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  1. right on..i have no regrets serving and i think everyone could benefit from doing so...i did, in more ways than one. memorial day is in memory... NBFT
  2. since when have we listened to the peanut gallery. NBFT
  3. his point is that most blacks aren't connected to Africa at all. just as most whites aren't connected to their respective countries from multiple generations ago. NBFT
  4. i see your point but, i believe that there is a strong correlation between someone being politically liberal and that same person supporting his/her arguments with theory instead of history/experience. it's almost like listening to someone talk about skydiving who has never done it but that person has gathered some "academic info" about it and thinks that he/she is qualified to make judgements about it. NBFT
  5. or, the more out of touch with reality a group is, the more likely they are to be liberal. eg. college professors who don't work in the real world tend to have fantasies in their arguments. they argue from hypothetical "here's how it should be" standpoints instead of seeing the world how it is and solving problems based on truths. NBFT
  6. see, i would say that if the media has a liberal bias, it reflects poorly on liberals because obviously, they are incompetent reporters who can't report the news without giving it a liberal bias. so, here we are again. NBFT
  7. it's all so silly...i wasn't telling you what God wishes for you, i was trashing your argument. is that silly...hmmmm NBFT
  8. i don't think that's correct. the "one true way", whatever it is, is designed to be a guide for people to follow. it is understood in many religions that people will make mistakes no matter what they do or how hard they try. i will say that many of the "religious" people i've met in my life have turned out to be the most arrogant, etc. people i've come in to contact with. furthermore, more people have been injured in the name of God than any other source. NBFT
  9. churches are institutions of people and it is therefore unreasonable to expect that churches (and the people that comprise them) won't make mistakes; just like the rest of us. the people that go to church now aren't responsible for the mistakes that the people who went to church in the past made, obviously. NBFT
  10. it's also the best crack on the ongoing problem that liberals and democrats have historically been less likely to vote than conservatives and republicans. absolutely hilarious! NBFT
  11. one must use the words "like" or "as" for a similie to be a similie.
  12. ted kennedy is the antithesis of this thread...he murdered mary jo and got away with it! now there's someone to hate. NBFT
  13. people, for the most part, do think twice about doing wrong if they get caught. punish the ones you can make a case against, of course, but my words were for those who you will never prosecute. they're feeling the heat right now i assure you. NBFT