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Everything posted by Vyxen

  1. Just a little curious what you are REALLY looking for here. You have posted this same post on tecumseh's forums and here. Out of the dozens of replies not ONE person has said "oh man, you totally should have jumped!" So i hope you take away one of two things: a) Willingness to listen to the people who know what they are doing (and maybe have done this before...once or twice....) b) Have learned how to make the right decision for yourself next time (something that ONLY comes with time in the sport, which you my friend, are still very low on) Its michigan. The first two months and last two months of season will either be raining or windy. Come often, sit around a lot, jump when you can. --Do it like you mean it--
  2. 3rd Gen here. I kinda wonder how many 3rd generation skydivers are out there. --Do it like you mean it--
  3. Some clarifying information: 4 kinds: Embryonic Stem cells - Only totipotent stem cells, and some pluripotent Hematopoetic Stem Cells - Adult, multipotent Umbilical Stem Cells - multipotent Bone Marrow stem cells - Adult, multipotent Cells age. The older a person gets, the older their cells get. To harvest morrow cells is difficult (very few stem cells per amount of marrow) and the cells are already less useful from age. Same with hematopoetic cells. Umbilicle stem cells are useful, but still only multipotent. Now, the big one: Embryonic Stem Cells. The totipotent stem cells must be harvested around day 4 or 5 after fertilization (sperm + egg). One will find 8 cells at this stage. 8. After this stage and through gastrulation (day 15 - 3ish weeks) one can still harvest pluripotent cells, but not totipotent. There are no fetal stem cells (in reply to a previous post). The fetal period begins at week 8 of development. At this point all organs have developed, all cells are differentiated. With ESCs needing to be harvested 4 days after fertilization it would be difficult to tie this to an abortion issue. A woman would not know she is pregnant yet. However, it still becomes a right to life issue for those who believe life begins at sperm + egg. Deffinitions: Totipotent - totally potent. Can become any other cell in the body. Pluripotent - can become many cell types Multipotent - can become like cells (marrow stem cells lead to a range of blood cells...but not a liver cell) And unipotent. My opinion: Just as I do not believe that when a person dies, their dead body-mass is "them" I do not believe that 8 single cells are "them" either. The cells are potential to a human, just as a egg is potential and sperm is potential. Many things must go right for in 40 weeks, a human to exist. (However, it is not my belief that it takes until birth for the person or soul or whatever you call it, to exist. I have yet to come to term with when this occurs). It is unknown how many fertilized eggs are shed from a woman without being carried to term since research is showing it can happen so early that a woman would not even know. Some research shows that many of us start as twins, and one of the zygotes perishes before the doctor can even know. It is natural selection processes like these that allow me to understand and accept the use of stem cells for the greater good. That is all.
  4. Hey! Dad does read stuff around this place and I still get an evil eye everytime someone calls him "pop bottles". "30 years in this sport with out a nick name....then you came along" -PB
  5. Hey Carl! I understand! I think you are a forward thinker and wise beyond your years. I only ask that you take one moment and imagine it is the other way around, or, if you can, imagine that you are her. If you are both "there" in terms of ready to start a "relationship" and she is not a stupid soroho, its probably pretty clear why things are not going to get solidified prior to spring break. However, as a fellow college student, she herself should understand...but girls dont always make sense, or understand sensical things like not getting into a relationship because you are going to acapulco for spring break and may be asked to fly video to help out girls gone wild film crew...i get it. Anywho, do whats right for you. "There is a time and place for everything, and thats college!" good luck on jumping too btw. p.s. follow what those fliers on the diag that say "dont bring back more then you left with" insert picture of pregnancy test and std test results.
  6. The memory i want to share is of his slightly inebriated suggestion of jumping into my back yard in hopes of landing on the "barge" that floats in my pond, "but if you cant hit the barge, you could always land on the "laneway" cause its really long". Silly canadian....."barge"...."laneway".....
  7. i work/intern at I2...and at one time had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of songs on my work issued lap top....(back when napster was still new) it was beautiful thing. then it died...stupid pc. Anywhos, I2 is very cool, very progessive, and in the 5 years i've been there, it has exploded. i imagine it will be around more in the future. --Do it like you mean it--
  8. you know!!! i was gonna pm jim and ask why he didnt include you. then i figured, that if we all get 4, and its one big hot tub, then i could pick you, and chrissy would be covered by jim and whoever chrissy would pick, and then we would all be together in the end. i realize that is not the initial idea...but, it sounded more friendly. --Do it like you mean it--
  9. REALLY!?! i feel soooo special right now, you have no idea. --Do it like you mean it--
  10. yay!!!! see ya michigan, i'm outta here! I too have never been to az. but i am looking forward to the trip. nothing really interesting to post. just had to get my name in... --Do it like you mean it--
  11. Hey there, i am also a college student, however, my spring break falls 1st week of march. I live in michigan, and really need to drive (no dinero for flying) to some warm place with jumping. I want eloy really bad, buts a loooonnnngggg drive. Prolly gonna be florida, with a night or two in georgia. any other suggestions? any other students w/ same week, same general area? btw, hows camping in florida? i was told too many fire ants to tent up. -"university of michigan, where your best hasnt been good enough since 1817" --Do it like you mean it--
  12. does anyone know what kind of a dog that is? other than the cutest kind ever, (enter girly noises made about cute things). and to think, i'm a cat person. --Do it like you mean it--
  13. Liz brings up a good point. I know of a couple people who are going down, or want to go down but havnt been able to get in touch with anyone to ask the simple but important questions. The dz.com info for the dz gives a phone number that doesnt work (2nd hand info), and a link to a website with no information. FAQ's include how do i find it...exactly? how do i get there from the airport?...which airport? is there a place to crash, or a cheap place to stay, b/c any time i look up hotels they are all hundreds of dollars a night? do i need to rent a car? Dz phone number? I get these questions a lot, b/c for some reason people think i have some "special" link to information. Silly people. So, cowboy up cabo staff , and help us help you keep the otter flying. p.s Everyone says hi.
  14. Wind is howling, rain is pounding against the windows, sky is grey....yup, looks like michigan. Oh dont forget the 9 inches of snow that just turned to deep slush when the temp crept over 32. I dunno liz...chrissy, can you have someone blocked for offensive comments like "80's" "sunny" and "jumping onto the beach"? well, at least someone is getting some. Have a great time kids! --Do it like you mean it--
  15. Vyxen


    I will be first to say i feel your pain. However, my biofluid mechanics exam isnt until next week. I really hate finals, and the stress they bring EVERY semester...i wish there was a better way to judge if we have learned anything over the semester. Good luck! And enjoy the feeling of being done. --Do it like you mean it--
  16. No, i am sure you would be much happier if it was atleast a 3:1 loading in your favor. THEN, if you want to talk about claws coming out, i would understand.... --Do it like you mean it--
  17. I'm sure you have a reason(s) for this post, but i cant help but disagree. I can only speak personally, so let me say for no reason do i feel like this about other women at my home dz. Even chicks that in the "real world" our personalities may clash, here we are all skydivers and that is enough for me to respect each and everyone. I see a women that is better than me, and hope that one day she'll jump with me, and i can learn from her. And after dark when everyone is hanging, its so much cooler when other chicks are there. I'm sure i'm not the only female who gets tired of being out numbered all the time. And as for fighting for attention from the oppisit sex, it seems like the boys would have much more to worry about... This is just how i feel about all the women at my home dz...they rock!
  18. Hey, whats that supose to mean? --Do it like you mean it--
  19. It's a dangerous world out there. Now think, if you would have been skydiving, none of this would have ever happened. Good Luck, and get well soon.