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Everything posted by PhreePhly

  1. The difference being that Mac OS has had, for quite a long time (well before y2k), time software that takes into account the location of the computer and synchronizes it against an Apple maintained time server. In other words, as long as your computer is even marginally set up right (and they make it incredibly difficult to screw it up), then the Mac's time is automatically set correctly. No different than Windows. Hell, Windows 95 corrected for daylight savings. However, in 2005, the interval for daylight savings changed and an update had to be installed. So long as that update was installed, no problem. This is exactly the same with OSX, an update was required for older versions of OSX. Your idiotic statement regarding MS "blaming the rest of the world" or some such crap is the issue here. Just like MS, Apple had to create an update for time change. Win2k, being almost 9 years old, needs an update to get the time right. Obviously, the ability to change from Daylight Savings to Standard time exists, as the OP's computer did just that, howver the proper update was not installed to adjust to the new Daylight Savings time interval. PhreePhly
  2. Yea, good thing Apple doesn't need to do that PhreePhly
  3. Eli, thanks for the warm welcome into skydiving! I met Eli in 1998, when I first started at Perris. I just got off student status and wanted to work on this "freefly" stuff. Eli sees me one day and offers to jump with me. I don't really know him, but he already had thoudsands of jumps at that time. In addition, I'm 6'6 and about 245 pounds and I'm looking at this little guy thinking "he'll never match my fall rate" What an awesome flyer and what a giving person. He taught me so much and was always walking around with a tremendous smile. Sarah and the kids, you don't know me, but I am incredibly sorry for your loss. I wish wish you strength and love in this difficult time. Sam
  4. Well, it looks like another one. Here is the former publisher of the National Review endorsing Obama, actually calling Obama the more conservative candidate.
  5. Attached are some pictures from the baby room my wife and I did for our baby. This was 2 years ago. We had a muralist paint the walls, and my wife and her mother made the tree trunk and I hung up the branches.
  6. Just a quick correction to definitions of WVO and Biodiesel. As Eule said WVO is Waste Vegetable Oil which has been filtered. The diesel engine was originally designed to operate on vegetable oil and Herr Diesel actually used peanut oil to power the original demonstration engine. Biodiesel can be produced using virgin vegetable oil or WVO, but is chemically processed in a transesterification process into a methyl ester. Biodiesel made with WVO will also smell like fries. By converting the WVO to a methyl ester, the biodiesel has a lesser tendency to "spoil" as WVO can if stored too long. Biodiesel also has a problem at lower temperatures and is typically mixed with petro diesel in areas with colder temperatures. I have played around with home brewing my diesel using WVO from my wife's restaurant and have run about 4 tankfuls through my 2003 Ford F250 Powerstroke 6.0L with no problems. The truck seems to run quieter and there doesn't seem to be any loss of power. Sorry for the OT post, but as I just got into the biodiesel home brewing, it sort of hit home. PhreePhly
  7. I never understood the hesitation regarding packing and jumping that pack job. To me, anyone who is jumping out of a plane and relying on a sheet of nylon should understand what it is that is saving their life. I have known jumpers with 600+ jumps that would not go to a smaller DZ, because there were no packers and they were not comfortable packing their own canopy. That floors me. I packed my AFF 4 through 8, under supervision, and have packed all but perhaps 25 of my 900+ jumps. I just came off an almost 2 year break from skydiving, and before going to the DZ, I connected and disconnected my main, and re-packed it a few times to insure I still knew how the container system works. As Winsor pointed out, know your gear. PhreePhly
  8. PhreePhly

    13 inches

    Cool! My wife just did this on Monday. She had 12 inches cut off. Sent off to Locks of Love on Tues. PhreePhly
  9. Little more detail, now that I have time. Just built the dual Opteron. It's 1.6 Ghz x 2. Using the MSI K8 Master2 motherboard. 2 GB RAM 333 Mhz DDR. I do video editing on the side, just for fun, but got roped into a huge project by my wife. She "volunteered" me to create a highlights video for my son's football team, and the DVD would be handed out at the awards ceremony. Well, there are 35 players and coaches, and they played 10 games this season, so this little job has turned into more than 100 hours of editing. As revenge, I told my wife that I needed "a bit more computing power" and needed to upgrade. I've been itching to play with the Opterons. I've been playing with dual processing systems for a while now, and although I know that there is not much cost advantage to having them, the geek factor is just too much to pass up. I also bought the Plextor 708A 8x DVD+R burner. It is dual format and will burn DVD-R at 4x, also. Nice burner. If money were really no object, the disk subsystem would be all SCSI, but SCSI drives just cost too much, so I'll stick with SATA for now. Wife does tons of graphic design with Photoshop and Illustrator, so the dual Athlons help out tremendously with her work. I set her up with dual monitors also (2x 19" CRTs), so she got a big desk, too. I'm looking to move to LCD monitors, but the colors seem somewhat off for the work she does, so she doesn't want to go there, yet. I love being a geek. Now all I need to do is start jumping again and it will all be perfect. Anyone figure out how to get 72 hours in a day, yet? PhreePhly
  10. My PC is a dual Opteron 242, 2GB RAM, 60 GB IDE drive and 2x 250 GB SATA drives, Plextor 8x DVD+R burner, Geforce 4200 128 MB video. Wife's is a dual AthlonMP 2000+, Matrox Millinemium video driving 2 monitors, Plextor 504 DVD+R Burner, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB IDE drive and 2x 80 GB IDE RAID drives. Son has a Athlon 2100+, Geforce FX 5800, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB drive with a Lite0ON 52x CD-RW burner. I built them all. PhreePhly
  11. Yet the article failed to point out some technical aspects, which show dvd+r to be the better format for video. see [/url] and [url] (sorry, need to make clicky, but am too drunk to get it right)
  12. Note that I said SVCD, which is actually mpeg 2, same as a dvd. edit: spelling
  13. Actually, It can be. You're not really making a DVD, but instead a SVCD that plays on most DVD players. Given the length of a typical tandem video, this works great and CD-R media is much cheaper that DVD-R media.
  14. Ik ben eigenlijk een Amerikaan, maar mijn moeder heeft mij een beetje Nederlands geleert. Ik zou graag wat kunnen oefenen. PhreePhly
  15. My name is Sam Bailey and I am a Chemical Engineer, working for an environmental construction company in Southern California. My job is to design and construct groundwater treatment systems and soil remediation systems.