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Everything posted by hangdiver

  1. I thought that was pretty good Farflung...not a big surprise. That's about the only thing I agree with Blevins on...you're a bit talented...in a twisted kinda way. Are you sure you never jumped from a plane...maybe a jet...???...ha ha... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  2. I would guess in this day and age it depends on who the headless corpse is and who is doing the raping... Not to mention if you have drone backup or not... okay...I mentioned it... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  3. Farflung, success is a lot different than money...just my opinion...or you can ask Cooper... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlbEn6KPMN0 "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  5. You know Jo...your 10 days or whatever you're teasing us with is getting really old...ask 377...I skip most of your posts...I'm sorry to hear about your deteriorating health for sure...I'm having my own issues as well...but as they say...shit or get off the pot... You need to post all the info you have or you're just pissing into the wind so to speak...all the research you've done is for not if you won't share it...it's useless and will never be of any help to anyone...even you. Get it off your chest and out of your mind...I'm sure that will help your health and healing more than you can imagine. Just some friendly advice...I know others have tried but to no avail...so you may be a lost cause already. I wish you the best... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  6. I hear you Blevins and also know your bias...that being said all of your evidence is circumstantial at best...weaving the facts to match your suspect. I have many gay friends...some married with children that later came out...others living a lie to their wives and themselves...being married has nothing to do with being gay or bisexual... I'm not sure you really understand this... Maybe Geestman was pimping out KC for all you know in an Airstream trailer. I have an open mind...I still think my dad did it...prove me wrong...!!!... He had all the skills and resembles the sketch as well
  7. Occam's razor is screaming "Brokeback Mountain"...!!!... not that there's anything wrong with that... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  8. That's pretty funny georger...
  9. My youngest son...the X Army Ranger...just got a part as an extra...playing a solider...in "Army Wives"... He's currently a film student near Charleston, SC. Hopefully he will have a career shooting people with a camera rather than a sniper rifle. hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  10. See...I said georger was right...to take Farflung to look at the Norman Hayden rig...although I think he was being sarcastic...but who knows except georger...??? Farflung...you never cease to amaze... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  11. That's a misquote: There's the quote you referenced Blevins... At least get the current quotes correct...Please... eta: This is an example of how myths get started... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  12. The other rigs went somewhere as well...if they actually existed...how can someone find the placard and not the rigs and briefcase...??? eta: a small amount of money was found as well...why was all the small stuff found and nothing bigger than a couple bundles of bills...??? Now don't judge me...I like to think outside the box...I don't live there..I just step outside to check the weather once in a while. "Question Everything" hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  13. I believe there is at least one thing we can all agree on...that someone did it... and...I say believe because I don't know for sure if there isn't someone that thinks he never existed. hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  14. You might start by reading 1121 pages to catch up not to mention the first thread that was locked. here's the link to the locked thread: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=2540834;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; ETA: Also numerous books and Sluggo's website: http://n467us.com/ hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  15. I really hesitate to say this...but doesn't that "Quick Fit" ad look like the Cooper sketch...??? eta: Did Pioneer fire a parachute model...???...you know the guy modeling the rig...with a chip on his shoulder...maybe a Pioneer test jumper...??? eta: Okay...really...I'm just joking around here...but who knows...??? hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  16. Nice research Farflung ...arm chair detectives like Farflung make the FBI look like bunglers...although I'll reserve judgment until they publish their secret memos. I guess georger was right when he posted: hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  17. Gee...I don't know georger...maybe to get some answers. "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  18. During the hijack why would they? It wasnt the FBI trying to get chutes. It was NW and airport officials. Parachutes was not the FBI's business or mission. Its clear who called Hayden. Cossey has his version of who called him. Neither was the FBI. Who is going to order the FBI to procure parachutes? (no one) The FBI doesnt like serving as delivery people. The agent showed that position after the fact. People just dont seem to get this... People want the FBI to do-this, do-that, and have dinner ready at 5:00PM! Gravy please. Georger...of course they wouldn't have talked with Hayden on that night...WTF does the I Mean in FBI...???????????????????????????????????? hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  19. Great read Bruce...I skimmed it cause I'm off on a mission. You should be very proud to have opened up such new evidence in a cold case 40 years old. I think you're right georger...we may be getting down to the real debacle here...multiple parachutes. I can't believe the FBI never talked to Norman Hayden...now that's bungling!!! hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  20. I think you are doing a great job there Bruce. 377 knows old rigs better than me...I made my first jump in 1974 my second in Pope Valley in 1980 and really didn't know shit until I started jumping full time in 1989. Although I did learn how to pack a Para Commander in an old converted military rig with pins and cones in Pope in 1980 that had an out-board right hand pull on the main and of course a belly wart...according to the Cooper transcripts...a front chute. I've also packed my own reserve a number of times and saved my life with it once. Yes...Yes...I was supervised by my rigging instructor. I never got my Rigger ticket due to circumstances beyond my control. I really would like to get it someday. Nice job Bruce...I really would like to come to Ariel in November...but that silly cash flow thing keeps cropping up...we'll see. eta: Hey Bruce...see if Norman Hayden will come and bring the rig...that would be a treat for everyone!!! hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  21. Many thanks Bruce for pursuing this to the extent you did and I'm sure you're not finished. What a fascinating find...!!! I stand by my philosophy...Question Everything!!! eta: “In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities but in the expert's there are few” Shunryu Suzuki hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  22. Well it appears that the distance between locations might be a problem with the Rigger I contacted...although he said he was willing to give it a look. I asked him to recommend a Rigger with old school experience closer to Bruce Smith in Yelm, Wa. What's a couple of days...when it's been 40 years...??? hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  23. FWIW...I emailed a Rigger in the Pacific Northwest with Bruce's contact #. So I guess I'll wait for a reply back or see if he calls Bruce. hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  24. My sons eyes go from dark brown to green to Hazel, depending on lighting.... So, yes, I agreee eye color depends on the lighting! I want to know if there are any collaborating witnesses that say Cooper's eyes were brown...other than Schaffner's statement. According to her description I guess we can rule out all Caucasians based on her statement. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3648502;search_string=med%20to%20dark%20complexion;#3648502 Why did you not take a rigger with you Bruce...come on...we have a group of wuffos telling us what a parachute is...jeez guys get some expert help here! ETA: I couldn't believe Bruce wasn't taking a rigger with him...so I gave him a call a few minutes ago... the wuffo comment wasn't meant as a slam Bruce... just so you know... This is what Bruce told me... Bruce Thun, who is driving Bruce Smith, has allegedly 500 or so jumps and used to fly jump planes... I'm a little more comfortable with the initial meeting Bruce has set up...but damn I'm envious...!!!!...and told him so... If this meeting goes well, we need to find a Rigger for Bruce in the area to inspect this rig. Bruce said he is very willing to have a Rigger look at the rig but doesn't know how to find one. hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan
  25. This is my philosophy on the entire Cooper debacle. besides...I think...my...dad did it... and... damn I hope my torn meniscus heals so I can make a jump with my dad's cloth 503rd jump helmet next spring... and... get away from this fucking computer... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan