers, poems, and advice. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  12. I really beg to differ. I don't know if you would call it an upskirt shot though... But, you can see up your dress! No worries though... I won't send it to Salsa! "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  13. It's the perfect day to make yourself a huge drink (of your choice) and party the night away. For me, my choice is Big Red and Vodka... Oh, oh.. Less than two hours before the liquor store closes... "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  14. I've got a decision to make, and it hasn't been easy for me. I quit my job last week because I hated it there. I couldn't stand to wake up each morning knowing I had to go to that hell-hole. Well, now I'm unemployed with no job in the near future, my car is going down-hill, and I mean quickly, and the guy I was sort-of seeing is an asshole. Anyways, with all that being said, I was talking to my mother (who lives an hour away from me now) and she said she thinks all I need is a change. She said to spread my wings and fly.. Fly to Arizona to live with my uncle and aunt. Hmm... That's a possibility. All I would really lose are all my buds at the DZ, and my parents being really close. My best bud (also skydiving buddy) is moving to Reno in less than 30 days, so I've just about lost him already. Should I move to Arizona and start a new life, or stay in Texas and look for a job here, where I've lived most of all my life? "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  15. I think I need a picture too just cuz... There's a nekkid pic of me posted, so the least you could do is post one of you.
  16. I am unemployed bum. I work off my jumps by doing massage (yes, I am licensed to do it) at the DZ. I am looking for a full-time hell though if anyone is looking for an administrative assistant/clerk. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  17. I'm going to have to agree on that one. VERY good pics! I want a CD of those! "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  18. You can see the boobies in my nekkid tandem pics. ........sorry......I wasn't uhhhhh....done with that one yet. And while we're at it, it's only fair that I share this one too Hey, I didn't say you could post a pic of my boot! It is a pretty good picture though.. Hmm... "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  19. I have NO idea when the next party in Atlanta will be, but I can tell you I will be at the boogie in College Station/Bryan, TX (Skydive Aggieland) in September. I'm a Texan girl. And, actually, I have had a request to come jump in Wisconsin, so that might be entirely possible sometime in the near future.
  20. Some pics are posted in the Bonfire. I posted some nekkid tandem pics.
  21. Actually, yes, I do have more... Like this one... This one is my favorite. AGAIN - this post contains nudity, and not to be seen by small children or heart patients. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  22. I'm going to take this time to say all my thank yous. I was too busy posting pics, I never said the following: THANK YOU to Thanatos340, or better known as Jello J for helping coordinate this event for... Clay? Who's Clay? Awesome Jello shots too. Oh, and thanks for the ride to the airport. THANK YOU to Hans for an awesome place to jump, and an awesome jump as well. Thanks for being willing to strap a young nekkid chick to you for a ride of her life! THANK YOU for all the hot ladies for just being there. Cora, Lisa Marie, Lesley, Marianne, Jaime, Kylie, Jean, Mandy, Jenn, and sorry if I left anyone out. THANK YOU Clay and Lisa Marie for being there as well. I THINK this was supposed to be a party for Clay, so I'm glad I met ya.
  23. WARNING!! This post contains nudity and should not seen without parental guidance. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT look at this pic if you are not willing to pay the consequences! I'm serious too! "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  24. I donated the hair on my head once to Locks of Love.. I would never do it again though. Oh, and I like Hot & Spicy Chicken Cup-a-Noodles too. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself
  25. I have a pic of your bruises the day after... Well, a few hours after if you want to get technical. I was going to post them, but thought out of courtesy, I wouldn't. "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself